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Posts posted by jletha

  1. if EJ stinks we get a great pick next year, possibly we pick a high as 15


    What? 15 is not a great pick, not high enough to draft the franchise guys, look at this year.


    The 2016 draft class at least right now looks way better,


    Somehow every year next years class is better...


    With this defense I dont know why anyone would be willing to just coast this year and set up for the next year. Nothing about that year is guaranteed. Mario and Kyle will be older, we could lose Dareus and Gilmore by then, Fred will be on his way out if not gone. The defense could look completely different and your solution is that a rookie QB that we grab with the 9th pick will lead us? How often does that happen? How about we do everything we can to win this year when the defense is more of a sure thing and also keep an eye on the future for QBs. great defenses rarely last for more then 3-4 years continuously and we need to try to capitalize this year


  2. You don't give up 1/3 of your cap space to a QB if you think he needs to compete with EJ to determine the starter. JMO

    IMO you do if thats what he costs to bring in and you want to throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks for QB.


    Remember when Seattle brought in Flynn and drafted Russell Wilson in the same year while also having Tavaris Jackson on the roster? The situation can be similar in Buffalo. Just because a guy makes more money doesnt mean he has to start. If EJ develops then great. If Sam beats him out then great. If we draft someone and he ends up being the best then great. But if Im whaley Im bringing in every QB I can reasonably get to compete.

  3. 2 years ago. His best games were against teams that had like 2 wins all year. In a couple others, they were getting blown out and he put up garbage time stats. http://www.nfl.com/player/sambradford/497095/profile


    No worries. I just hate anointing guys who haven't proven anything really and I have very serious concerns Bradford.


    Whoever they bring in needs to compete for job in a fair competition. None of these guys are good enough to be handed a job. Because of they were, they won't be on the market.

    Bradford would certainly have to compete for the starting job, it wouldnt be handed to him. Why are you so against Bradford coming in? Isnt it better to have multiple options at QB? Do you really feel that we are ok going into the season with just EJ as the guy with no backup plan in case he doesnt develop or actually regresses?


    So include EJ as a piece in the trade.

    Thats what Im saying. I said it earlier when McCown was brought in. Having a vet like Josh means we can include EJ in trades. Send EJ and a later pick to St Louis. They get a new QB with some potential for WAY less money, we get a new guy we feel will help us more + McCown.



    No you are correct that is their approach. However, it is like anything when does an objective assessment become a subjective assessment. If you start from the position of loving player A and there is a miscommunication on a play between player A and player B who are you more likely to mark down?


    I just don't believe it is nearly as objective as they would have you believe.

    Yea thats true. I give people that handle too much credit often times.

  6. If I remember correctly they dont just assign ratings based on the eye-ball test and how much they like a guy. I think they go through every play of every game and do a +/- of good plays and bad plays for the whole year. Then they run a statistical evaluation for each player and compare it to the average player. I think the z-score of the individual player's +/- comapred to league average is what assigns the elite, very good, good etc designation. They very well may think Mario is better than Kyle but thats just not what the numbers they have show. It may mean they need to tweak their evaluation but I dont see it as a "They love Kyle"


    But maybe Im thinking of something else.

  7. Not sure that is what they are doing but you make a very good point.

    Yea Im obviously not sure either but I was just thinking. Just as an example, remember when we drafted EJ there were reports that Chip liked him. Perhaps we send some mid round picks and EJ to the Eagles for Foles. Having McCown allows them to make that deal comfortably. I havent really thought this trough completely but its an example.

  8. EJ is faster than Alex Smith, and he played pretty darn well with Roman's run game.

    Yea I think Roman will set EJ up better than Marrone did but I mean specifically this type of offense showed in the article. They changed the offense from Alex Smith to Kaep. That said I still would rather have another QB, I just don't believe in EJ.

  9. EJ has a much better chance at success under Roman, if we can't get anyone else to take the job from him.


    I have watched most of the 49ers games the past 3-4 years and I really liked what they put together offensively. This year was a bad year for them due to the circumstances.

    EJ is much much slower than Kaep. Two of the plays outlined there were dependent on Kaepernicks speed alone. EJ would have been tackled on both plays. HE is not nearly as elusive of a player. I think he will be mor eproductive in this offense than he has been with us but I dont think EJ is the best player to run this type of game. He can run when necessary but I havent seen any flash of elusiveness out of him in the open field.

  10. Yea I miss Stevie. I thought he was a good player and would really contribute on this team. Id say hes as good as Woods in terms of production and we could use that right now. On top of that I loved his personality and his love for Buffalo. Didnt like the penalties but whatever. Never really cost us anything significant.


    It wasn't just the arm strength, that is part of the concern for me. If he just didn't have the zip on his throws then I could have looked past it (as has been said he never had great arm strength to start with). His accuracy was off, his timing was off it was everything. By the end of the season I don't even think he was trusting what his eyes were seeing. He looked like he had literally fallen off the edge of a cliff and when a guy does that at 38 years old it is not normally injury related. Peyton might make me and other doubters look foolish. He is, after all, the greatest regular season Quarterback in NFL history.... but for me that is too big a risk to give a guy $15million a year or more.



    Look at his compiled stats for the first twelve games from last year. Then add that to the fact that he had his best statistical year ever the year prior. What seems more likely, that he went from an MVP caliber player for 28 games spanning two seasons to have old age catch up with him and ruin him for good over the last 4 weeks or that he had an injury to deal with for the last month of the season, impacting his performance.

