Bernard has an ability to create chaos that I like, and he's occasionally made some really nice checks and calls that have resulted in big stops. He's a solid if underused blitz pass rusher for a middle linebacker. He's also made a lot of strides in coverage. For the group around him, I think Milano sticks this year but whether he plays well or not really isn't going to reflect his future beyond 2025; he's likely a cap casualty with you also paying Bernard. I also think you take another shot at a mid-late round linebacker. Even earlier if you think there's a stud player who slipped into the 3rd, move up or something.
Spector stunk, so i don't really see a reason to keep him around. Ulofoshio and Andreessen aren't particularly great depth either - so I'd bring in another Will to compete with Williams for the future at that spot. I don't dislike Williams, i just think it's an important position on the defense that takes it from good to potentially great and the team has a ton of picks this year. I also don't think you're far off on potentially wanting to find a new nickel player - and Lewis/Ingram shouldn't be roster locks. Another mid-round spot where maybe we can find someone with maybe a little size to play big nickel against some of these tight ends.