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Everything posted by DirtDart

  1. Writing was on the wall when they didn't pick up his option.
  2. Why is my take pathetic? Because it doesn't match that of the majority?
  3. I love the giddy glass half full optimism from the board early in the pre-season. Makes it more fun to read the board when it all comes crashing down. I found it quite entertaining.
  4. This has been my criticism during his tenure as QB. I don't see him changing his run first mentality, he doesn't have the ability to read quickly, and get rid of the ball accurately.
  5. I am just poking fun John. although, you must admit that some posters take it way over-the-top when you disagree with their opinions....
  6. Woooaaahhh, you should know by now that posters are not supposed to go against the Pro-Tie Rod group on this board. Whether it is a factual statement or not. NOT ALLOWED!!!!
  7. How many of these tie rod fanboy threads do we need? Nice work.
  8. Sweet, maybe they will take Tie Rod next year....Nahhhh, they wouldn't....
  9. well, for consistency sake, I could make those throws with a stud #1/2. The problem is he can't put the team on his back and win when it counts. The very good QBs do. That is my argument, everyone can post the fancy stats to rebuke my take, but the eyes don't lie.
  10. Makes sense seeing they are not picking up his option. Hopefully they throw in Tie Rod. In all seriousness, I never thought this would be the season we make the playoffs, too many new faces, new structure, and playbook. Hopefully we are heading in the right direction.
  11. Cost of living, the people, and the food brought me back. Sure, I could have made more money if I had stayed in D.C., but it's all relative. Moving back was actually my Wife's idea. She had only been here four times. She fell in love with the place. I imagine it is the same for former players, and their families. Death to the trolls.... 100% accurate. Great post...
  12. Can't throw the deep ball every play.
  13. Me too, now all we woyld need us a QB to throw him the ball.
  14. I was waiting for someone to touch that ignorant statement.
  15. Why does everyone keep posting fancy stats in their defense of Tie Rod? He is average at best. What will the excuse be this year if he again proves he cannot put a team on his shoulders and win when it counts?
  16. No, they don't. But they know dam well that the sport they received a full ride from is their job, and academics come second. Same thing with a Military commitment. I know, they Army paid off my student loans, and in turn I owed them six years. That's how it goes. Don't sign the contract if you can't stand by the commitment. I am not arguing the right, or wrong. Just arguing the fact that he knew the fine print when he took advantage of the GOV education being provided. You are correct. I am not sure how that time adds up. The time served is different between the reserves, Nation Guard, and Active Duty. If you are not full time you receive credit for time served, i.e. one weekend a month counts as X amount of credits towards days.
  17. Difference is he accepted a commission after graduation. A huge difference IMO. He graduates with zero student loans to re-pay, and for that he signed a commitment with the Miltary branch of choice.
  18. Well, the Academy want's a return on their investment. The Military foots the bill for their entire education. A shame indeed, but he signed the contract. Welcome to the Air Force Leiutenant.
  19. Lol, queue the racsim rant.
  20. So we now have a coach, and a new GM that have accomplished nothing in the league as the "Guy". Going to be an interesting season.
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