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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Trading him in the offseason doesn't get him off the books for 2019. Also - there is no market as teams will look at free agents (no compensation) and the draft (controllable contract) before looking at a massively overpaid, out of shape, lazy player.
  2. I'm not apologizing for anything. He had the worst contract in the NFL, and was under performing. He played in 8 games last year. He's late for meetings, he crashed his car drag racing, got caught with synthetic weed, been suspended multiple times. He was even late to the actual FIELD for a preseason game. An away-game! Guy has no accountability, and was paid to be our best player. Also - conditioning has been an issue.
  3. I know, so was i... The contract has 0 value, and there is no market in the offseason. People will likely just sign someone else. If we waited to trade him until next year we also have dead money on the books for 2019... defeating the purpose of getting rid of him.
  4. Well... we did get some cap flexibility - especially in 2019 when we would've probably had to cut him. Now we have no hit in 2019, whereas if we cut him it would've been around 10 mil. It was probably the worst contract in the NFL. The fact that he barely played made it even worse, but that was a bad contract even if he was OK as a football player. That's why we got rid of him. If we fire him at 5-4, wouldn't he have delivered a winning product?
  5. I mean - were jordan, rankins, okafor, and lattimore playing on the final drive?
  6. That's not really true... but there are some concepts that college spread offenses use with athletic QBs that do work. We just don't/won't use them.
  7. If you have tom brady, you don't run read-option's and bootlegs. You're more comfortable with quick passes because he can diagnose the defense pre and post snap better than anyone. If you have TT, maybe you don't run anticipation timing routes. Why play to your player's worst attributes? Why not use read-option to get the defense moving horizontally, and adding some guess work. Why not pass from shotgun more? He has a better depth to avoid those batted balls, and he seems better at escaping pressure when he's in shotgun. You can also do Run-pass options out of shotgun.
  8. I'm not going to defend tyrod - 3 batted balls, gunshy, happy feet. Was a total disaster. But at the same time... we were in 3rd and long all game long because of his stubborn refusal to run read-option and pass more out of the shotgun.
  9. I mean - he's not a scout and we didn't have our real GM at that point. So I'm fine with taking a safer approach to the draft and getting scheme and leadership fits in year 1. Year 2? We need to bring in a QB.
  10. They were terrible last week, and not particularly good this week. We're a running team, and oustide of a Tyrod draw and shady run we did literally nothing.
  11. They need to be audibling the running plays- were supposed to be a running team and were in third and long all game. Dennison is supremely stubborn if he thinks this outside zone crap is successful right now.
  12. Tyrod did well in garbage time against the jets... it means very little. He looked pretty good, that's good but I don't make a qb change based on that. i think Rico needs to look at his game plan the last two weeks and figure out what we are. We are not an outside zone rushing team, and if we are we need the ability to change the play on the fly. It looks like the defense knows what we're doing all game long. There were plenty of get the ball out plays... they were batted down.
  13. Tyrod got a ton of garbage time stats last week so that narrative means nothing. 300 yards rushing. Three hundred! What the hell is that?
  14. Not sure how the running game was there. Outside of the first drive I think we rushed for maybe 20 yards. batted balls, bad playcalls, penalties, bad qb play.. debacle. Peterman looked ok, but I worry about him and the blitz.
  15. 300 yards rushing... seriously... after 200 to the jets... this team will not win a game if we keep this up. We could have Brees and it wouldn't matter. We didn't even force a punt today. Not one.
  16. I think people will just blitz him. Our line sucks and he is inaccurate under pressure... so we'll see I guess
  17. I can play qb if we're just gonna give up 300 yards on the ground
  18. It's not an audible, it's a package play. If you read the will and he stays you hand off, if not you roll right. If the corner breaks off coverage you just toss it up. The only issue is if you know.. they blitz or something and get to the QB before a pass can get out, or hit you when you throw. It's certainly not defense proof, as your o-line is run blocking on a possible pass play. Protection issues can happen easily there.
  19. They traded a 2nd round pick and a player for him. He won’t sign an extension, so their only option would be a franchise tag. His usage doesn’t dictate that high of a pay day so I think they let him walk and try and secure a comp pick.
  20. No push in the run game. I think we had negative yard in the 2nd half. Just wasted plays
  21. I think he's pissed that if your guys injured you get like... half the time. Film on Monday, 2 practices, no walkthrough. And a travel day. Just a hectic few days.
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