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Posts posted by billybrew1

  1. Moved away over 30 years ago because of work... But Buffalo will always be home... I plan to retire there someday...



    Excellent thruway system with not too many cars.....you can actually breath the air and go someplace quickly..... Clean air (bears repeating and there are other reasons for it. Water, water everywhere. Not many places on earth are blessed with so much fresh water available to all. (more water for some, but that is beside the point). These three reasons are unbelievably huge if you look around elsewhere.

    Extremely low cost housing is, to me, a type of human right, a type of freedom. To be able to outright own your home while your still can move and not haveto answer to any banks is awesome.

    The people are great. At least the ones who matter. Sunset bay, elwood avenue, zoar valley, alleghany, UB (affordable education...another human right). Mild weather aside from winter. You can always throw a jacket on. Our restaurants! Alabama swamps. Niagara falls! Niagara river! The most water/second moving than any river in the world!. The whole waterfront all the way too lake ontario and beyond! If you are like me, you are just happier by water, big lakes, small, rivers, creeks and ponds......do not take these things for granted my dear buffalonians....

    Oh, a small city is best I think. Not crowded or expensive yet great culture, pro teams and major stopping point for entertainers.....


    And lastly, 2013 superbowl champs!


    I love buffalo, Go Bills!

  2. No, this is not a negative thread. Actually the diametric opposite.


    Let me explain. In every thread since the draft we find the obligatory "it's only on paper", "we have good parts, let's see if they work together", "I don't want to get too excited", "slow your roll", disclaimer posts, or defense mechanism posts, whatever. I'm talking EVERY SINGLE THREAD. It's as if there is some regulation somewhere, that requires these disclaimers, and some regulator, watching every thread to ensure they are present. Kinda like the small print on commercial that ends with "Not available in NY and CA".


    Therefore, in order to comply with this regulation :lol: posters seem compelled to insert these disclaimers: "Not valid until at least 8 weeks into the season". :lol:


    But, if we look, and I mean really look, at the team, the schedule, the way we played last year, who and how much was added vs lost, right now...are we being idiotsTM with these disclaimers? Or, rather, are we going to be saying "Why didn't we see 3-1, and then 6-2, and now 10-2 coming from a mile away? If another team had done what we'd did this off-season, we'd have picked them to win the SB, not just compete for the 6th seed."


    Are we so shell shocked/numbed due to the last 10 years(the last time we were GAed to have a shot at the wildcard in preseason) of awfulness, that we can't be objective about it?


    Understand, I'm not accusing anybody of anything, nor am I saying posters aren't justified in feeling any way th

    ey want. I think they've earned that.


    I just wonder, are we all, including me, being idiotsTM about this? 20 weeks from now will we be asking ourselves, WTF were we thinking?



    Yes, yes you are.


    You guys are unbelievable. We have as good a shot as anybody at the superbowl. An unbelievable roster on defense and a deep talented offense entering year three with many upgrades, but most importanly......the guys already there, too many to mention, are ready to pull it all together and function as a tough, scrappy offense that will be very efficient and will take advantage of superb field position. Everyone from last year's offense is going up a notch....it is clear.

  3. Some of the utube comments are so stupid. Talking about this being fake and making comments about the stupid shadows. It's like a Toyota Tercel. It's hardly a heavy car. And it's not like it's the front of the car where the engine is. Is obviously in neutral but I have serious doubts that this is fake. I mean when I was working out a few years ago I could leg press well over 1,000lbs and squat over 6-700. I'm sure Marcell Dareus can easily top that.



    How do you do a leg press?

  4. Hey, i agree 110% because I would take it even further. I want a smash-mouth team to shut-up them low-down, dirty cheatin', no good patriots. I want to see belichek and Brady whine like they did at the ralph last season.

    I wanna see Brady shut-down with a savage defense. I want a awesome running game with big nasty linemen steam rolling down the field. I want a team that no one wants to play because we are so big and tough. A hour of sheer hell.


    Furthermore, I think the city of Buffalo is tough, especially in its heart. I think the team buddy has built is the perfect match for this city. Football is an emotional game, and this team loves its fans and the fans are gunna be there in droves screaming to help their team win, going to the airport, working together for charitess and finally winning that stupid superbowl.


    Lastly, I am sick of reading posts that say," it's a passing league now, you can't win with fritz." And, "maybe the Bills might get a wildcard, but they can't win the division." or " maybe will be a superbowl contender if we have two more good drafts."

    Yeah, I'm sick of that. This season will be the death of those posts.


    The Bills are a superbowl contender right now and we are going to be thrilling to watch this year.


    Again, nice post and Go Bills!

