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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. If you're the bengals AJ green is exactly the guy you keep if you draft burrow. Assuming some of their offensive linemen don't get injured this time around.
  2. So are pitchers on performance enhancing drugs. It helps with recovery etc. Clemens and Pettitte didn't give their rings back if i recall.
  3. That would have been great.. just meet him at his favorite lunch spot. "OMG are you jerry coleman?!" and of course he's like "yeah" cuz he thinks hes super famous... then WHAM knockout punch. and get out of baltimore.
  4. He played about 66% of snaps this year for them (inlcuding missing an entire game). Murphy and Hughes both played about 63-65% of snaps with lawson at about 45%. So his snaps probably decrease in a role here.
  5. Yes - Liuget will be significantly cheaper than phillips. I liked him though - seemed to make plays. Big strong butt ?
  6. I do think pass rushers tend to age fairly well? There are examples of guys playing well into their 30s. Especially as a rotational pass rusher.
  7. My thing - everyone is tough on their phone. And yes - this guy was running his mouth. I would never comfortably insult people like this guy, and he's like a (relatively) public figure. He also has an incredibly thin skin to just let people get to him with insults - DMing strangers and reporting them? I thought you were a tough baltimore guy! You can apologize, or you can literally do nothing and it will go away. Instead he kept provoking people, and then baltimore lost which just resulted in even MORE confrontations. Just spiraled out of control. Either way - flying to baltimore to fight him is crazy. Don't do that.
  8. I know he's in that same "old" view, but what about addison? Obviously there is a carolina connection, but i do think he presents an upgrade over most of the guys in house. Averaged about 10 sacks over the last 3 years. He's 32, but if he can still get after the QB for a couple more years in a rotational role I'd be down.
  9. Oline and Dline imo. Thats what helps the good teams become great. I think Dawkins is pretty good, obviously paid morse... Feliciano has been solid for buffalo. They could use upgrades at LG and RT though. I know ford will probably improve YoY, but if its a season you want to compete in - you don't leave it up to chance. I go after the bigger guard and right tackles available and see if i can get one, or even 2. Peat/scherff/thuney - or Conklin/Castonzo/bulaga. Dead cap isn't too bad for Nsekhe if he is brought to camp and cut later. As for Dline - i love adding at least another rotational piece. All depends what they do with their own guys in lawson/philips. If they are kept, i doubt you would pay someone. Addison is an interesting one - obviously the carolina connection. But he's also got flexibility to play a little bit of LB. Still pretty productive pass rushing, would be nice in the rotation if they kept lawson. Allows you to either move on from murphy, or upgrade Johnson. Assuming they need to replace phillips in their rotation behind oliver, what about someone like maliek collins? Pretty good 3 tech guy. Or they could just roll the 4 they got in harry, ed, liuget, and star.
  10. Yankees best team in 2017? They won 91 games got in as a wildcard and pitched sabathia in a game 7. I think the dodgers got cheated more than the yankees That is a curious one. 6x all star. Good postseason stats in limited games. 1 silver slugger. Was just never really the best, always pretty good. I probably wouldn't vote him in. NFL has joe namath tho, who has like offensively bad stats for the majority of his career.
  11. All im saying is - the astro's had and continue to have a lethal lineup. Breg, Altuve, Correa, Springer - its hard to believe that this props them up like massive amounts. I don't feel like digging through all their splits to see if home/away over the years is that big of a discrepancy. Maybe i will before fantasy baseball season to see if its worth knocking them down a peg, but i doubt it.
  12. I mean - They have a really good lineup of players. The Astros splits in 2017 suggest they were better at hitting on the road vs. at home.
  13. This mostly occurred in 2017 when cora was bench coach. The practice wound down in 2018, and was not used in 2019 after a league memo i believe went out saying something. Cora moved to boston in 2018 and continued the practice in one way shape or form.
  14. I think Milano kind of propped him up... he was going down it looked like.
  15. To justify the contract he's going to get he would need to be a top 5 DE in the NFL... i don't think he's that.
  16. Last season we didn't have any tight ends other than croom as we approached free agency.. so they signed him here. Added some more in draft. He broke his foot and was largely a miss here. However when healthy he's probably either the best or 2nd best TE on the roster. Don't cut him and replace with smith/Sweeney, that's just creating cap space to create cap space.
