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Everything posted by DirtDart

  1. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14421693/buffalo-bills-lb-preston-brown-says-play-calls-coming-late-coaches-booth WOW, that is a damming interview. Sounds like Rex doesn't have command, something we already knew. This is real bad.
  2. With that rationale EJ has not completed his rookie campaign? I like Cousins as well, I think the Redskins will lock him up. The FA class looks as bleak as the draft class.
  3. Same issue with the entire D line....scheme.....
  4. Just as a fan of any team that beats New England in a Championship game that particular year.
  5. EJ isn't worse.... Stats don't lie? They do not show the whole picture either. He is a game manager that is not asked to do much. He can not put the team on his shoulder and win when necessary. I would take a 56% passing ratio and a win, over 70% and a loss.
  6. How is the kool-aide boys? Is it getting bitter yet?
  7. Last week some on the board compared him to Brady, not surprised.
  8. I am in the same boat. As usual, I will drink the kool-aide again, and sit here next December wondering why I do it every year.
  9. Don't do it, you will be persecuted for sharing an unpopular opinion. It is not allowed to speak the truth about Taylor.
  10. We are not really comparing the two are we? Kool-aide sippin.
  11. Taylor had some awesome numbers in the second half. 5-12/ 55 yds. He has had an entire half of almost every game where he falters.
  12. Hogan had an 8 yard step, I could have hit him throwing off arm.
  13. Nope, Lil man can't keep up with the weekly grind. Most of his completions are short yardage.
  14. Taylor is worth that much? Lol.....
  15. I love watching the board implode every Monday!!!!!! Good thing for converters..... Good point!!!
  16. Agreed. Wish he would have talked to the coachouse first. Going through the agent is a bit inmature.
  17. Excuse me, was on my mobile device......lol
  18. This bored is hysterical. Not sure it was EJs fault we lost.
  19. It was a correct call, and NOT a horse Collar.
  20. Can we please stop calling it a horse collar? It was a handful of jersey, not the neck of the shoulder pads, that is a horse collar.
  21. It has been the same week, to week. Taylor can not get it done without his legs.
  22. 50 + yards in the first half. Straight ballin.
  23. Lol, great play. D saves the day. Our QB, and line are terrible. Good win either way.
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