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Everything posted by joshypoo

  1. well he has her vote, that’s a start ha.
  2. why are people acting like a filling a free event at MSG is some ground breaking moment…they had plenty of celebs on the bill to attract the crowd. just like Harris drawing 20k with Beyoncé on the bill, it’s all so stupid. this rally stuff on both sides is just insanely dumb.
  3. as a black man, this is truly some insane thinking here. how much time have you spent volunteering in our community? you speak like someone that doesn’t know what it’s like to be black.
  4. let kids be kids for sure, but let them decide what type of kid they want to be to an extent. the PREP program is funded through 2025, it was put in place back in 2015. eliminating this program would save a good amount of money, any wouldn’t impact a portion of the population Trump views as a cornerstone to his base. id like him surprise me, but there’s been literally nothing in his campaign aimed at LGBT equality, which I def understand because again it’s not an audience he has a chance to win over. the wild part is, Trump was always very pro-LGBT prior to becoming a politician (as was he pro-choice and against assault weapons) but when religious money starts pouring into your campaign, he had to make the decision to follow the money.
  5. is this an actual engagement on substance? kind of shocked here on that… he didn’t outright ban anything or create issues for my life as it relates to my identity (race/orientation). however, letting the more extreme portions of govt (dems and repubs) to unfairly target trans people is disgusting. I’m on a NFL team message board talking politics, I don’t expect many people here to have compassion or empathy for trans people so I’ll just mov on from that. but it would be nice for a politician to not let them continually be labeled sex offenders and such. However, in terms of healthcare for at risk-communities Trump is primed to cause some major issues. A large portion of gay men in America are currently taking Descovy/Truvada to help prevent the spread of HIV. Prevention of HIV is a major health objective as it reduces the cost spent on patients with HIV as well as helps protect our population from further spread. majority of men on this medication are getting it from govt backed medical clinics that are able to provide the meds at very little cost due to government funding that offsets the costs. Trump and his team have already said these type of programs will be going away, this would put the full cost of this medication onto the patient. These meds are about $5-10 for 30 days now…that will go to $850/month if these programs disappear. now again, this probably effects less than 1% of the people on this forum, but there are very real scenarios where minorities lives will be impacted negatively by another Trump term.
  6. we’re deporting you and all your immigrant friends when Trump wins! MAGA 2024
  7. I wasn’t going to tell anyone about how much you like this bussy but then you go ahead and give away my panties without asking. Do you not want to still get pegged later? don’t be such a loser. Blackface is FINE! MAGA 2024 ok, enough of the MAGA cosplay for a minute… is this not lost on anyone that he’s making a statement like this in a state where he gladly took $700M from the govt to build a manufacturing facility currently moonlighting as a data entry center. truly, you can’t all be this tribalistic or obtuse.
  8. Yea, screw those pansy men with feelings. If I see tears from a man, let’s just take his balls, he’s such a beta. And beyonce?! Don’t get me started! What unknown are they gonna pull next?
  9. don’t tell me what patriots want and don’t want! We don’t want no immigrants coming here and using all of our resources…close the damn border! Like Stephen Miller stated this week, America is for Americans, all else get out! if your family were so strong and hard working why couldn’t they succeed in their own country?! Damn snowflakes. MAGA 2024
  10. guys here’s the proof! Why can’t any of you see what they’re doing here?!??!? MAGA 2024
  11. cool story, ***** your parents, we don’t want immigrants here. MAGA 2024
  12. Stop talking about local elections, they don’t mean anything. We only discuss the big boys here! Trump cures all ills, local and national. get on board!
  13. If BillsFanNC kills himself because Trump loses it’s going to be a damn shame. I couldn’t imagine such a patriot living in a communist country.
  14. love this!! MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024 MAGA 2024
  15. ummm, you’re not giving away my panties. At least text me next time and give me a heads up!
  16. yea RFK, a true ICON. Not a more well respected man out there…his morals would make all you libby crybabies shake in your boots. A man of true conviction and righteousness. raw milk, dead bears and cheating on your wife…if you don’t like those things then you’re not American! trump 2024 baby
  17. yea! Exactly…I even let a ***** cut in front of me for the pisser as long as he don’t look at my weiner. So happy to see all my black and Hispanic buddies in a spot that isn’t my local fast food spot or when they’re not cleaning my toilets.
  18. cmon don’t be such a snowflake! A little racial joking is always in good fun! someone get those blacks some watermelons to carve before Halloween! welcome back to trumps America.
  19. we’re holding strong! Screw those cry baby minorities and homos.
  20. Trump wins in a landslide! He’ll set a record for votes cast and win the popular vote. Literally cannot wait to see this all go down, America will finally get the leader it deserves.
  21. Puerto Rico is trash, black people like watermelons…like learn how to understand HUMOR! MAGA 2024 LFG Trump!
  22. how is it not lost on him that he’s walking on stage to the Beastie Boys? One of the notoriously most leftist acts ever…did they not have a Kid Rock song they could queue up?
  23. yes daddy.
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