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Everything posted by eball

  1. After a few days I’ve come to accept the sentiment that in a perfect world some of these story arcs could have been more deliberately developed, and the end of the series has been rushed out of a forced necessity. That said — coming from a non-book reader — I don’t have a “problem” with how the season has progressed because I don’t think they’ve done anything with the characters that is a complete surprise. I think they’ve certainly done a good job of preserving the mystery of what will happen in the finale.
  2. Dude you are so confused and damaged right now I don’t know what to say. Lately you’ve been contradicting yourself in almost every post. It’s a comedy of errors. The Bills will be fine if Allen pans out, but who maneuvered to get him? The guy you have no confidence in. The Pegulas are “clueless” but what have they really done besides hiring people and attempting to let them do their jobs, all the while significantly upgrading the facilities to protect and attract players? They made a bad decision to trust Brandon when hiring Rex. Really, that’s the only thing Bills-related one could look back upon and attach the word “clueless” to...and they weren’t the only ones fooled. Why don’t you give the Bills a break for a while and come back to enjoy the season once it has started. Do you really think folks around here want to hear “I’ll believe it when I see it” and “McBeane hasn’t done anything yet” every time they read a post of yours? It would be great to see you contribute to this forum in some sort of meaningful way.
  3. As far as we know as fans, Teller is a complete unknown. Hard to predict anything with him until TC and preseason. Shady is so polarizing to this fan base. I don’t get it. There’s not a RB alive who would have looked good behind that line last year. He’s not going to be a workhorse back at this stage of his career (he’ll have 15 or fewer touches per game) and the money is not a problem for the Bills, so someone please explain why so many want to run him out of town?
  4. Cue @ScottLaw with some iteration of “McD is no better” in 3...2...1...
  5. I am no Xs and Os expert but literally everything I’ve read about Oliver says he is a perfect fit as the 3-tech in McD’s defense. Why would you want to mess with that?
  6. @ScottLaw doesn’t follow the Jets either; he just views his job on TSW to be “that guy” critiquing Bills fans critiquing anything another organization does because “McD and Beane haven’t done anything yet.”
  7. Even better, his posse will be getting him all riled up about it. The atmosphere at OTAs and TC should be awesome.
  8. No, in your very own post you said it wasn’t the same situation. Pay attention when typing, Scott.
  9. I think hiring Gase in the first place was a bad move but the Jets did it. Then, when it became obvious internally that Gase and McCagnan couldn’t get along they made a decision to stick with the new guy to save face. Thats what it looks like to me, anyway.
  10. Yeah, seems like what the Bills did with McD and Whaley unless I’m not remembering something. Wonder if Gase has a guy he’s pushing.
  11. If find it amusing, if not downright annoying, that fans claim to know whether or not Josh is capable of making quick decisions as an NFL QB after one season behind one of the worst lines in the league. Can we give the kid another year or two before coming to these conclusions, particularly after seeing the improvement over the second half of the season?
  12. Before this turns into a “we’ve got a gun problem in the US” thread, let me just say... ...we’ve got a gun problem in the US.
  13. Fair enough, I suppose, but I saw the how. I saw Dany evolve through her actions and reactions to what happened around her. If anyone who watches the show religiously didn’t think the burning of King’s Landing was more likely than not I’m surprised.
  14. It’s as simple as this: “real” football people see the process implemented by McD and Beane and acknowledge the potential now evident in the organization. Those looking for splashy headlines and clickbait go for the tried-and-true storylines and big market teams/names. That won’t change until the Ws are on the scoreboard, but when that happens watch how much love the Bills will suddenly receive.
  15. I’m not defending the show but what more was there to “explore?” As I noted above we systematically watched everyone close to Dany - those who tried to suppress her violent tendencies - fall by the wayside, one by one. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of why she “turned” and didn’t need further explanation. I believe if Jon had acquiesced to a romantic relationship that was the only chance to avoid what happened.
  16. Loved these things. Killed one with three buddies in the parking lot before the Bills’ home opener in 1990 and one of the guys slept through the entire game. Good times...
  17. Dany’s plan all along was to take the throne “by whatever means necessary.” Despite an occasionally kind heart she always showed a disposition towards violence and the worst kept secret in Westeros was that she would torch the place after everyone closest to her had either been killed (Jorah, Missandei), misled her (Varys, Tyrion), or rejected her (Jon). The only “ally” she had left was Grey Worm, equally disposed towards violence and (now) vengeance.
  18. RIP Pancho. Viva Los Bills forever!
  19. I’ll always remember that hard snap count to draw the Jets Offside in Rex’s Super Bowl...aww, no I won’t. Happy trails, EJ. You’re a good dude, just not a very good NFL QB.
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