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Everything posted by DirtDart

  1. lol, really? Forgot we are not to have unpopular opinions here.
  2. I would have to seriously think about my allegiance as a Bills fan if this were happening with our team.
  3. Wood got blown up, that kid is a little wrecking ball. Considering Wood is giving up 29lbs, he at least held the kid up enough for the play to get off.
  4. I hope not, we have taken enough of the league's rejects this year.
  5. This is a disturbing trend. I think it would have to be a combination of both. We had this issue a few years ago, guys going out with similar injuries. We fired the strength dude at the end of the year.
  6. Time to put the Ferrari in the garage.
  7. If he is truly starter material he should shine regardless.
  8. I agree with that statement, but none of the three have really outshined the other. It's getting old, and frustrating. I don't care if they bring Orton back, as long as we make the playoffs this year. Regardless of who starts we are poised to make it this year. Oh, and I will still be rocking my EJ jersey all the way:)
  9. So glad he, and everyone else is ready to hang the season on a guy that has thrown 35 career passes.
  10. Not yet, but he is getting there. My concern is his health with that style of play. He needs to learn when to be aggressive, and when not. Don't think he has that down yet.
  11. We shall see game two. I think he is a one trick, run first pony. He is too small (here comes the Russell Wilson argument), and doesn't have good touch on his long ball. I do think that he is a better option than Cassel, if they don't start EJ.
  12. I agree with the Cassel is odd man out. I think the other two bring way more to the table.
  13. Watching him in that pre-season game, He looks legit. Great job by the scouts.
  14. Was that enough Williams in that count?
  15. I am a friendly drunk, unless I get urinated on.
  16. Hopefully Cassel owes him $600.00.
  17. Williams was putrid, we threw a lot of money down the toilet there. We haven't really gone all in on EJ. I understand he had some injuries, but he should have been allowed to play all last year. The JESTS at least had the gumption to stick with Geno. We would have found for for sure whether or not his weakness could be corrected.
  18. I couldn't care less about them. Have zero impact. I think they are just a bunch of guys that have a tradition, so be it.
  19. We can all speculate on how things are shaking out. Only Coach knows who will start, not all of us arm chair Coaches/GMs.
  20. Wow, Where are the positives?
  21. Religion, and Politics on a football site. This may get good. I certainly hope not. I threw away his jersey last week.
  22. C'mon, you know we are.
  23. And so it begins...
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