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Posts posted by jletha

  1. I know someone that is part of the media that goes to the practices and into the locker room when allowed. He said that from what hes seen in the parts of practices hes allowed to watch (which admittedly isnt much) it is very clear Orton is a better thrower of the football than Manuel. He said the ball is crisply thrown and much more accurate most of the time. That being said he always said that he is pretty disengaged from team camaraderie in the locker room. He doesnt talk to anyone, including the media and mainly keeps to himself as much as possible.


    From what I gathered I think were in better hands when it comes to talent but my worry is about chemistry. If he is not engaged in being a part of the team maybe he will struggle getting on the same page as the offense than if he had been actively trying to be a part of the team and ultimately win the starting job at some point. We will see on Sunday. I think he is a competitor and now that his number is called he will be ready to play as best as he can.

  2. Something to think about for people thinking we screwed ourselves out of a franchise QB because we dont have a 1st rounder next year: Denver, KC, NE, New Orleans, Philly, Seattle, Cincy, San Fran. all made the playoffs last year with QBs they did not draft in the first round.


    Obviously Manning isnt going to become a FA again but it just goes to show QBs can be found in a number of ways

  3. Barring the playoffs of course.


    This is a desperate move that is not in the best interests of the franchise. First, a quick list of young Qbs' rookie year OCs;


    Geno smith - Marty Morteweig (former head coach, multiple NFL OC)

    Andrew Luck - bruce Arians (Multiple NFL OC)

    Russell Wilson - Darrell Bevel (multiple NFL OC)

    Colin Kapernick - Roman (multiple NFL OC)

    Teddy Bridgewater - Norv Turner (one of the best offensive coaches in the NFL)

    RG3 - Shanahan family (great offensive mind)

    EJ - Hackett (Syracuse OC who's dad helped he get where he is)


    So right from the start, EJ was at a seriously disadvantage. Watching how some players regressed last year (Stevie & CJ in particular), are we sure he is good?


    So there is the lack of a proven NFL OC which would benefit a young qb tremendously. But I think Marrone should go because he is bailing on the qb he helped selected in the 1st round after less than 16 games. He needs to be help accountable for that.


    I'd have a lot more respect for him if he went down with the EJ ship. But instead, he is taking the "safe" route with a known mediocre at best qb.


    I'm a Bills fan first and foremost. I'm probably too optimist about this team. It means a lot to me and I let it clog my judgement at times. But I hate this move. Anything less than the playoffs, the Bills should bail on Marrone like he bailed on EJ.


    P.S. Kevin Sumlin would be at the top of my list. He's developed many average talents and made them superstars.


    This thread has to be a joke. Shanahan, as in Kyle Shanahan whos dad helped him get to where he is? The same Shanahans who were then fired for how bad the team was?

  4. I totally agree with this concept. On Sundays I never care because we just got a win but I think truly good teams should run away with games when they get three turnovers. Even the last time we beat the Pats we had to intercept Tom 4 times in order to give ourselves a chance, although I know this team is almost entirely different than that team. Hopefully if/when we get turnovers this Sunday we can get keep our foot on the gas in the later quarters.

  5. I understand where you're coming from. But no one in their right mind (that isn't a Bills fan) would argue the Bills have a better offense than the Pats. You say other than QB, but that's like saying other than my inability to use my legs, I'm a pretty good long distance runner.


    Yea obviously the entire offense isnt better, not even a Bills fan will argue that, because TB touches the ball every play. But the 1:1 comparison of talent at each individual positions is what hes talking about. Besides at TE with Gronk our WRs are better than theirs and our RBs are better than theirs. I would also say Wood and Glenn on the O-line are better than their O-linemen.

  6. This has definitely not devalued the NFL. Not at all. Not a single cent. Stuff like this has been happening in sports for a long time. Do you remember how bad people freaked out over the Incognite stuff, or the Riley Cooper incident? It was a mess with people calling for Philbin to be fired along with others. Well eventually things settle and people move on. People on this board talked about bringing in Incognito.


