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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. He's still learning i think. I'd like to see more killer instinct and commitment. If you get beat on PA, you get beat - try and recover. He's trying to diagnose and getting caught in no mans land. The run and the pass work in that situation. I always look at it like this. In zone - if you are covering someone, you're probably doing something right. If you're watching stuff go by, you need to get your head on straight and move your feet.
  2. It was zone. He's there to make the tackle and minimize the gain.
  3. Or just... based off of a single game when hes had limited time with the 1's to nail down timing with receivers, or blocking communication with the line. His line communication improved as the game went on, but considering 2 of 5 sacks were blown plays, he definitely seems to have better pocket presence than peterman.
  4. Needs to work on his touch. The 2nd pick had a really bad trajectory. The back-shoulder stuff will take time and practice to nail down the timing and placement. Seems like he's seeing them, but the receivers (benjamin) aren't necessarily seeing the same thing. Or they're turning late, or the balls late/early etc. Need more reps
  5. From a receiver perspective we have really bungled FA and the draft. The benjamin trade looks bad as he just... well kind of sucks. Seems disinterested and full of himself. Zay just hasn't been what we need him to be, and it looks worse seeing JuJu continue to make plays. Watkins needed a change of scenery - problems with his media perception here, and just the fact that he was overdrafted and didn't live up to that etc. Goodwin was always hurt so i don't see that as a loss at the time. Seeing Woods thrive is more bothersome... he really is like a perfect #2 receiver (Not big, not a RZ guy, but a great blocker, route runner - and you can line him up anywhere) and his numbers with Tyrod made him look expendable. I'd love to also have Hogan here - but that one is solely on Whaley. We tagged Glenn and had no cap room so we couldn't match his offer sheet. Had we put a 2nd round tender on him we may have been like right up against the cap too so we risked it and lost a solid player for nothing.
  6. I don't give him credit for any of it. McD/Whaley got a couple good pickups on Defense and vastly underrated the need for offensive talent. With taking the dead money on the chin this year - we had limited money available. They really need a solid draft in 2019 or this won't really matter though. Back to back bad years will not inspire confidence even if you ended the drought. Only thing i respect is getting the QB in 2018. Whaley was full of excuses, they went up and did it. Whether he's the right one or not.
  7. They're just going to thrive elsewhere and everyone will complain about trading good players
  8. He was projected to be a backup QB - so many of these guys never make a roster or see the field. Our terrible qb room got him on the field.
  9. Yeah - but from a receiver perspective... JA is probably the best guy you can ask for at this point after what he had the last year and a half. Jones never had the timing down with Tyrod, and peterman just can't get the ball where it needs to be. We'll see i suppose. I'd like him to step up and be the guy though... Benjamin is clearly a lost cause.
  10. He's struggled under pressure so badly, and struggles when his first read isn't there. He doesn't read the field quick enough, and doesnt have the arm strength or speed to buy time and make plays. He's done. Bring in a vet at this point... coach them up, and dump peterman in 2019.
  11. Agreed - They absolutely are. JuJu is slower, but he has shown the ability to get open more consistently than Zay - and CATCH the ball. Kupp is a niche player, but he's already one of the better players in that niche in the NFL. Doesn't mean Zay can't turn it around... but so far they have vastly out performed him.
  12. Rex was a defense guy who made his defense worse. He seemed to over-coach and over-complicate things. Like he wanted to be McVay and just be the smartest guy out there (hint-he wasnt). Mcdermott may be too "matchup driven" but its not necessarily a wrong philosophy. Battle on every snap, every snaps a new battle, you win by winning your 1x1s.
  13. Trying to build from the ground up is going to take some time. They got the QB, they got the MLB, the RCB, even a pair of solid safeties for the next few years. They need to fix the trenches next i think.
  14. Well... Why would you blame the bills? I'm sure we requested one.. it's unlikely he accepted one though. San Fran/LA were calling
  15. Good thing he doesn't play then? Footballs a match up game - you can know exactly what they are doing but the players can still win their individual matchups.... go against a tendency... etc.
  16. He seems like a solid Coach. I don't think having a memory of every play in existence helps you call a game, coach a team, or make your defense better. It might help you remember certain tendencies, or help with game planning. At the end of the day the players play though, and you can't really control the outcome that much. McDermotts philosophy is to try to be a leader of men. To get the most out of every player. I hope that daboll can help with some of the game planning on offense, and putting the offense into situations where they can be successful.
  17. I'd like it mixed in. Like call a play on 1st and get to the line for 2nd. The key they need to help him most, is that they need to get to the line quick so they can use motion to diagnose coverage, and the center can make their line calls. They struggled with that in cincy, and it results in penalties and just generally missed blocks.
  18. They only have 3.3 mil in cap space for this season - so they'd be limiting their ability to sign players to replace players on IR.
  19. I guess I'd move McCoy? I don't think there's a market for him though. His base salary is 6+ million, so a team would be on the hook for 3-4ish. I don't know that a ton of teams have that kind of flexibility/want to spend that much on a back. Would have to be an injury type of situation and a team's convinced he can help them make a run. Theoretically we could take salary back - but most teams at this point have trimmed off any bad cap contracts. Same goes with Benjamin - cap hit is 8.4. Thats what 5 million for 10 games? Who would pay that after what we saw in week 1? Also who would want that scraped off your salary cap? Clay is basically the same thing. Probably wouldn't trade williams/lorax because the value you get won't be very good, and they're good locker room guys who can help coach up the next locker room guys.
  20. Dennisons the oline coach. He may be fine at that, but we couldn't exactly demote him. And he was just terrible calling plays.
  21. Yeah - that would help. They seem set on Kerley this year in that spot. Hopefully the returns improve on week 1... hard to get worse?
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