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Everything posted by eball

  1. That’s ok, you won’t be alone. Others will say Beane “didn’t need to extend a player already under contract” as well. I hope you enjoy your angst and worry!
  2. Doesn’t the word “extension” imply added years? Typically they use “restructure” if modifying an existing contract (even if adding additional years).
  3. Cue the “Hughes is done because he didn’t have a lot of sacks in 2018” crowd. An insightful, proactive move by Beane to take one worry off the table next offseason.
  4. Pete Carroll would also like to see an increase in chewing gum with one’s mouth open in the NFL.
  5. As I’m sitting in an airport with nothing better to do, I’ll add my $.02 regarding the final, arranged by character. Dany - my only disappointment is in the rushed nature of her “turn” even if the signs were there all along. Her true love for Jon (and Jon’s dragon blood) was her undoing. That was an incredible scene, as Jon tried to give her every last chance to prove she wasn’t just another tyrant who believed she knew better than anyone else. Jon - I expected him to die so I was pleasantly surprised with his resolution. Tormund’s “you’ve got the real North in you” words were prophetic, and of course Bran, Tyrion, Sansa, and Arya all knew Jon wouldn’t really be subject to the “rules” of the Night’s Watch. He will live out his days among the free folk, find a wife, and be happy he’s out of the mess of Westeros. Tyrion - always one of my favorite characters, he deserved to live. His counsel was always given in the name of trying to preserve or restore peace. The speech about stories was corny but I don’t care; he was left to do what he does best, serving a leader who really does have the peoples’ best interests at heart. Sansa - her resolution was perfect. Wouldn’t change a thing. Probably the smartest person in the kingdom and deserving of the Northern throne. Arya - can you say “hello, spinoff?” I guess it makes sense that she wants no further part of Westeros and I’d admittedly watch a show that follows her westward. Nothing wrong with how her arc ended. Grey Worm - this one makes no sense. He’s going to take a group of infertile guys to Naath to settle. Have fun with that. Yes, it’s curious that he didn’t execute Tyrion and Jon immediately but I suppose even he knows there is some sort of protocol to follow. Brienne - fine with this. It was a touching scene as she completed Jaime’s entry in the book of knights. Sam - was anything else expected here? Bronn - comic relief to the end, but nothing that made me terribly upset. Davos - another true servant; he deserved a prominent role and master of ships serves “the world’s greatest smuggler” well. Yara - an afterthought. One remark about serving Dany and then an “aye” for Bran. Oh well, she’s the ruler of the Iron Islands and that’s all she wanted. Bran - lots of questions here; the best way I can resolve them is to believe that once Bran’s magical powers were “awakened” he realized this was the end game and everything he did from that point was to make it happen. You have to try and not think to hard about this one because of the gaps in getting from point A to point B. He will be a wise ruler but obviously the question of succession will be a large one. i read that when the show was first being developed B&B correctly “guessed” how GRRM planned to end the story. He just hasn’t gotten around to telling how it happened this way so they had to create a narrative themselves that certainly can’t be expected to be done in the same manner the original author would intend. A great, great TV series that ended on a rushed note but was satisfying for this watcher.
  6. What did we used to say? “It would be a hell of a tournament if not for Tiger.” Replace Tiger with Brooks. Lapping the field.
  7. Jon’s not going to end up on the throne. My $.02...either Dany will “win” and destroy her enemies or the whole concept of the throne will be abandoned (since KL is now rubble) and the kingdoms will be left to govern themselves.
  8. You see, this attitude is a problem. Sure, it’s entertainment, but this is also a community. A lot of folks on here know each other. You saying it’s ok to come in and take a dump on everyone because “it’s just fun and nobody cares” is disturbing and says quite a bit about you. I have NEVER asked for people to praise OBD and toe the company line. Never. You have opinions about what the Bills could do better, that’s awesome. Let’s talk about them. But a growing number of folks have lost any sense of civility and simply want to beat others down. That ain’t cool.