  12. Let's temper our lust for Manning with how he actually played the last few games. The guy may really be hitting the wall.

    He may be getting close to a wall but he also may have been injured. Two seasons ago he had his best year ever, a historic MVP season but floundered in the superbowl. This year he started out as hot as he was in the the previous regular season but struggled later for whatever reason, you say old age I say injury. I dont think the last couple games will be the norm for him next year though, dont expect 16 of those The guy can play still. Obliviously hes slowed down but Im hard pressed to believe that he went from the best 16 game stretch hes ever had followed by 8+ great performances this year only to fall completely apart beyond repair in a 5 month span.


    I would love Manning in Buffalo

  13. There have been persistent rumors on this board that Sam Bradford, Eli Manning, Jay Cutler, RGIII and Colin Kaepernick (am I missing anyone?) may be available this offseason for various reasons. I don't see it. Why would any team give up a viable veteran (although not perfect) QB without an obvious replacement in the wings? I can kind of see Bradford because of the cap hit but even there why would St. Louis do that without an obvious candidate to take his place? This is a serious question.

    I think they are almost all unlikely to become free but that shouldnt stop the discussion, crazier things have happened. I can at least convince myself that scenarios exist where these guys become available under some circumstances but theyre not plausible.


    Basically Bradford has not worked out for them and they owe him a lot. if they think they can get picks for him and move up in the draft it may be worth it. They were competitive without him (kinda) and I think its possible the organization and fan base has soured on him based on what they gave him financially and what theyve received in return. IF we make an offer they may consider it.


    Manning would be (a lot) tougher but hes in the last deal of his contract and then would require an extension. Prior to this year his numbers were trending down and the thought is that they might not want to extend him after this contract for big money which means he would become a FA. If they trade him this year, when they are likely not contending they can get something back for him instead of just letting him go to FA. If we make them a strong offer do they at leasst consider it because of this?


    Cutler has completely worn out his welcome in Chi and they owe him a ton. I think the new regime just cuts their losses and moves on. They are certainly not going to be competitive with him and not much will change without him. If they can find someone willing to take him off their hands why wouldnt they?


    RG3 the new coach, who is there next year, hates him and has publicly criticized him. While the Owner loves him, if trade offers come their way Jay might be able to convince them to let him go because I believe jay would certainly take picks over keeping him on his team.


    CK, no idea except with Harbaugh leaving and a non-productive year I thought there may be a chance they dont like him and want to start over. With them promoting from ithhin for HC I dont see this happening.

  14. I know, it's unfathomable that EJ is so inconsistent after completing 16 starts over 2 seasons (one shortened by injury).


    Inconsistent doesnt tell the story. In my opinion he was very consistent, consistently not good enough with flashes of being competent. If it were the other way around, mostly competent with some bad throws in there, Id be a lot more optimistic. EJ is not good enough to lead us into next year, plain and simple. We need someone better to be able to capitalize on this defense.

  15. Although this approach can yield some positive results, there is a major flaw with it.


    No matter how good the D, the day will come when you need top QB performance to counter-attack the opponents top QB, like when you get deep into the playoffs.


    At that point, a mediocre EJ ain't gonna be enough.


    If the goal is to merely make the playoffs and lose a wildcard game, sure, EJ could work for that if he has improved.


    Thats true but theres the counter to that, if you have a great QB a day will come when you need your defense to win a game for you.


    I agree that there will be a need for our QB to win some games and he may not be able to deliver but lets hope those games dont come in the playoffs.

  16. non start Game was 0-0 when cassell came in first quarter. Yeah I'd say he deserves some credit for that win ... certainly Brady doesnt


    Just to add to this. The 2008 11 wins from Matt Cassell was skewed by the fact that we played the NFC West that year which was awful, the Dolphins won the division with 12 wins and the Jets had 9 wins. The records of the the NFC west were horrible so every got a bump in wins like that. With Brady they would have won 14 games most likely.


    would OP be taking jabs at the QB play if it was EJ instead of Brady? Doubt it. Tom had one bad throw all game but other than that he played almost perfect football. The Wagner int was more about Wagner than TB.


    Also take note of the quality of talent at the WR position on both teams in the SB. None are that special, all are expendable talent and we just traded two firsts for a WR. I love Sammy but it kind of shows we may have been misguided in using those resources on a WR when they are clearly not needed.

  17. One thing to consider is that one great guy can make the others around him better. Meaning that while they say they we need 7 guys to become a superbowl contender, many of that is on the O-line where adding one better guy can elevate the others we already have higher. This doesnt mean we need to go out and find 7 new guys.

  18. 1. Actually they are. Colts and Ravens fans are going nuts on social media.


    2. Considering it's being reported on every major news outlet in the western hemisphere I'd say your designation as a "non-story" is wrong.


    3. The Patriots are not cheaters? Nice try Bellichick. gtfo of here.


    - Yea those fans are going nuts because they lost to them but the players on those teams are advocating for letting it go because they know it had no impact.


    - Its being reported because the media will beat any story to death but many reporters and knowledgeable people, including former players, are saying that it has little to no impact on the outcome of a game and it happens a lot across the league. So while it may be a story it is a non-issue, my bad for poor choice of words.


    - Spygate happened and that was cheating but this is many years later and is not something I would consider cheating. Just because they were "caught" here doesnt automatically make the two connected. If you commit tax fraud and then get a speeding ticket for 10 mph over the limit those two dont necessarily point to a pattern of criminality. One is something obviously malicious and the latter is something that almost everyone does. The two are not related.

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