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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. We were one game away from 9 wins with the 2015 dumpster fire. Is that good or something ? Hail Garoppolo!
  2. CLEMSON KIDS > LSU KIDS Watkins, Hopkins, Bryant > Landry, the cheap shot diva, Randle
  3. Or change title to Urbik the diva.
  4. Make it stop. Holy browbeating batman.
  5. The money he stole from the bills will keep him above water for a few more years.
  6. Dimarco Murray doesn't exist. And a 2nd would be the needed pick to entertain this. Murray kinda sucked this year. Late rounder normally nets nothing
  7. Anyone who watched a Clemson game knew, I knew. He's flawless and some scouts called his comp Jerry Rice which never happens Easily.
  8. The show is anything but crappy.
  9. Listened to Josh Norman interviewed on the lebatard show. On his style of play vs wideouts. Some wr's are nice and we have a nice friendly battle, other guys want to make it ugly and if they do I can do that too. They ain't gonna beat me playing that game though. Odell the Mary he is ran his trap and Norman kicked his ass. Giants 6-10.
  10. Great stuff Leo. Leo's still my guy. Love his fight. Maybe the English majors above can work some overtime and spend a day living half as good as Leo does.
  11. Yep This. They are in the NFL w the limelight show or not.
  12. Fixed it, 6 missed xp this year. Not good 52-52 for ole gostkowski. Jets kicker 42-43
  13. Uggg what. Hour clips > 5 min clips on BB.com.
  14. So ummmmm. Can I use this again in 16 pending the Cowboys draft picks ?
  15. Having a good Rb next year is gonna bite us in the butt ? Ok. I'll order one bitten butt. You run w your team w Giuseppe/Gillespie/McGillicuty and savings.
  16. Classy. Hgh user who sat bare assed on a female trainer at UT's face. I'm w Rico. Have always hated manning.
  17. By nontraditional I mean not a major known bank. Funding circle type options. Business loans and a little bit of loose ends.
  18. Lol at mojo. My favorite part was where sir punt a lot spent all his time with the offensive line. It was like the Midas touch only w feces instead of gold.
  19. Keep getting ads for these and was wondering if anyone had used before. Was pondering a 100k consolidation thing. Meh credit score
  20. That time people got riled up about the Kids dunking on nerf hoops while tailgating was better. Too bad deadspin didn't include them.
  21. Miko Grimes will shoot Marrone in the leg by week 6. This will be fantastic.
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