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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Here is my take - The team has some very bad contracts on the books that they were left with. We also don't have a roster that is capable of competing with the perennial playoff teams like Pitt, GB, NE etc. It's not a total blow-up, but at the same time we need to add talent across the roster at multiple positions. Corner, WR, LB, QB Etc. But we also need to add talent at a cost effective price. Sammy probably was gone after the year which at best nets you 1 3rd round pick in 2019. We got a 2nd round pick in 2018. Darby was a good young corner who had ups and downs - but he wasn't a spectacular player by any means. He had a very poor 2016 season.
  2. The timing is questionable unless you used the beginning of camp to demonstrate watkins health. Or his recent comments were becoming a distraction. Either way - season tickets are printed and in peoples hands and you're dumping players for picks.
  3. The guy who traded 2 first round picks for a wide receiver when we have no qb...
  4. Where are we gonna replace 28 catches and 400 yards this year? We were 7-9 without him and with a pretty bad defense. If the Defense improves, are we better off with Jones - Matthews - boldin or Bob woods - mr. glass goodwin - and some janitor or something
  5. Most certainly do! Wood Humber Preson Brown Gaines Henderson Worthy Matthews Hodges Johnson So probably later picks that fill out 2019's draft
  6. We're going as far as TT takes us... i don't think watkins and darby were pushing the needle
  7. Could be a scheme fit - also might want to bring someone in so you can dump holmes and collect the comp pick.
  8. and he could be a distraction by not showing up and demanding a trade/new deal. We also don't project to have a ton of cap... and do project to have a ton of holes.
  9. Who would you rather have? Woods - Goodwin - Hunter - Powell or Jones - Boldin - Matthews - Holmes/Streater/Brown
  10. Until he gets hurt... Or he didn't want to play here anymore because he wants to go somewhere with a stud QB so he can get his targets, or he wanted way too much money. Who knows
  11. Well they got there by making frugal moves at times. Building through the draft and not mis-casting players a la rex.
  12. So when chandler jones gets traded coming off an excellent season, for a 2nd round pick - its a smart plan.
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