  17. Nothing about upgrading the punters either
  18. I like it for the most part - Don't understand getting rid of kroft and replacing him with no one. I'd rather cut smith and save 2.25. Smith sucks... Krofts been hurt but hes at least a versatile player. Prob also do mckenzie at original round and save some money. He can't nail down an every day spot on a team if he's not returning punts/kicks. Ray ray on the practice squad is a very similar player too. Yeldons interesting because he wasn't bad when in games. He's also pretty cheap. Depends how they roll in the draft, but he should make camp. Especially with wade being a complete wildcard. I agree on the TE front. 2 solid TEs helps move away from dimarco in run heavy fronts and allows more mis-matches. I'm fine with getting rid of yeldon, but we need to replace him beyond a rookie and a rugby player. Id stay away from some of the more expensiev guys - Henry, Drake, Gordon. But Howard would be an interesting piece to add. Mckinnon will probably get cut, and should be a nice cheap versatile player when healthy. Rex Burkhead might hit free agency too with the patriots needing cap space - and him being a majority special teams player. Just don't bring back gore... or tolbert.
  19. The jump makes no sense there. Maybe he thought it was going to be behind him and jumped to try and pull it down and land on his back but it screwed up his space along the sideline. Another crucial mistake in a game full of them.
  20. Jobs possibly Available - Leaving out like straight backup... NE if brady walks NO if brees walks Cincy Pittsburgh backup/Future Tennessee Indianapolis Jags (still have to pay foles tho) Denver (still have to pay flacco tho) Miami? LAC Chicago TB Car if Cam gets traded Now lets assume kraft forces brady on belichick... and i think he will - they don't have a solid backup plan anyway so sign him. Then immediately work on getting his successor. Brees probably wants another shot and payton will give it to him. Cincy job is basically there to lose it to burrow so i expect it to drop rather late and to be one of the older guys. Seems like a spot for Keenum to play for like 5-6 games before hitting the bench and giving way to burrow. Pittsburgh and NO have the same sort of - maybe he retires in a year and you have a 1 year head start in learning the offense. I say mariota to Pittsburgh cuz as Tomlin says "he won't kill ya" Tenn will probably extend tannehill and he probably won't be as good. Indianapolis/Jags - Seem like a candidate for a rookie QB in early rounds - have a vet in place on a kind of large deal but not really in position to move on. Denver - Probably just roll with lock and flacco but i doubt it works out. Miami - Probably draft a guy and honestly theyll probably cut rosen after... which is extra bad since everyone will likely have their 2 QBs at that point. Chargers - I see them trading up to try and snag tua and sell some tickets. A lot of people have brady as their answer for that too, which i think would be interesting... just unlikely. Bears - Will try to upgrade. Bucs - if they move on from winston its a desirable job with the talent they have on offense. Car - if they trade cam then it becomes a solid spot for someone like dalton. There are a fair amount of available spots open. Bucs and NO jobs are probably most desirable with the coaching staffs and offensive weapons in place there. For buffalo - i think there is some value in bringing in an upgrade at QB2. Just don't chase winstons/daltons etc. I also think Rosen is getting brock osweilered here... he'll end up getting cut after they draft tua/herbert to sit behind fitz. And at the point he's released he will not have practice squad eligibility either so he legit has to win a backup job somewhere. Maybe NE takes a shot?
  21. Even if its not a starter, he'd get a spot with someone like cincy or chicago where he could still slot in and get a chance to start.
  22. A lot of that was Russ Brandon doing everything he could to make the team more profitable... the issue they created by doing that was things like "cash-to-cap" where we wouldn't use any excess cap room year to year. This puts you at a huge disadvantage from a free agency/extension standpoint. When we drafted someone good - they left in 4 or 5 years or whatever. Otherwise we missed anywayl. Between that strategy, the Toronto strategy of selling home games for money, the inability to bring in solid football people to scout/evaluate/coach for a 20 something year period.. It's not really Wilsons fault - he was a hands off owner regarding building his team for the most part. I think the only thing he said was basically - the money out can't exceed the money in. There were ways to do this that weren't selling home games and signing splash FA's like TO. We spent all this time worrying about how to balance those sheets that the team was just.. crappy.
  23. We did hit that one ref - maybe he was pissed and didnt call that helmet-to-helmet on josh.
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