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Everything posted by joshypoo

  1. Seeing people worry about their 401k is my kink. What you gonna spend it on when the world is both on fire and flooded? Lol
  2. Some truly weird and bizarre tweets/responses in here. Its funny seeing all the love for Shapiro…its almost like Trump wanted him to be the VP selection so they could dig up the sexual assault controversy and use Israel support to divide democrats. Very excited to see this country browner, gayer, and less religious.
  3. I know the game wasnt televised but Merrimam had a very solid game. He had a couple of qb pressures, drew 2 holding penalties, and stuffed the Skins running game near their own goal line. Most of you are freaking out like morons over an exhibition with teams playing in base defenses/offenses but I will say Merrimans play last night has me encouraged.
  4. I had no issue last night, it was a typical Bills game...drunks/fights/bad language. I just choose to not participate in that behavior. Im not gonna lie, I drink a lot before games, but never once have I been engaged in a fight, maliciously attacked someone verbally (beyond Jets/Pats/Phins suck), or vomited/urinated in public. I will agree that NFL games are not child friendly, having been to manu stadiums throughout the league. If you dont like that Im sorry; I see the same complaints from people who take their child to a Lady Gaga or Metallica show. Its the nature of the event that attracts fans like this. I had the Text Helpline called on me last year during the Pats game after an elderly man asked me to sit down while we're on defense. I politely said no as then I wouldnt be able to see either, I offered him and his party to switch rows with us if they would like and then could ask the people in front of them to sit down. The day where I am told I cannot drink before a game or have to sit down will.be the day I stop attending. Ive been told to sit down at concerts too, Im sorry but why dont you just stay home and listen to the CD if you lack that much energy. Long story short, prepare your children for the language and actions of others and theyll be fine. I am not promoting violence/swearing around kids just make sure theyre aware of it. Otherwise will you be the same parent going to their school everyday making sure no one is swearing, having sex, or getting in fights? Focus on yourself and your party and act responsibly yourself and you'll have a great time!
  5. It's not the owner or county's fault for not hosting events/concerts at the stadium. Buffalo/WNY cannot sell-out shows at FNC or Darien lake, let a lone a show at RWS. U2 played stadiums in the US the last 2 summers(all 39 shows were sold out), I know for a fact Buffalo wasn't even in the running for this show because of sluggish sales for recent Live Nation shows at Darien Lake. WNY had the lowest ticket sales for last summer for 3 shows last summer at Darien Lake. This is why Buffalo doesn't see any high-profile tours. We are getting Roger Waters this summer but on his 2nd time around N. America, which helps reduce the risk of playing Buffalo. Also, FNC/Tickets.com lost out on the bidding for Britney Spears, Guns N Roses, Jay Z/Kanye West, and Usher. All 4 of those shows would have brought needed revenue/tourism dollars, however we lost out strictly based on not being able to charge the prices needed to re-coup the artist guarentees. Ever notice we RARELY see a major tour stop in Buffalo? We will continue to draw the country/classic rock tours years afetr year because thats what sells in this area. It's sad, we live in NY but have the musical tastes of Oklahoma or Nebraska. What else are you going to do when your only rock station sis till playing Nirvana/Soundgarden/Bush 50x per day instead of some newer exciting stuff. Oh well, and BTW I do know that Gaga is touring this summer in stadiums, and I can GUARENTEE she skips Buffalo, not saying that's much of a loss, but it is financially. end rant/
  6. I work with this girl. She works at the Cheescake Factory at the Galleria Mall as a server. Come in and ask for "The Bleacher Creature"...thats's the nickname this video gave her. She's not happy that this was aired on TruTV, but that's what you get for acting like a fool.
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