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Everything posted by london_bills

  1. Hard to remember a more frustrating game
  2. People need to recognise that a good QB makes the players around them better.
  3. Shake of head from Allen says it all.
  4. Give that dog a shot on offence, see what it can do.
  5. Defence is doing its thing as usual this season
  6. They aren't playing replays which is annoying. Would be interesting to see if anyone was open shorter
  7. ANOTHER Drive out the half for ZERO points.
  8. Put Hyde/mckenzie on kickoffs and Roberts at wr
  9. Disappointing yes. Great username When we play the cowboys you won't be rooting for 'dallas' right? ??
  10. To be fair, could it be the game plan like someone said. They expect singletary and we give them that second half..
  11. It is but it's only two points. I am rarely impressed with our drives after the half though..
  12. If hausch gets another let's hope he makes it!
  13. Maybe they have adjustments planned for the second half.. as in singletary. Maybe???
  14. I'm not seeing mcd being outcoached here? Offence needs to do better that's the difference to me
  15. I was waiting for a screen there. Or a jets sweep! ?
  16. Haha. Mcd been aggressive on 4th down recently
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