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Everything posted by eball

  1. He retired before the KC playoff game. It was a ghost playing LB.
  2. As I said, you have IGNORED most of what McGovern and others have said. JUST THIS WEEK they were raving about McGovern's communication skills. He said himself C is his natural position. I don't care what Dallas did. You're just wrong, but by all means, keep digging in those heels.
  3. You’re simply wrong, and ignoring much of what has been said and reported by both McGovern and others.
  4. Hopefully he can get one from the Shah...
  5. Yup. There was a convergence of circumstances that hit the Bills as a whole that day...it is indeed a "throwaway" game that happened at the worst time.
  6. Have we received confirmation yet that Bishop is having the arm amputated?
  7. But but but...bAd SnAp aT cAmP!!!
  8. I would have really loved for the reporter who asked the question to follow it up with "you do understand it was your own behavior that led to the outside bull****, right?"
  9. The definition of a coddled, entitled athlete. And a complete doosh.
  10. Fellas...these things happen in camp. McGovern is not new to the position; in fact in interviews he has said he prefers it.
  11. A problem that has been ignored for years. Years I tell ya!!!
  12. Is Sunday going to be the first day of pads?
  13. Gotta love it. Let’s go Mets!
  14. — people sitting in window seats who refuse to raise the blinds for takeoff and landing 🤬
  15. Gunner, I have always respected your acceptance of your flawed evaluation of Josh Allen. You of all people know that scouts and analysts can be (and often are) wrong in their evaluations because there are many factors that can’t always be considered. We do the best we can with the information we have, and we use history to predict the future. But it is an inexact science…something unfortunately lost on too many.
  16. I love crap like this. Josh and the Bills have a ginormous chip on their shoulders.
  17. Seems like Astro should have started a podcast.
  18. These comments always crack me up, particularly when the Bills are a "brutal matchup" for every team in the league because of Josh Allen.
  19. Some of you like to roll your eyes at me when I talk about luck being a crucial component of playoff success...and the Bills just haven't gotten their share of breaks the way the Chiefs have. These teams are so close and Josh is every bit the playoff QB Mahomes is.
  20. How can this be? They have a tRuE nUmbEr oNe RecEiVeR!
  21. I'm sorry it's difficult to understand. The 13 seconds game. Last year's Chiefs game. I didn't say he would have rings, I said with a couple of breaks he would have had chances to play for rings.
  22. Josh’s performance record in the clutch and playoffs contradicts your assertions he lacks mental toughness and maturity. The truth is he is 3 or 4 plays away from having had a chance to get those same rings. Like it or not, luck is a big part of success and Mahomes has had all of it.
  23. It’s probably a guy who had Baker, Darnold, Rosen, and Jackson ranked higher in the 2018 draft and will die on that hill. The only QB in the NFL more GMs would take over Josh is Mahomes. That’s it. ”NFL Exec” could mean some dude who shines the GM’s shoes, for all we know. Serious question: how many DCs are licking their chops going up against Allen because of all the mistakes he makes? Everybody can get better. These comments are stupid. There are multiple film breakdowns of Allen manipulating defenses at the LOS. This guy sounds like someone who believes the QB position should be played only the way Brady played it. He probably loves Brock Purdy.
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