@colin I'm totally with you. @Chandler#81 just doesn't get it. See my thread on how Beane absolutely must focus on ST in the draft. We need a wedge specialist in the worst way and there are going to be some great ones available early.
More succinctly stated, the first digit is # of RBs and the second digit is # of TEs in the formation. "11" is 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WRs. "22" is 2 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR.
I love the lead-up to the schedule release with all of the leaks and whatnot, so I appreciate you starting these threads. The schedule release is always one of the most important dates of the year for me as I immediately make travel plans around which games I will attend.
The Bills’ D is not “set” by any means. If they can add a blue chipper on the DL at 9 I can’t imagine them passing it up. They can get one of the three top TEs in the 2nd (or they may try to trade back into the first).
My $.02...