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Everything posted by eball

  1. Who were their QBs? Kinda relevant, don't you think?
  2. He's dropping everything, and doing it very slowly.
  3. The Jests don't have to "sell tickets" -- they're the Jests, a NYC-market franchise that will always be hyped. If they had signed Carr they would have almost certainly made the playoffs last year. The Rodgers signing was anything but smart.
  4. I’m really concerned that a lot of fans are really concerned about guys running around in helmets and sweatpants in June trying to learn an offense and get familiar with each other. It’s clear that there is a direct correlation between OTAs and regular season results…right? The Bills have even looked crappy in preseason over the past few seasons. There’s very little we as fans can take from this stuff until the real games begin. Do I want to hear about guys dropping passes? Of course not. But I’m certainly not going to “worry” about it until I know who’s even on the final roster. Carry on.
  5. This is a very easy argument to analyze. Turnovers vs. total points responsible for (all offensive TDs and FGs - leave out D/ST TDs). Simple. Compare that ratio to the other QBs and tell me what you come up with.
  6. This board is consistent. The “we suck at WR” crowd: “most consistent” means the other guys suck and we’re doomed. The “we’ll be ok at WR” crowd: “most consistent” means a pleasant surprise coming from a talented but previously inconsistent player. You do you, Wallers…I’ll wait to see how guys look when they’re wearing pads and playing real snaps.
  7. Obviously more pressure against Mahomes in the playoffs will help. That’s nothing earth-shattering or enlightening. What’s funny is how people look at a couple of 3-point playoff losses as some sign the Bills are not on the Chiefs’ level. The Bills are right there; the breaks just haven’t gone our way. Those are two playoff games that were literally a play away from going differently. With the organization Buffalo has I do expect things to “even out” with the Chiefs over the course of the Allen vs. Mahomes/McD vs. Reid era.
  8. On any given play the Bills have 5 “skill” options in addition to Josh. We can disagree, but I think choosing among Kincaid, Samuel, Shakir, Coleman, Knox, Cook, Ray Davis, and (MVS or Hollins or Claypool) gives the Bills plenty of ways to stress the defense.
  9. We can agree to disagree. Brady was thrust into a situation in which he had to figure out a way to deal with a declining, pouty Diggs and while Josh was “unleashed” we also saw a remarkable uptick from Shakir in big moments and effective use of the RBs and Kincaid. Nobody wants to give this season a chance; you’re all just looking at names on paper. You accuse me of having no context but who didn’t expect more from Davis after that breakout playoff game? His disappearance belongs on a TV missing persons show. I’m the guy who is willing to “wait and see” rather than declaring doom prematurely. You know-it-alls hate people like me who can analyze a situation logically but look for optimism rather than pessimism over something we can’t control. I’m excited about this season. Go Bills.
  10. Sorry, I still don't see the huge fuss. They lost Diggs -- who was a shell of himself down the stretch and in the playoffs and was clearly causing locker room tension. They lost Davis, who was so inconsistent you could never count on him. They lost Harty and Sherfield, who did nothing (but thanks for that PR Deonte). Shakir blossomed late last year and one can only expect that to continue. Kincaid was everything we hoped and enters year two without having to learn the NFL game. Samuel is an above average WR who has never played with a decent QB. Coleman wasn't the guy "everybody" wanted but he's hardly what I would call a "project." Cook had a breakout season. Ray Davis looks like he could immediately contribute in the passing game. And Knox is Knox -- certainly fine as a 4th or 5th weapon, and can create mismatches. With Samuel and Shakir you have speed. With Coleman and (Hollins or Claypool or MVS) you have size. With Kincaid you have an emerging star. And, as noted in this thread, the overall depth at WR1-6 is better than it was last year. Who cares that none of the current WRs have had a 900-yard season? How have their situations changed this year? What is different than before? For nearly all of them it's pretty significant -- most notably playing with an all-world QB (except for MVS). Everyone hung up on there being no "true" WR1 is just already looking for excuses before the season even begins -- the "on paper" crowd. I'll lean towards potential and different circumstances leading to solid results. I expect the Bills passing game to be dangerous and difficult to defend, with a legitimate go-to option in Kincaid.
  11. I don't even think we had one stud -- just a guy who thought he was but disappeared down the stretch and pouted.
  12. By the same token, just because something has "always been done that way" doesn't mean it should continue...
  13. I've learned not to care what national media talking heads say about the Bills because they are rarely doing a "deep dive" into the specifics and are just reacting to groupthink or a headline. Orlovsky studies, and he knows that a QB's best friend is multiple options so he doesn't have to force the ball in one particular place. The counterpoint is asking who is the "go-to" guy when you absolutely need a play, and I'd say that for this team it's going to be Kincaid -- and that doesn't concern me one bit.
  14. I'm amazed by how many fans don't want to acknowledge the concept of quantity (multiple "good" players) over quality (a true WR1) when you have an all-world QB who can distribute the ball. It puts SO much more pressure on the defense when they can't just try to take away one strength.
  15. I’ve never seen a sport in which it seems that pretty regularly a team is down 20+ in the first half yet “miraculously” comes back to win. And the way the end of games are manipulated is outrageous. There’s a hilarious Instagram feed of a dude who makes fun of the officiating and lack of traveling, palming, and other basic calls. Yeah, there are a few guys I enjoy watching but the game doesn’t hold a candle to watching the NCAA.
  16. I think the number of people who travel to attend the draft is smaller than you think. Certainly it’s fewer than the number who travel to attend the Super Bowl or be in the Super Bowl hosting city. I think a draft in Buffalo is coming once the new stadium is built and the existing one demolished.
  17. And you’ll get a heartfelt “Go Bills!” from me…
  18. We make it an annual long weekend trip, and this year will be no exception. Always have a lot of fun. Prefer to stay on South Beach. Like @plenzmd1 said earlier in the thread, I'm not looking for Bills fans to hang out with; I'm enjoying the beach, food, drink, and culture. Seeing Bills fans at the game is enough for me.
  19. Because...40 time...draft pundits...not who I wanted...etc., etc.
  20. Leave it to Timmah to try and create a “story” out of absolutely nothing. 🙄
  21. Are you for real? I only needed 2:00 of that video to find three big-time plays/catches -- and the QB play was pretty bad.
  22. And please, let's not leave out Kwame Cavil and Kamil Loud.
  23. Arizona (Buffalo is a road trip for me), Miami, and LA.
  24. I don’t know how old either of you are, but the Dolphins were one of the most popular teams of the 70s and 80s…right up there with the Cowboys and Steelers. Their fan base is “legitimate” but has suffered over the past 20 years with their lackluster play. The younger component of the fan base is indeed delusional, but the national media feeds this by hyping the Fish every preseason as a team to watch. Anyway — as a fan growing up in the 70s and celebrating the end of that drought, I still despise this franchise more than any other. Including the Pats***.
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