    People do bad things, always have and always will. Ray did a terrible thing and he was punished for it. The punishment was light which caused an uproar but then the video came out and he was further punished to something more fitting. Rogers big screw up was making the initial punishment 2 games. If it was 8 games to begin with I don't think any of this would have been as big a deal as it is because the punishment would have been more fitting. But it wasn't and so things spiraled to where they are.


    The whole thing about lieing about seeing the video looks really bad and makes you question the judgement of the first suspension but it is in no way worse than that Ray did, as you mentioned. It's ridiculous to even suggest so. I don't think Roger should be fired over this but he should be reprimanded and he will be. He NFL should have done more initially and that ultimately was the big mistake, and one that, to me, isn't a fireable offense.


    Ray will probably be on a team next year, assuming he makes the right strides toward making amends with this situation and there will be another thing for people to freak out over next year


    One of the biggest misconceptions is that a small guy isn't going to be good enough because of his size but if you look back at some players that were small in stature we can see that their size had nothing to do with their heart ...



    You cant look only at exceptions to a rule and then call the rule flawed. There will always be exceptions but on a large scale the rule holds. Just because some shorter guys have had good careers doesnt mean that you dont consider height when evaluating a player.

  8. I dont think EJ lasts more than 3 games if hes not playing well and by not playing well I mean not playing better than he did in the preseason. Doug and Doug know they need to win to save their jobs with the new owner coming in and I think they know (or will know if EJ starts to play bad) that Orton gives them the best chance. I know a guy in the media who has been going to the practices since Orton signed and he said that its obvious that Orton is the better QB when you watch them throw.


    I will root for EJ but if he struggles I will want Orton in there, im not willing to suffer through a season in order to help EJ develop when there is this much talent on the team with a more competent QB on the bench. I know EJ may turn into a good QB one day, and I hope he does, but maybe at this point sitting behind a vet wouldnt be the worst thing for him.


    I hope that EJ comes out and surprises me and performs well against Chicago but based on the preseason and other things I am hearing I dont think EJ will last more than 3-4 games if he struggles.

  9. I know this is just preseason and I'm doing my best to not panic entirely but the game last night was terrible. EJ was brutal as was the O-line. That led me to think that if we could go back to the draft knowing what we know now would we stay where we were and take an offensive lineman instead of trading up for Sammy.


    Yes we wouldn't have Sammy on this team but we would have better O-line talent, we'd still have Woods, Williams and likely Stevie along with our next years first rounder back.


    If you could swap, right now, Sammy for a drafted offensive lineman, Stevie Johnson and our next years fest rounder would you?

  10. The Redskins may have a problem on there hands. Kurt Cousins is looking real good

    And RG3 is not looking so good. Is it possible RG3 could be had in a trade. If he could

    I would do some back channel talking with the Skins. How about Spiller and a 2016 number

    1 pick.


    You want to trade another first round pick AND CJ for a QB that you just said yourself is not looking good? Why would we do that?

  11. Kind of surprised I don't see anything on here about this.


    Late last night and early this morning I was seeing reports about how good Manuel was in practice yesterday.

    Mike Williams commented that I he plays like this it is gonna be fun!

    I even heard talk on radio this morning.




    Now know it is just one practice, but looks like continual improvement to me. And a little more anticipation.


    Its all over the Training camp Pittsburgh thread. Theres many tweets and links posted in that that talk all about the great day he had yesterday.

  12. According to this, EJ is horrendously bad when facing no pressure, but not terrible at all when under pressure:




    No wonder us Bills fans feel like we're losing our minds... what to make of this?


    It mainly says that he is pretty bad when pressured (2.6 yards per play) but so is mostly every QB for obvious reasons so he is ranked 18th. When not pressured every other QB improves immensely while EJ barely improves. I dont think its that he plays worse when not pressured.


