Not by a longshot. Particularly for those of us who work, staying up for a midnight finish on Sunday or Monday nights is brutal. I actually wish that during the football season I lived on the West Coast, as I'd love 10 a.m. kickoffs.
Isn't Breakthrough little more than a Christianity propaganda film? I mean, that's what the trailer looked like when I was at the movies recently.
No thanks.
I believe home field advantage matters least of all in the opening week because both teams are fired up. I'm actually glad we open on the road. And I'm very pleased we get the Pats*** early in the season when they are typically at their weakest.
Ok, the Bills' schedule leak is fake. Manish Mehta just released the Jets' schedule and the Bills open at the Meadowlands, and finish at home vs. Jets in W17.
This would be AWESOME.
Aside from a potential December game at Nashville I would LOVE this schedule. 6 of first 10 at home, and the end of the season road schedule is not daunting.
I couldn't care less about primetime games. Once the Bills become a perennial playoff team again we'll get our fair share.
Like I said, we'll know soon enough. I don't believe teams are precluded from having a bye before a Thursday game -- in fact, that scenario should be preferred.