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Everything posted by joshypoo

  1. Ted is my hero ! I like the girls that do drugs (Drugs) Girls with cigarettes in the back of the club (Club) Girls that hate cops and buy guns (Guns) Girls with no buns, girls that's mean just for fun I like girls who make love, but I love girls who like to ***** That's what's up I like tall girls, small girls Girls with ***** Call girls Girls who get naked on the 'Gram They say I'm too *****in' horny Wanna put me in a cage I'd probably ***** the hole in the wall The guy before made I like girls who pregnant Girls who give it up for lent Girls who so *****in' kinky that they're bent
  2. hey I’m just trying to fit in with all the alphas around here
  3. what are you talking about? This is legit hilarious. You must like those soyboy comics like Adam Sandler! if only you understood comedy…do your research!
  4. that’s my brotha! lets pornify everything!
  5. let’s build the wall AND let’s make Mexico pay for it!!! It’s time now!!! I want a 1000 mile wall, it will be glorious! And free! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Wall! Build it! Wall! Wall! Wall! Build it! Wall!
  6. Give me tariffs or give me death!
  7. Trump is going to win and it’s going to rule! Bring on the tariffs, ***** buying products made elsewhere. Anyone that tells you tariffs are wrong is an idiot!
  8. So the dude got violently assaulted at and his job and hospitalized but there’s no police report? You don’t think that sounds just a bit weird? if you’re hospitalized and you tell them the reason is because you were assaulted, an officer will be in your room fairly quickly. Just seems slightly sus. Has anyone checked in on MS13 or the caravans lately? I kind of prefer this new gang tbh, the name is much catchier…epitome of evil…just rolls off the tongue, kudos to them.
  9. Theres sock puppets involved?! Now I’m in, tell me more. Trump + sock puppets is kind of like an unstoppable force. Into it.
  10. maybe this is dumb, but why not call the cops if you’re the building owners? Also, why wasn’t a police report filed when their employee was attacked? something doesnt add up here
  11. Yessss, thank you for finally acknowledging how much privilege us black homosexuals have. still a cool city tho.
  12. moarrrrrrrr! Give us more laughs!
  13. can we go back to discussing the twink who took that hog in the capitol building?
  14. Idk, that twink from senate hearing room was pretty hot with the ***** dripping out his hole. not sure if we should count that as a negative along the other points.
  15. man, they’re getting really good at comedy. This stuff is hilarious…please keep it coming!
  16. Sir, this is a Wendy’s… pleaseeeeeeee let him win, I don’t want these sound clips to end! This stuff is brilliant!
  17. SNL has always made fun of ALL politicians…its weird when anyone tries to make it seem like the show is partisan. its like one step above dick jokes, it’s really not that serious no matter who they rip on.
  18. Had a fantastic couple nights in Minneapolis last week…solid restaurants, MN Wild game was a blast, fun gay bars, and a pretty walkable downtown core. where can I find the downfall for my next trip?
  19. This thread is the most anybody on this forum has pretended to care about female sports in their lifetime.
  20. this is one of the most brilliant things I’ve seen, truly transcendent. make this man the leader of every free world. november rain is just incredible.
  21. Just a friendly reminder, Israel sucks and needs to wiped off the Earth if they continue on their current trajectory.
  22. Popping back in here after a few weeks away…still the biggest little dick contest in the world I see.
  23. Fun fact…somehow the Killers have never played WNY. That would be quite the nice first concert at the new stadium. Not sure they’re a stadium act but it’s better than the inevitable Taylor Swift or some bro-country trash.
  24. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-nfl-owner-buffalo-bills-1235105227/ i kind of wish the bank would’ve ignored his falsified bank statements and allowed him a chance at getting the Bills. they would’ve been on the next flight to LA…
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