  9. ScottLaw, stop posting under multiple screen names. It’s beneath you. ?
  10. Exactly. It’s not helpful or productive to repeat the same criticism over and over and over while at the same time demeaning or making fun of those fans who choose to look at things optimistically. There is WAY too much “I need you to agree with me” around here on both sides.
  11. I actually believe most people are capable of reasonable thought, so I keep giving you an opportunity. You’re testing that hypothesis.
  12. And here you are, right on cue with your 2nd tenet of TSW posting: complaining about the rebuild rather than what you wanted to see happen. Wahhhhhhh.
  13. It’s fun and perfectly reasonable to speculate upon which teams will contend next year. Such speculation would logically center around teams who made “splashy” acquisitions in the offseason or who finished the previous year on a high note. It’s not at all surprising to see Cleveland at the top of that list. What is mildly surprising to me is the lack of consideration given to how Buffalo finished the 2018 season, combined with all of their offseason acquisitions. Gil Brandt is the first national media member I’ve seen call the Bills a playoff team.
  14. The new Tiger has finally arrived, and his name is Brooks Koepka. This dude has the same mental makeup of Tiger in his prime (not a mental midget like DJ, a head case like Spieth, or “too nice” like Fowler, JT, etc.). He is already motivated to reach double digits in Major wins and if he stays healthy, watch out.
  15. The more chips on the shoulders of this team, the better.
  16. So he’s replacing Affleck in the current DC series? (Sorry, couldn’t open link)
  17. Oh my god, the similarities between what the Jets are doing now and what the Bills did two years ago are striking. How can any Bills fan criticize the Jets? Sincerely, ScottLaw
  18. If Allen “only” plays exactly like he did in the final six games last year, behind an improved OL and with improved receivers, 8 wins is the floor.
  19. You're not simply critical, you're a bore. You repeat yourself ad nauseum and don’t provide a bit of insight or thoughtful discussion. Here’s a summary of your content: “What are you criticizing other teams for, you idiots, the Bills suck too.” ”The Bills were ready to contend before Beane and McD came in and unnecessarily traded away or cut all of their good players.” ”McD and Beane haven’t proven a thing yet.” ”The Pegulas are clueless.” Yeah, I’m sure you REALLY enjoy watching them play. ?? By contrast, there are a number of posters who are critical but can at least articulate their specific concerns and not live in the past. You could learn a thing or two.
  20. Draft decisions are made in the present, not in hindsight. The Bills didn’t have Watson and Mahomes valued as highly and moved forward with their plan. Why are you so insistent upon living in the past? There were a number of ways McD and Beane could have gone about building the team. Clearly you don’t approve of the one they chose, as you mention it in EVERY. SINGLE. POST. Move on.
  21. You don’t seem to understand. You. Are. A. Broken. Record.
  22. Well, at least the comments from around the league are refreshing. We need some good luck.
  23. After a few days I’ve come to accept the sentiment that in a perfect world some of these story arcs could have been more deliberately developed, and the end of the series has been rushed out of a forced necessity. That said — coming from a non-book reader — I don’t have a “problem” with how the season has progressed because I don’t think they’ve done anything with the characters that is a complete surprise. I think they’ve certainly done a good job of preserving the mystery of what will happen in the finale.
  24. Dude you are so confused and damaged right now I don’t know what to say. Lately you’ve been contradicting yourself in almost every post. It’s a comedy of errors. The Bills will be fine if Allen pans out, but who maneuvered to get him? The guy you have no confidence in. The Pegulas are “clueless” but what have they really done besides hiring people and attempting to let them do their jobs, all the while significantly upgrading the facilities to protect and attract players? They made a bad decision to trust Brandon when hiring Rex. Really, that’s the only thing Bills-related one could look back upon and attach the word “clueless” to...and they weren’t the only ones fooled. Why don’t you give the Bills a break for a while and come back to enjoy the season once it has started. Do you really think folks around here want to hear “I’ll believe it when I see it” and “McBeane hasn’t done anything yet” every time they read a post of yours? It would be great to see you contribute to this forum in some sort of meaningful way.
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