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Everything posted by jletha

  1. These are the types of questions that would make it not worth it if I’m the Saints.
  2. He probably would be. But if you’re the Saints would you roll the dice AND pay him what it seems he wants in terms of contract? It’s not like offensive output was lacking for them last year.
  3. Agreed there. But the Saints wouldn’t risk any disruptions especially if they have to pay him big money. The deal would have to be very favorable to the Saints. If a very team favorable deal could be made I’m sure lots of other teams would be in the mix. It seems AB wants big money on a good team and the steelers want assets back. That’s a tough combination to put together for a guy that has shown to be a problem.
  4. Problem there is he was just on a team with a HOF QB and Super Bowl aspirations and he was a headcase. The Saints wouldn’t want to risk ruining their chemistry with a guy that shows he is volatile unless the deal was super small and they could cut him mid season if they pleased. AB won’t sign a deal like that. He’s kind of backed himself into a corner.
  5. I actually don’t think it’s impossible (and posted as much elsewhere). Assuming he has a relationship with McCoy (they share an agent) I think it’s possible Shady, and others, got on the phone and told him that The team isn’t that bad. McCoy loves Allen too, so he’d talk him up. It’s possible they other options aren’t any better and the steelers call us back up asking if the deal is still on the table. Problem is that it likely isn’t at the same value.
  6. I heard Titans and Washington. Neither are very inspiring from a football perspective. Certainly not much better off than we are.
  7. Agreed they would have prior to the end of the season. But nobody wants an old, annoying player that ruins locker rooms and wants a new deal that they have to give up assets for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t think the steelers really benefit at all from an outright release. The money is almost the same. They’re better off holding on and hoping someone trades for him mid season after an injury or something.
  8. My guess is the market for him is essentially zero. The Steelers don't want to take the trades being offered and Brown won't go to Buffalo. So theyre stuck. If Im pittsburgh Id really consider just keeping him and benching him if the trade market is really bad. But we will see what happens when the deal is eventually done. Id bet that AB is a little surprised right now at how few teams (and how little those teams) are willing to trade for him. I think he thought the top teams were going to falling over themselves to make a deal.
  9. If the cheap shots were only at he Bills its understandable but their at the city of a lot of the time which is the frustrating part. I actually think theres a non-zero (although unlikely) chance that we still get Brown. A guy like McCoy can get on the phone and maybe convince AB that Buffalo isnt bad and McCoy loves Allen so he may persuade him to give Buffalo a try. And the Steelers likely would prefer that cause we offered the best deal. The other teams rumored in the running arent exactly inspiring (Raiders, Redskins, Titans etc). Unless he really likes the idea of Vegas, which would make some sense. But from a team perspective I think were equal with the other teams willing to make a deal.
  10. Itll likely be less than what we offered, which is why they agreed to our deal last night. At this point the cards have been on the table from interested teams. I cant imagine someone saw our deal fall through and is willing to up theirs knowing AB can just blow it up if he wants. I actually think theres a non-zero (although unlikely) chance that we still get Brown. A guy like McCoy can get on the phone and maybe convince AB that Buffalo isnt bad and McCoy loves Allen so he may persuade him to give Buffalo a try. And the Steelers likely would prefer that cause we offered the best deal. The other teams rumored in the running arent exactly inspiring (Raiders, Redskins, Titans etc). Unless he really likes the idea of Vegas, which would make some sense. But from a team perspective I think were equal with the other teams willing to make a deal.
  11. FYI some teams are W3 for the home opener. Not many but at least 1-2 a year I think.
  12. Why is this its own thread?
  13. https://twitter.com/CharlesRobinson/status/1102267158485184512 No thanks. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/where-have-the-wideouts-gone-explaining-the-recent-bust-rate-for-first-round-wrs/ Please no.
  14. From what I gather is was using the services of those involved in human/sex trafficking. It doesnt appear that Kraft was involved or was aware of the trafficking himself. He wont get into that much trouble is my guess unless it comes out there he was more heavily involed in the trafficking part
  15. Exactly. It doesn’t have to be SB or bust but it is 9-10 wins and competitivness or bust.
  16. I think making the playoffs with Josh Allen would be a massive success, especially if Allen looks good. I don't think anyone is expecting a SB run after last season. The moves this offseason will be for 2019 and 2020 success. The point is there is no more tanking moves (trading stars, getting rid of QBs, etc). 2019 needs to show real progress towards building a contender behind Josh Allen.
  17. Elway gave up a pick for the right to pay Flacco $20 mill a year, a guy that Baltimore was happy to get rid of and was recently benched for a run-first rookie. And they were the only bidder likely.
  18. Is he THAT much better than Case that you give up assetts (gotta see what they traded) and pay him $20mill a year? Id just ride it out with Case
  19. I think its a combination of McVays scheme with Goff certainly improving over time to flourish in it but I think yesterday it came down to in-experience by Goff. I saw that the Pats had played more snaps in man-to-man than any team in the regular season but yesterday played virtually no man to man. I just think Goff doesnt have the game experience to erase a two-week long game plan to beat man-to-man and all of the sudden execute a zone beating scheme even. I think over time you can learn to do that better than he did bit thats a tough wrinkle to throw at a young QB in his first Superbowl. Well played by the Pats
  20. Its probably just a troll thread. Yea the NFL is rigged to make money yet the two teams in the biggest market have been awful for years and the Cowboys, their most valuable franchise by far, hasnt won anything in a long long time. Also the NBA is rigged, thats why the Knicks win every year and small market teams like Oakland, SA and Cleveland are rarely successful.
  21. Given the needs for this team Im surprised there isnt more for Peters. But Bruce is a close second because he is one of the best ever.
  22. Theres the saying that the best ability is availability. Even if you think Wentz may be better at QB long term than Foles he has not shown he can stay on the field for an entire season. his injuries are major and will take their tole. Nick Foles might be favored in Philly because he stays healthy.
  23. Well also we were getting blown out in a lot of games and so teams had very little need to pass on us. Im sure that played into this somewhat. But doesnt change the fact that our secondary is in the top third of the league.
  24. You are very bullish on JA. I think we have reason to be optimistic but to say every other scenario would have fared better for Allen and the team is kinda insane.
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