  5. You gotta love this defense. I think Mario is going to do more damage to Brady holding the line more than pass rushing (at least when it's a three step drop). The guy is just a monster. Brady throws a ton right over where Mario will be playing. Mario is big enough, strong enough, tough enough and can jump like a kangaroo to disrupt Brady's vision, his throws or just tip passes (hopefully to himself. I've read he has 10 ints. that's quite a stat). Both of our DTs are ideal for playing Brady as well. NE line is the best pass-blocking line I have ever seen and then some. But, I think the fact that we have not one, but two - primo penetrating DTs will give them some trouble. They are going to be a very tough assignment for any team as long as their healthy.... Having two makes them really special and unique. And of course we have two speed rushers as well in Mr. Anderson and Light's Out. Again, having two is Way better than one (unless that one is B.S.) So many times i have seen pass rushers get gassed playing passing teams. You simply can't rush hard every play....unless you have two of them.

    I also think Kelsay is a pretty darn good backup at LDE. Mario doesn't have to hold back tossing people around, he can rest a series or two....

    And that's just the D-line!

    I love that whole defense, I'm telling you..... Sheppard has the tools to run that D. A very big and solid with B.S. type glutes. (B.S. Himself accredited his big glutes as the reason for his dominance). gym rat when he isn't watching film. He is a tough guy who will drop them on contact and yet is athletic enough to play pass defense. Barnett is one of our best players and will not leave the field. A former #1 because of his combination of toughnees and speed. Barnett will light up backs with their head down as he knives in between blockers and hits with nice explosion. He is one of the best three-down LBs in the league and what a great get for chixy and us fans. I really like Captain Kirk at SLB as well. Highly experienced and durable, he won't be fooled often. Has the size and the history to play that spot well. Both he and Barnett are former MLB that called their defense, can't think of a better place for Sheppard to grow than behindvour line and surrounded by coaches on the field. That said, by fall.the two impressive rookies ought to be able to help if needed. Mr. Scott is definitely going to play more than Captain Kirk in this show as more teams throw more every year. Scott McKillop has a chance to impress enough that we keep a seventh LB to back up Sheppard, but I see them giving the spot to someone else & sliding Morrison in the middle and giving Nigel the SLB job.


    Well, I am finally getting tired but I could ramble on and on about this defense otherwise....you know I love our super heat seeking killer extra big CBs. Their job is to either catch poorly thrown balls, which will bevmore abundant this year, or lay the lumber. Something they both excell at and a great way to defend our middle. I may love our safties most of all... All around great players that hit harder then they look, have great hands and ofcourse, always watching film or working out..... Right now, we go a very respestable, six deep at CB. What's not to love?


    Go Bills!

  6. Brady has gone up against, and beaten, oodles of the leagues best defenses for over a decade now. There is a well established pattern of success in his corner. It's not like the Bills defense is going to be anything different than what Brady has routinely dissected numerous times throughout his career.


    Further, in those Giants SB wins it was Manning and his offense that won it for them. As mentioned previously, it's all about QB play over the course of a season.


    No, you re dead wrong. This defense can easily become special and give him whiny fitz.


    Oh yeah, i remember everyone talking about how manning harrased Brady all game long. Of course the defense had a ton to do with the gents victory...,,


    Go Bills!

  7. Honestly sir. That is an excellent perspective and realistic. He has been on the field doing the work and no light days ( from what i have perceived and read )

    Go Bills indeed :thumbsup:



    Isn't it great? Rates his health at 100%! Barnett sez Sheppard could be an all-time great. Fitzpatrick quote, "my accuracy is light year's ahead of last year at this time."

    Everybody is coming together, as players and teamates. Donald Jones playing well, Easly fighting back. Stevie working to improve. Nelson working with tim brown. Dorian the H-back being talk of as if he already is a Bill. Hagan impressing. Graham coming on. As people talk about his speed. And that's just the WRs!



    Bills' fans gotta wear shades when looking to the future..... Blindfolds when looking back....

    No jinxes! And knock on wood!


    Go Bills!

  8. I think the defence can be dominate without him..... With him, I think our defense may be compared to the best ever.

    There is no player I do not like and a whole bunch that I think will be in the running for season ending awards. Including Shawn, who will be up for comeback player of the year and possibly the probowl...


    If Light's Out plays, I see him rotating with Mr. Anderson, slowly at first with a gradual increase depending on many factors. I really hope they can hold him back a little, increasing his odds of being healthy for the playoffs.


    What I like about having him is he will lay people out and intimidate opponents (for real) within the rules.... I see him taking a major leadership role with regards to player and team tpughness (and I think we need that). I think he will also keep our team's eyes on the prize....


    Don't forget, he really was maybe the best defender in football three years ago and is only 28. I think he is more excited than any of us and is just dying to show everyone he can do it, and play at a probowl level without roids....


    It is very exciting! I love the offense too.... Scrappy, tough and effiecient. With a great running game to keep defenses guessing and an intelligent and effective passing game that will be able to capitolize on good field position or make a good defense pay that can take away our running game....


    Every single game will be special to me. Every week we need to get a little better. A little more confident, a little more demanding of themselves...


    Go Bills!

  9. Fitzy (obi won) is number two on the QBR at ESPN so far this year.....amazing.

    I didn't think he ever could be this good until after the Cincy game myself.

