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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Raiders vs Cowboys. Raiders win 32-24
  2. Bills win 4-7 games. Sully is right again.
  3. The Andre Holmes joke went over your head.
  4. E. Trade Marcel for a qb Who knew 4" could make that much of a difference
  5. Prep yourself. It's going down. Celtics can't take the ball out of IT's hands for Ball. Fultz 1 Ball 2. Move Russell to SG.
  6. It's not a rebuild but it is a 4-8 win team Hooray for patience
  7. Watson wins playoff games year one. Texans are gonna be sweet without Osweiler in the way.
  8. Like when they put the cheese, lettuce, and tomato under the burger ?
  9. Co rookie crusaders of the year.
  10. Olynk vs King James. Let's go !
  11. Not really but I don't need Rachel Nichols or Michele Beadle to keep the ex NBA'ers in line. All of Espn, except Lebatard is a bore.
  12. Doris Burke or bust. Espn's going overboard with the must have a woman on every show thing.
  13. My mans still talking about Russia. Watch out for that dangerous borscht !!
  14. So she could extort money and not be stuck working at a laundromat ?
  15. The pudgy trainer has always irked me. You can't teach me anything fat boy.
  16. Rams are 5.5, Bears are 5.5, Bills are 6 We are a half game better than the Rams and Bears per Vegas. The drought continues.
  17. Brady is dunzo for 17. Madden curse hits at 90% no ? http://youtube.com/watch?v=IG8teF4OhKM
  18. Betting the over on Chiefs in Vegas would require 10 wins to cash
  19. They will win more than 3 games so forget about Darnold
  20. F#%k that's delicious on Viceland Diners Drive ins and Dives on food network
  21. Crusade on. 5-10 of y'all are doing a splendid job of it.
  22. 4-6 wins. More doom on horizon.
  23. Mel Kiper spends his Sundays in a loveseat with Joey Harrington
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