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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. The schmuck with the "baseball cards" must go. Funny stuff with him and Mike in the parking garage.
  2. Rex is king ! Rex Rex Rex !!
  3. How complicated can it be? Just confiscate the club videos that the cops made disappear and let's put this baby to bed.
  4. Please do share the photo album, "South American thongs" in a thread when you return This subject intrigues me. What's awesome ** 50 year old Sofia Vergara shaking her butt at the Grammys
  5. Title of thread should be speculation Hilarious takes from both sides. Pushing and shoving starts fights from what I've seen in the past.
  6. Huge yes. Nice MySpace pics !
  7. Everyone who lost to Mike Tyson in the first round didn't fight either. Do you believe what you're saying or just trying to win an argument? A fight can last two seconds or two hours. 4 on one ? Where did the other cops go ?
  8. whose not drunk at a club at 2am ? Again, What are you talking about ? Were they doing blow and drinking green tea instead ?
  9. What are you talking about? Bunch of drunk guys fighting at 2am sounds like a fight. Someone's gotta take the L Did anyone find out if they were talking #%^* ?
  10. Live in Norfolk, been on a few dates with a girl who lives there I met in Hampton. **all of these things are awesome. Richmond blows Hampton roads away in the restaurant/brewery options 23rd and main. Dinner the other day Burrata, Salad, Meats Pizza, Manhattans/Wine. Good stuff social 52 Valentine's Day brunch. Pitchers of mimosa, brisket and grits, best breakfast biscuit I think I've ever had. Blue bee/Ardent/Isley were cideries/breweries we hit. Loved it all. Salute to Richmond. Guess Jefferson breakfast is where it's at though ? Green Bay packers style waiting list ? Can take it to pm or new Richmond thread.
  11. Seriously. Get er freaking dun. Beast mode wr edition.
  12. I'd wear a cup next time, that mallard was frisky.
  13. Josh Gordon tweets out. "A fresh start" Browns fans go crazy, Giants and eagles fans assume he's coming to their cities. Twitter is funny.
  14. Bar hopping on Valentine's Day in Richmond VA. uber happy.
  15. Do the woolly worms like it when you touch their privates ?
  16. Gordon was robbed. The rotating hoverboard dunk and the other 4 ones were insane. Was pretty funny watching everyone boo shaq for his 9's
  17. What is going overboard for 1000? Alex. Another round of lol's from me from the cut shady crowd. No ones ever gotten into trouble in their 20's on a Saturday night partying w friends. Love the overdone outrage. "Think of the kids!!!!"
  18. Bills suck. I hate everything. Thanks for looking out for all demographics.
  19. Crispy expensive meat lovers pizza for breakfast. None of that chain crap.
  20. Singing since you've been gone in my car mAkes feel gay.
  21. Is X Still gonna give it to ya ? 5'11 or taller Italian women make me happy.
  22. I want a 30 for 30 done on this. Baltimore/Philly area has been grimy forever.
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