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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. I don't believe this. I hope I am right. This is in response to Commonsense.
  2. Not what I meant. Not necessarily that she delays a single court date - that she alters the eviction process. Changes the weight on the scales, which is clearly against her right now.
  3. Police report indicates a single male intruder in a home break in. Victim claims they asked for specific items. Police say break-in appears targeted and not random. That is mile from McCoy did it. For example, could be an angry family member a la Janoris Jenkins. Could be she is full of ****. Could be he did it. But give the man the presumption he is entitled to absent more evidence of misconduct by him - as right now there is none.
  4. No sir. You don't know the facts. No one said she beat herself up. So far, all we have is her hearsay, self-serving statement that a home intruder, who she admits is not McCoy, demanded things he gave her. That is miles from "he did it" and no evidence of anything without more.
  5. He wants her out. She won't leave. I think she is lying. Here is her public filing. Reveals no excuse for her being there. An alleged beating would delay her eviction. However, as said, if he did it he should (and probably will), be prosecuted. I don't believe it. Here https://deadspin.com/police-lesean-mccoys-ex-girlfriend-was-the-victim-of-a-1827490589
  6. I don't believe he did this. Sure, he should be prosecuted if he did do it - no doubt - but even my best to leave my fandom behind, sounds like BS to me. The picture also looks staged, lots of dried blood that would be extremely easy to wipe off if you were not making it look as bad as possible. I cannot discern actual cuts from the photo. Skeptical, and for her health and his Bills career I hope I am right. I call no believies until there is more proof than there is now.
  7. At least he is not Rosen - facing NFL rushers with a pencil neck like Rosen's would be real pressure. Especially playing the "mistake" in Denver named Chubb.
  8. Go Tyrod! Wish him the very best except with Buffalo. Loved the guy. And Go Josh Allen! Da Bills!
  9. Oh man, I wish them the best, but sounds like no fun. If he is out like she says he ain't happy at home. Probably young and dumb when they got married. Jordan is a baller. Hope he doesn't lose his way.
  10. I believe Ivory will be the perfect compliment to Shady. Should do some of the dirty work that could get Shady dinged plus breathers. They packed the line on Jacksonville knowing Bortles could not throw (until the playoffs after us, when he magically could). I expect his YPC to improve - fingers crossed!
  11. Can't stand the sour puss, negative ninnies. From Allen's pictures with the wedding crew in the parking lot, his mocking his own accuracy on the toss of the ball cap at the draft, to his Sabres support, and every move he has made since drafted it seems like Allen is a terrific young man with a positive personality. Plus, even Shady says he is totally dedicated to his craft. He is everything we could want from a personality and talent perspective. I think I may cry with joy if/when it translates on the field. #AllenMafia
  12. Sooner he retires the better - if you can't beat 'em, out last 'em! I only hope we can aid him into the next phase of life with dispatch. He needs to be home with Giselle and the kids!
  13. The woman was arrested a year later and charged with being part of a well-established drug distribution ring. She had multiple felony counts, and at the time had alleged that Bennett left her traumatized and unable to work. I don't think it is fair to assume any more about Bennett's plea than what it was - a misdemeanor. Seems like this is a story where there are definitely two sides, and it is certainly possible Bennett took the plea to get on with his life with minimal impact. Of course, the opposite could be true too, but this woman was not a pillar of the community, it appears. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bennetts-accuser-arrested/
  14. Loved Tyrod when he was here, love him now. Having said that, also could see his limitations. But he gave our team his all, stabilized a horrific quarterback situation and was a great teammate. Likely we needed to move on for Bills to take the next step. But I hope he keeps Baker on the bench and takes the Brownies to the playoffs. Baltimore and Cinci have windows that closed. Pittsburgh can't win forever. Browns with Tyrod vs. Bills with Allen in playoffs would be epic. Browns. Bills is only game I want Tryod to lose - all class.
  15. Dupree has been a top prospect since high school. Seen as an underachiever, which may be unfair given his college QBs. I think Reilly has more upside. K. Clay, Bray and McCloud - all elite return guys likely competing for one spot. I think Bray and McCloud likely offer more as a receiver, Clay drops passes.
  16. I am most hopeful for Reilly. And I find the draft picks of Ray Ray and Proehl pretty interesting. However, if you Google Bray's story he is really someone to root for. And he had made the Colts and was carving out a name for himself as a returner and wideout when injured. Still young -- I am not saying he is good, but he has shown enough in the league that he is not necessarily bad. No Holmes or Streator though please.
  17. I Googled the affair point, another poster on here stated it was multiple players wives. Oye. And we have not won a championship since the trade - Curse of the Mad Bomber.
  18. Really interesting, I never heard that before. Art Powell and Tom Flores were < chicken feed!
  19. Thanks so much. Loved seeing that. I was too young to remember any of this, but my Dad spoke of all those players with reverence. I recall seeing many of them play later (Butch Byrd bought a Pontiac from Don Davis Pontiac where my Mom worked and gave us his autograph, Jack Kemp put me on his should during 1966 training camp while he signed an autograph for me - I was four), but I really became aware of the Bills in 1967 and it was all downhill for the remaining players from this championship group. Couple of things: 1. I can't believe we traded Lamonica! 2. Dubenion looks like Paul Warfield. Kemp under threw him by about 10 yards on many of those completed long passes. I wonder what he could have done if we kept Lamonica!
  20. If Zay doesn't turn it around would be fun to have KB and Reilly/Dupree on the boundaries and Proehl/Kerley in the slot. A little Ray Ray as a joker/returner. Rather see them try to break in the young bloods than try to reboot Holmes and Streater.
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