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Maury Ballstein

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Posts posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Here's the point.

    The offense as a whole, was good enough.

    The defense was not. They blew, they were, more times then not the reason the team lost more games then it won.

    The OPs post is a joke.

    If you omit the Ravens, Patriots, Bengals, Dolphins 1, Oakland, and Pittsburgh games this would be true.

  2. Ryan where are my childish remarks? Dont post something like that, this isnt Maury Povich show. Dont sensationalize somethimg that never occurred.

    Other threads. Mostly towards TT non believers. "Get over yourself". "Give up your fandom" from post at 208pm here as well


    A guy posting on a bills message board isn't gonna give up his fandom after sitting through edwards, losman, fitz, and Taylor.


    Anyways. This thread is beyond beat.


    TT will show up next year and shut up the haters or he will remain tentative and be shown the door, its simple.


    You and other "TT guys" are optimistic and I respect that, gotta respect the doubters as well.

  3. Because you still harbour an unquenchable thirst of hatred towards Tyrod. In the face of unquestionable facts that contradict the very foundation your opinion stands on. On more than one occasion you have been proven to be wrong then you usually throw out an insult or some childish snead remark. You havent changed one bit. We get it Taylor isnt Rodgers, Ryan, or Brady. He also wasnt tossing up pick sixes like Fitz, want collapsing like butt fumble, and generally helped to put this teams offense top ten in scoring.

    Get over yourself. He is what he is goig to be until he is or isnt. What he is unquestionably is the starting qb if the Buffalo Bills and if you cant objectively critique him without resorting to pure vitriol in discussions about the topic, well then might be time to hang that fandom up.

    Your childish remarks are cooler.


    No one cares about old bbmb beefs let it go, hit the reset button


    A bunch of hypocrites calling people names while bitching about name calling


    No one cares. You all sound like crusher left y'all at the altar. It sounds like he's trying to make amends from an outsiders perspective but Tyrod fanboys will never let it go.


    It's 2017, the bbmb does not exist let the healing begin.

  4. the three of you are complete polar opposites on views......the truth on all this is somewhere in the middle.


    I am talking about your need to degrade while you post and when you do it you dont just degrade the poster your responding to......to tend to degrade a LOT OF PEOPLE ALL AT THE SAME TIME


    If you dialed that back it would be easier to hear you

    Kinda odd how you only attack him because he doesn't share the same views as you.


    Dr Phil has room for you too. Lol.

  5. Last time I wathced a game there were very few qbs allowed to call their own plays. Offensive coordinators call the plays. Your advice should say note to our OC tell the qb to spray it.

    It really baffles me how fans dont understand very simplistic concepts regarding football.

    So baffling. Maybe you can break it down for us ?

  6. What is his ryanlblitz pantsing number? Does he pants or get pantsed?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    At 6'5 he will definetly pants some cornerbacks.

    Just you wait...was very pleased when the Bills picked up Homes. He will beast this year....8 TDs, mostly in the RZ.


    Agree but put me down for 6tds

  7. Thanks! I needed that... I mean my life revolves around these Internet victories :thumbsup:

    We're still on for bocce and beers later, right? :wub:

    You should write a biography "off the wall"


    This is too emo for the wall. Let's get you and crusher on Dr. Phil and let the healing begin.

    Thank you that is a better way to put it


    And yes I would like to see Tyrod make that pass that actually wins a game in closing moments of the 4th quarter.......but I do go back to what I have said for a while now....playmakers make plays......if a ball hits the hands of a pass catcher....they need to catch it.


    We were actually just one play away from beating Seattle last year......a good team in which Tyrod had a very good game....an defender runs through a WR knocking him down with no whistle....what we need to have happen is the pass to be catchable....and the pass catcher has to find a way to catch it.

    We need a pass catcher like Derek Hagan then it's on.
  8. Several big Warriors fans in the office, a few who sit near me were deep in the talk this afternoon. Apparently the team was spotted at a nearby nightclub in the SoMa neighborhood of SF for their post-game celebration. All were noted present except for.....Durant. :o

    Listened to Durant on Bill Simmons podcast and he said that too.


    Just chilled at home w a friend. He spit the beer out during the goggles/championship locker room scene as well.


    Maybe he's got an anti alcohol thing going on.

  9. Not


    Eagles OTA observations: Carson Wentz and the offense struggle


    Thursday was not a good day for quarterback Carson Wentz.

    Wentz was very shaky during a red zone drill, and although it wasn't 11-on-11, he completed less than a third of his passes.


    "Not!!" Party on Wayne


    Wentz was dealing jack !



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