    Go Bills

  13. Come on. This post isnt thought through at all. You say you're an optimist and take the harshest, most pessimistic view of every facet of our team. Our defense or offense arent nearly as bad as you want to believe. What has Whaley done since being GM that made you feel he is incompetent and needs to be uprooted to use your own analogy?


    Im not saying were a superbowl contender or anything but how can you feel that firing everyone associated with the team and going 0-16 in a year when we dont have a first round pick is the best for the team.


    You say this isnt a Kiko post but i doubt you would have posted this if he never got injured. Yea it sucks hes injured but the good news is it happened early enough for the team to compensate for it and make adjustments. The team has an entire training camp learning the defense without him which allows them to get used to it. Kiko was never gonna make or break this season.

  14. End up with a guy like Dalton? Do you mean the same guy that has 80 TD passes to only 49 INT's? If that's the kind of guy we end up with, then I'll gladly take him. That's comparable to a Phillip Rivers, who I don't think anyone would argue, is NOT a slouch at QB.


    Yea hes made the playoffs but when you watch him you can see that he still has a lot to improve upon to lead a team to a superbowl. There are a lot of people that doubt if Dalton is the guy for Cincy and whether he is the franchise QB you hold onto for 10+ years. Thats what I mean. We dont want to end up with a guy that we are still doubting several years in despite having made the playoffs. If the Cincy defense were to drop off I wouldnt expect Dalton to carry his team to 10-6 the way the top QBs can. Not saying he cant improve still but from what Ive seen from him he is not that great and I would be hesitant to sign him to a big deal.

  15. To mirror what a lot of people have said on this thread, I think he needs to improve from last year but I ultimately think he will. He has such a good head on his shoulders for work ethic and drive that I cant imagine his improving. He really needs to work on scanning the field in the pocket and not seeming so robotic when he drops back. When he rolls out he seems so fluid and his instincts take of and he looks a lot more fliud, so Im hoping his pocket presence changes as well.


    My main concern is actually that he will improve, but how much. We have a team now that is pretty talented in many aspects, definitely good enough to get to the playoffs with above average QB play. If EJ does improve, which I think he will, and we make the playoffs, which I actually think we could with him, a lot of fans are gonna want to lock him up regardless of how much he actually improves. We will have to really evaluate who we think he is/can be as a QB before we throw a lot of money at him. I dont want us to make the playoff this year, everyone on this board says "we got our man" just because we ended the drought and then end up with a guy like Dalton.


    Go Bills

  16. Im still looking for the "franchise changing" QB in this draft. Not saying there isnt one. Im just not sure who the hell that is.


    Sorry about my confusing first comment. I understood our 9 would be in the trade as well but I still don't think there's any chance Jax would take that trade. The ninth is kind of an awkward spot because most of the huge impact guys are gone, which is why the forum is filled with people moving out of it either up or down. Spiller is not worth the difference between the 3rd and 9th pick at all in my opinion. That being said I wouldn't want to get rid of him anyway.

  17. You think we give them Spiller and get their draft spot? Is this a joke? "We could take any of these possibly franchise changing QBs but the Bills would give us Spiller, you know, that 4 year RB who had one descent year and also is somewhat injury prone"


    Maybe we can get Jacksonvilles 3rd round pick for Spiller, maybe.

  18. I would not be an advocate of moving up in this draft, but @BillsMafia RTd this last night on Twitter and I have to admit my heart kind of skipped a beat :lol:

    He had a series of Tweets - "Bay area", "Them Dogs," "Tampa," Rams", "Philly," "Cam Newton" and then ... "Bills Mafia." His last one was :


    Sammy Watkins@sammywatkins 10h

    Bills fans is real though lol


    I saw this last night too and my heart jumped as well. the "Bills Mafia" tweet got 862 RTs while the others got much less, closest was Detroit in the 400s or so. The "Jags" tweet got a whopping 87 RTs and "Tampa" got 90. Seeing how many more the Bills tweet got prompted him to send out his last tweet. Pretty cool


    Go BIlls

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