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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Dareus if traded 14.2 mil cap hit vs. 16.5 mil if kept. If cut - we still owe him 3 roster bonuses, and 3 workout bonuses so its closer to 22 if cut.
  2. 1.3 for tolbert/banyard. 3.9 for gillislee. May not seem like a lot but hey - it is a backup RB.
  3. The hustle thing is obvious on the gif too... he goes from like 5-10-20 yards away very quickly
  4. Hightower may be a big loss if he's out for an extended period.
  5. Well it was definitely cover 2, butler pulls up around the same spot. He also has a player in front of him though. Gilmore seemed to be looking for someone and then it was too late. The funny thing is... that play beats cover 2 even if McCourty is where he's supposed to be. Smith might have to put a bit more air under it, or hit the outside shoulder, but it really doesn't matter.
  6. Very strange cover 2... looks like a broken mess. Neither player was covering anyone.
  7. He does a lot of things well, his only bad parts are mediocre-poor tackling, and occasional mental mistakes. He plays well physically in a bump, or off the line. Keeps his hips low. Has good recovery speed. Good ball skills. Can play zone over, man under. He sometimes will get penalties because he likes to play physically with the receivers.
  8. I said "that to me" indicating it was an opinion. But thanks for jumping on me like I'm presenting it as fact.
  9. Yes... the OLB on his side would follow any player into that zone on a cross. Smith is pretty fast though, so you might be worrying about a QB scramble too. He didn't even turn around to look at Hill which screams miscommunication as McCourty was at the hash mark - but that to me is always his issue. He only takes care of himself, and doesn't communicate well.
  10. They need that edelman safety valve. He was forced to hold the ball longer, and they put more people in coverage to make it harder to find people. Brady needed to be very accurate, and he was not.
  11. Whether he got beat or not... he didnt hustle after hill or hunt on either of the long tds. Looks like hes jogging along.
  12. No way ur in 2 and 15-20 off the line... he was looking for a cross because a smith never goes deep
  13. It's either cover 3 or cover 4. Either way he has no safety help. And either way he screwed up.
  14. Denver - since 2000 (post-Elway) have had a losing record twice. Baltimore - Under Harbaugh have one losing season. They finished 8-8 a year ago and are mostly "playoff-caliber" imo.
  15. I usually like to get some pizza logs or chicken fingers at some point in the game. Still pissed that i couldn't get coffee two out of 5 games this year.
  16. Hard to disagree with the thought process. The teams that are in it every year... Denver, Pitt, GB, Balt, NE. They all have a culture that requires players to buy in.
  17. I think the goal would be to be able to draft best player available at least, occasionally. Not to need a pass rusher or corner because players left.
  18. not sure how you can call teams a push... Haushka isn't a terrible kicker, carpenter is. Thats an improvement.
  19. I wouldn't start a rookie over an incumbent starter unless the team had an open competition (we didn't), and he earned the job outright. He's had some time with the ones due to injury, and the coaching staff has seen more of what he can do than maybe they planned. We saw some good stuff from him in the preseason. He's already the #2 over another player that the team brought in with more experience. Now he'll get some experience in game planning, and film study prior to each match-up. He likely has a long way to go there. They can now spend some more time in practice getting him reps on what he most needs to work on, and get him ready for when he inevitably steps in. Starting NP over TT at this juncture would alienate the team imo, and signal the thought that the season is lost before it begins. TT needs to play poorly enough to lose the job, or get injured, for it to feel like NP deserves a chance to start.
  20. Peterman has not done enough to justify taking the starters job imo. Sub 60% passing and sub 6.0 YPA. I know he had plays called back on penalties, but that happens to every QB and player. He had 1 TD in 80 passes. Tyrod had 3 in his last REAL game. He played alright, but we know he won't drive the ball down the field, and we know he won't be able to make plays with his legs. What does he do when his first target isn't there? If Tyrod gets injured, he's going to need to be a lot better than that to help the team win games, as well as justify keeping the job when he returns. Or just - not picking QBs at all.
  21. The team voted Tyrod as a captain. They seem to have some belief that he gives them the best chance to win. Their opinion is more important than anyone else's.
  22. Whoever gets you the most total yards/points is who i want starting. It seems like the coaches currently believe that Tyrod is that guy.
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