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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. if you throw it on a 3 step drop on 3rd and 9... you'll probably not get 9 yards. Occaisionally you have to wait for players to you know, cut, and break...?
  2. I'm lost - what's everyone arguing about?
  3. Michael sam was a good college player. But he was too slow to be a tweener 3-4 OLB rusher, and too small to play 4-3 DE. Man without a position. Ragland's measurables aren't really that bad. It's play recognition and more coverage assignments that he needs to work on. You can teach people to cover, you can't really coach speed, or size. I wonder if they look at him as a SAM if he continues to struggle in the MIKE spot.
  4. Right - it's a hot take. It is designed to get people to click it so that ESPN can generate ad revenue. It doesn't have any valuable insight or information - quotes from players or coaches - because he didn't ask anyone for valuable insight or information.
  5. I thought this was an interesting read on kind of the meaning behind a West coast offense: http://smartfootball.com/gameplanning/can-the-west-coast-offense-work-anywhere-besides-the-nfl#sthash.i1cqmN3t.dpbs Less plays, more mastery, bump the tempo.
  6. The players do have a union - they can absolutely protest the requirement of players to attend university. But why would they when they already have concerns about player safety, pensions, and law suits. The NCAA racket has prevented collegiate athletes from creating a union, and they use your abilities for their own profit and gain.
  7. Yeah - why question the status quo. Where'd that ever get anybody??
  8. The players don't benefit from it though. The only thing they get is education - which some don't want or care about. They're penalized if they get any type of income based off of their fame.
  9. free farm system - but they don't get any money from it. There's gotta be some back-end deal between them and the NCAA to not try and supplement it. There's no way the NFL would do it if there wasn't a way for them to make some money.
  10. Well... a doctor needs to be a smart person. Does a football player need a degree to play football professionally?
  11. Not sure how you can defend the guy... every article he posts (I use posts, not writes, because all he does is steal quotes from other reporters articles) is total click bait. As someone else said, negative click bait generate some more clicks, so all his articles are negative.
  12. Still doesn't mean we should trade him.
  13. I think he slacked off a bit after the pay day, and the year off. So he's probably out of shape. Could be frustrated learning or something. Who knows
  14. I wonder what it is really though. Is it fit? Is it being out of shape? Is it the knee? Is he struggling with terminology of play calls? Is he struggling with, coverage? He cer Seems like he might just be lazy, and they might be trying to get him to work harder and understand how important hard work is.
  15. A higher cap hit, a penalty in 2018, and an extra 7th round pick.
  16. I think it'd be short sighted to trade him when Hodges, brown, and Humber will all be ufas in a year. Pretty decent chance Lorax gets let go if there's a replacement plan. It also costs more to cut/trade him than to keep him. Between the knee, the new defense, and possibly coming to camp out of shape... he's a bundle of red flags and needs a lot of work. Why sell low? Is he going to be a stud? Probably not, but I dont think u make a trade this early. He's basically a struggling rookie.
  17. Fair enough - then we take out the 10 point game... because Tyrod didn't play. Yeah - i have no idea how its calculated though so its hard to like.. value that statistic. What was our offense rated?
  18. I already said that.. we go from 10th to 15th. But since the argument is about Tyrod, theoretically we take out the 10 point game that he wasn't allowed to play in. That would bump us from 10th to 8th at 25.9 points per game...
  19. A lot of teams lose when you score a bunch of points on them... it just seems to happen to us too often for us to overcome with the current offense. This implies we need a better QB. It should ALSO be noted... that we need a better freakin defense!
  20. They have the best PLAYER in the league at the most important position. But considering Denver, Seattle, Baltimore, even GB, Pittsburgh all had top defenses... that would have to be considered the trend. For a few years they weren't, but the past few they have been. Last year they were 8th in yards and 1st in points. The last time they weren't top 10 in turnover diff with Brady starting... was 2005.
  21. We also had teams score 27 or more on us 8 times... we were 0-8 in those games, but why did it happen 8 times if our defense was any good? The teams that didn't (which really shows the cupcake schedule we had) Jax, LAR, zona (who had 5 turnovers), 49ers, ravens, browns, bengals, and patriots without a QB. Best QBs of the bunch are Palmer, Flacco, and Dalton. Others included Bortles, Keenum, Kaepernick, Whoever the browns started, and Jacoby Brisset.
  22. With similar production from their offense - same coordinator, same low passing numbers, same high rushing numbers, low turnovers- the 49ers were perennially in the playoffs and almost won a super bowl. The difference is that the 49ers mediocre-good offense, was complemented by a top 5 defense. We didn't have anything resembling that.
  23. I'm not arguing with you... a 45 point game against SF is probably about as much as an outlier shutout against a 3rd string QB with a broken thumb. Care to find a specific post I've made that defends the defensive performance from last year? Since i "keep trying to defend" them.
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