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Everything posted by eball

  1. Not by a longshot. Particularly for those of us who work, staying up for a midnight finish on Sunday or Monday nights is brutal. I actually wish that during the football season I lived on the West Coast, as I'd love 10 a.m. kickoffs.
  2. Check your sarcasm/having fun detector, Scott...
  3. Isn't Breakthrough little more than a Christianity propaganda film? I mean, that's what the trailer looked like when I was at the movies recently. No thanks.
  4. Dark and full of terrors indeed! (and apparently a bit chilly)
  5. All day, every day.
  6. Well, when they fire Gase after starting 0-3 they'll have a chance to right the ship with Gregggggggo taking command.
  7. This doesn't sound like fun.
  8. Not anyone in this thread.
  9. It's like 75% of the visitors to this thread are my grandparents.
  10. I detect a distinct inability to decipher sarcasm in this thread for some reason...
  11. Do any of you people know how to read a spreadsheet?
  12. Saw a funny tweet: "It's crazy the Bills won't play in New York until W3."
  13. Seriously. They should just stay the week!
  14. Oh, you're such a scamp. Couldn't stay away from a schedule release thread, could ya?
  15. By W10 we should have a good sense of the Bills and Browns. If things go well that's going to be a big game in the AFC playoff picture.
  16. 2018 -- Ravens/Fish 2017 -- Jets/Fish 2016 -- Ravens/Jets 2015 -- Colts/Jets 2014 -- Bears/Pats*** 2013 (anomaly #1) -- Pats***/Pats*** 2012 (anomaly #2) -- Jets/Jets
  17. This is nothing new and completely intentional. For a number of years now the NFL has scheduled divisional opponents in W17 for that very reason.
  18. I believe home field advantage matters least of all in the opening week because both teams are fired up. I'm actually glad we open on the road. And I'm very pleased we get the Pats*** early in the season when they are typically at their weakest.
  19. This is nice the Bills get to kick Gase's ass for the second consecutive regular season game!
  20. It's fake. We already have two confirmed NYJ games (W1 on road, W17 at home), although the W4 vs. Pats*** appears to be legit. Not really.
  21. Ok, the Bills' schedule leak is fake. Manish Mehta just released the Jets' schedule and the Bills open at the Meadowlands, and finish at home vs. Jets in W17. This would be AWESOME.
  22. Where are you getting this? I'm almost certain I've seen bye weeks before Thursday games, which actually makes a ton of sense.
  23. Aside from a potential December game at Nashville I would LOVE this schedule. 6 of first 10 at home, and the end of the season road schedule is not daunting. I couldn't care less about primetime games. Once the Bills become a perennial playoff team again we'll get our fair share.
  24. Like I said, we'll know soon enough. I don't believe teams are precluded from having a bye before a Thursday game -- in fact, that scenario should be preferred.
  25. And here’s the funny thing: whether you trust them or not there’s not a damn thing you can do about it so sit back and enjoy the ride!
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