    Now, I don't see why not. So much of the game is dependent on brain power.. he can read with the best of them and he can also see the field post snap with the best. Not that he is without athleticism....I'm just sayin'


    He is using the force.....


    Go Bills!

  10. It is good to see that Donald Jones is finding ways to help the team win even though the Evans trade put him into shock (he wasn't ready mentally). Now that Parrish is down, and it looks like the Bills need him to come up big, I think he answers the bell this week at home against the hated cheaters.


    go bills!


    now if we can get Merriman to play lights out.....

  11. offense # Pos.

    Demetrius Bell 77 OL

    Colin Brown 74 OL

    Scott Chandler 84 TE

    Marcus Easley 81 WR

    Ryan Fitzpatrick 14 QB

    Chris Hairston 75 OT

    Fred Jackson 22 RB

    Steve Johnson 13 WR

    Donald Jones 19 WR

    Andy Levitre 67 OL

    David Martin 80 TE

    Ruvell Martin 83 WR

    Corey McIntyre 38 FB

    David Nelson 86 WR

    Roscoe Parrish 11 WR

    Erik Pears 79 OL

    Zack Pianalto 87 TE

    Chad Rinehart 76 OL

    Brad Smith 16 QB

    C.J. Spiller 28 RB

    Tyler Thigpen 4 QB

    Kraig Urbik 60 OL

    Johnny White 35 RB

    Eric Wood 70 OL

    defense # Pos.

    Nick Barnett 50 LB

    Danny Batten 57 LB

    Jairus Byrd 31 S

    Alex Carrington 92 DE

    Marcell Dareus 99 DT

    Andra Davis 54 LB

    Robert Eddins 48 LB

    Dwan Edwards 98 DE

    Drayton Florence 29 CB

    Kellen Heard 72 DT

    Spencer Johnson 91 DE

    Chris Kelsay 90 LB

    Terrence McGee 24 CB

    Leodis McKelvin 21 CB

    Shawne Merriman 56 LB

    Arthur Moats 52 LB

    Kirk Morrison 58 LB

    Justin Rogers 42 CB

    Bryan Scott 43 S

    Da'Norris Searcy 25 DB

    Kelvin Sheppard 55 LB

    Torell Troup 96 NT

    Chris White 94 LB

    Kyle Williams 95 NT

    Aaron Williams 23 DB

    George Wilson 37 S

    specialists # Pos.

    Rian Lindell 9 K

    Brian Moorman 8 P

    Garrison Sanborn 65 LS


    That's right.....they are all going to show up.






    Go Bills!

  12. Don't know about you but I was looking at our new 53 man roster and here is what I come up with.


    QB's - Do be honest with you Thigpen is no better than Edwards, and Smith may be an upgrade on Brown: Slight Upgrade

    OL - I see no improvement here: No Change

    TE: - I see no improvement here: NO Change

    RB's - I see no Improvement here: No Change

    WR's - We got worse with the Evans trade: Downgrade


    Overall the offense is not really any better than last year on paper.


    DL: With Dareas we have an upgrade.

    LB's: If Merriman and Bennett can stay healthy this is an upgrade.

    DB's: Slight upgrade with Aaron Williams.

    ST's: With kick offs basically eliminating kick returns this may be a downgrade. We have some good returners but they no longer mean anything with the new rules. However, we struggled last year tackling: No Change



    Overall Defense should improve with the upgrades at DL and LB. Depth is better overall. Problem is I don't see the defense staying healthy throughout the year with all these fragile upgrades. We sit here on pins and needles just waiting for Merriman and Bennett to get hurt. Offensively, I see no real improvement on paper unless the offensive line improves. With the lack of a WR that can stretch the field with the loss of Evans, I don't see this offense improving on last year. The addition of Brad Smith offsets the loss of Evans.




    You have taken a very hard and honest look at the Bills and it is difficult to say otherwise, but I will try....

    I think, last year, we made a ton of mental errors on defense which resulted in a ton of big plays against and I am hoping that we make less this year as it is our second year in the system and our LBs are a veteran group. I wish they had a normal offseason and practiced together more.


    I guess I would add two things to your list. One, we are in the second year of our new coach, systems etc. and that should really help.

    And two, last year's draft class will be much improved... I say will be and not should be as I am confident they are much better and ready to help.


    I can see anywhere between 10 wins and 4 wins. Basically on the bounce of the football, winning and losing are both contagious and more importantly injuries. Merriman in particular, but there are other key guys of course.

  13. sounds like merriman gave you the pre game speech for the ages. If he stays healthy im with you 100%. could be a nasty front 7. i think one of the biggest beneficiaries of a healthy merriman and kyle williams and dareus will be dwan edwards... seriously tho. im not expecting him to be a pro bowler but he will look much more improved.

    I see what your saying about Edwards, and I think a lot of players on our D are good enough to take advantage of the havoc the big 3 can provide. what about Byrd?



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