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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Houston doesn't have a 1 or 2 next year. So they're probably out.
  2. I'd be surprised if they gave up a weapon like gallup on a season with super bowl aspirations. Especially with nothing really behind gallup. I think they think lamb's main contributions this year will likely come from the slot with a fair amount of 11 personnel groupings.
  3. They did add claypool to their WRs with JuJu - but their offense just... isn't good. Even with Ben.
  4. There's always examples to demonstrate that each strategy does or doesn't work. I say play to your strengths - we are a running team. But I also don't think going into a heavy 22 personnel look is the way to go about it. Keep doing what got you there, mckenzie flip plays and jet motion, read-option, etc.
  5. Trade compensation will be tricky - how much is a team willing to trade? A first and other picks maybe? You have to immediately extend him.
  6. Sheppard i would say. We traded a LB for one of the worst defenses in the league for an underperforming DE who ended up being a piece here for a long time. The shady alonso trade was good too - I give the hughes trade the win because of A- the $$$ extension we had to give to shady, and B- Alonso was a damn LEGEND here ?
  7. I don't see why the Sabres situation would have any effect on the Bills operation. They are represented on separate P&L's. I also don't look at this as a situation where they can't like, make payroll etc. The Sabres have spent to the cap (and over) for years with 0 success. They brought in an extensive scouting staff to try and create an advantage... it didn't work. They're operating under the assumption that they won't have fans in 2020-2021, and that the many levels of player scouting (European leagues, Junior Hockey, etc.) will also be operating (or attempting to operate) without fans. If there are no fans, it becomes next to impossible for a minor league hockey team to work. I don't even think TP is trying to become profitable for next year, i think the idea is to not lose a buttload of money if at all possible.
  8. 2.1 million. It's actually significantly more than i thought it would be. Dalton only got 3 so... it may be reasonable to expect somewhere between 2-3.
  9. The comparison was poorly made when you compare a marginal NFL qb to a HOFer. I do think his 2016 numbers aren't as bad as the record indicates. Saying he was 1-10 doesn't say - the defense was terrible, Hyde was banged up, the top 3 receivers are currently all out of football, and the line was inexperienced across the board outside of staley. He didn't necessarily prop them up, but i don't think he was driving them towards a 2-14 record.
  10. I picked Long and Murphy. Both overpaid, and both provide significant cap savings. Going into 2021 with a possible cap reduction, it makes sense to reduce the cap charge this year. Considering Milano, White, Dawkins all need extensions - that 10.5 million can go a long way.
  11. Yeah, i'm definitely reaching. But he played a fair amount of games prior to 2017, he knows how to prepare, and probably has continued to work on his own, but who knows.
  12. Warner played in the AFL/NFL europe between college and the NFL. Not sure how long flutie was out of the NFL but it was probably a while. Vick spent 2 years in prison - then signed with philly and sat for a year. Cunningham took a year off and came back as a backup before starting a year later. I don't think they all fit the exact 3 years off or whatever, but i think QB coaching has changed quite a bit since then. If he's kept up working out etc.
  13. So is QB the only way to win games? That 2-14 team under chip had the worst defense in the NFL. Should that lay only on him? I think the logic is that, its hard to win games with the worst defense in the NFL.
  14. He had some alright games - NE, Cincy, Tennessee, Miami. But he also had - games with the following stat lines 11 carries 20 yards 11 carries 15 yards 5 carries 12 yards 11 carries 27 yards 9 carries 11 yards 4 carries 6 yards 10 carries 15 yards 8 carries 22 yards (playoffs...) Thats 7 games where we gave the guy like 8-10 touches, and he legit did nothing with them. I know rushing averages fluctuate a bit, and big plays will prop up an average. That's really what dried up. I know there are always going to be plays where you don't gain yards etc. But i want the guy that can hit the hole with speed, or make a guy miss, and turn a well blocked run from 5 yards into 20 (or more). Gore isn't that guy anymore.
  15. Backup QBs are there for 2 purposes though. They're a mentor/extra voice in the QB room. I don't see Kaepernick bringing that level of value. You bring him in as a 2, but also as competition no matter what. Teams that could use a backup plan - Carolina, Chicago, Washington (wouldn't that be hilarious?), Denver, Jax, zona, Cincy. Several teams relying on 2nd year guys to make a big jump with no real fall back option. Then you have the teams with Foles/Bridgewater where I'm not sure what the plan really is. I'd say his best landing spot would be arizona. If Murray were to go down, he'd have hopkins/drake and a younger coach who might skew the gameplan a bit towards his strengths.
  16. I mean - the Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly 49ers reigns were really short. Joe Staley was the only remotely talented offensive lineman, and it seemed like everyone on the offense outside of Boldin was banged up. In 2016 his numbers weren't terrible with WRs led by Kerley and (checks notes...) patton... They couldn't stop anyone. They were actually undefeated if their opponent scored fewer than 21 points...
  17. Vick came back from prison for dog fighting. If he still looks the part in a workout, and is willing to accept a backup spot, he can find a job. Cam Newton's still a free agent at this point though which hurts his chances. Arizona could be a good spot for him - even with the time off i think he's an upgrade over hundley.
  18. They should be able to afford said daily testing too.
  19. I think a more effective running game is a big start, limiting penalties would help too. I don't think they need to necessarily rush more, just utilize the moss/singletary backfield better. Gore had an alright start, but by the end of the season he was just not gaining yards. 2nd and 4-6 is so much better than 2nd and 8-11 - you have more of the playbook at your disposal.
  20. Gurley is a 2x All-pro with injury concerns and look at the contract he got. Cook is 1 year younger comes with injury concerns, and has never produced at gurleys level. I think he's a valuable player, but i wouldn't give him what he asks for.
  21. Just have some kind of tournament at that point. Not that you could get the players to play for the amount of money they'd get.
  22. I mean... I'm sure Michael vick was more talented than tom brady after bradys first season. Things can change.
  23. Then we have to pay him... and give up stuff to get him. Do we want to keep our players (tre, milano, dawkins), or just trade for vikings?
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