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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Is Big Ben in the 2015 draft ? Or more Geno's and Ej's? Tanking is stupid and rarely works. 3 years of it for 76ers and they have nothing to show.
  2. Yes just like Thad if you're watching the game on a 10 inch TV with a terrible feed. You're trying to hard. It's hurting the cause.
  3. Big cat ftw. Monthly merper meltdown gets the bronze. Rex should play right guard, safety, referee on Sunday's. On Mondays he should draft a new penalty program with bigger font on the don't get a penalty bracelets. The guidelines in place for grown ass men don't seem to work. More push-ups, bigger font. Feel the rush!
  4. This idiot just compare herself to a Maccabee because she's standing up for Trannys ? Unisex bathrooms for all ! Stop the hate
  5. What ? Current day teams are just as tough if not tougher. Might not have been a Bulls if the Spurs team from the last 5 years was around
  6. The people chiming in with the Lurie head pats and eagle kissing are a joke The kids emotional so what. Bills are out of playoffs find something else dumb to cry about.
  7. He's good for 20ish points. If we hold everyone to 19 points we will win it all !!
  8. Is he bringing Rogers with him or will he suck ?
  9. I don't know which posts are funnier. It's either buffalobillsforever and his constant cap worry or jtsp's breakdown of Tyrod's flaws. Both are wonderful unintentional comedy.
  10. I like the part where they continued to give the ball back to the bills after pass breakups by Darby and Mckelvin. Kelly totally brought it !!
  11. When chip kelly outsmarted thigpen he really earned that paycheck.
  12. If we could get ammonia to Mars, we could make an atmosphere.
  13. Mcgregor wins in .00000004 seconds.
  14. Prosecutor Kym Worthy is certain her team could prove that the defendant's actions rose to the level of a murder charge. "It is a gross understatement to say that this case is harrowing example of irresponsible pet ownership," Worthy said in a statement.
  15. Note to confused guy who switches names when he melts down like a lil baby. Wish the Peter principal worked. Everytime you and 3rd attempt humor, the posts should disappear into thin air. My man parts are up to code and fully functional, I don't get it.
  16. I got your Peter principal right here. Above my nutsack. I'll let you get back to your oatmeal dinner now. It's almost 4pm.
  17. Whats your point ? Luck and Flacco are hurt so elite qb's are bad now ? You gonna put your money on Dalton and the annual Bengals playoff loss ?
  18. Ha look who got his ass lit up again. "Not a good move on your part" ? Gonna tell your breakfast group at Hardee's/Carl's jr about it ? Feel the butthurt!!
  19. Where did you practice medicine at ?
  20. At least the blow job/Kiko jersey swap wasn't a legend.
  21. So in other words. Gambling is still illegal.
  22. Yep. What a freak. I'm in.
  23. Bump. Any word on this ? I wanna go don't feel like messing w all the stubhub/ticketmaster crap.
  24. Cheese Whiz ain't terrible. Neither is Pats.
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