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Everything posted by joshypoo

  1. Again, truly incredible.
  2. Torching is bad, price of gas isn’t cheap…keying on the other hand…
  3. Lmao. You are not worth a valid response. YOU’RE hysterical and you are ruined by emotions. Good day or not. I don't care. sorry, I really enjoyed this response just needed to correct the grammar before using again.
  4. you can’t get people to act without a little suffering, and I applaud Trump for bringing that suffering.
  5. well without Canadians, this message board you’re posting (tied to the Buffalo Bills) on wouldn’t be here because that team would’ve left a long time ago. so while correct, you personally don’t need Canadians, I bet there’s a different opinion at the HQ of the source of this message board.
  6. galleria is at 94% occupancy per Buffalo Business First in November 2024, can’t find numbers on Niagara. galleria is def not empty store wise.
  7. https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2025/03/10/canada-travel-boycott-4-billion-loss/ This is going to be comedy gold watching WNY’s economy tank… Can’t wait to watch Galleria Mall slowly empty, screw those free loading retain and service workers, get a real job amirite? Truly what would the ultimate is seeing Canadians reduce spending on the Bills and Sabres…be a shame if the only thing keeping Buffalo relevant nationally suffered (jk, it’d be quite funny).
  8. Can I get some of those Tesla solar panels instead, I heard they’re manufactured in the good ol’….wait, *checks notes* China? Let’s turn the South Buff Tesla plant (aka Panasonic battery lol) into the worlds largest Tesla showroom!!!
  9. Tell us youre a 50+ white man on the internet, without telling us youre a 50+ white man on the internet… Commie is inherently a funny word.
  10. Simping for the worlds richest man…I’m getting hard just thinking about your guys tongues getting in between the tread on those boots. Lick it deeper boys.
  11. prefer anal…do you leave cocktail sauce or tartar next to the bedside?
  12. brat summer is over? going to see charli in a few weeks so it’s def now brat spring as well!
  13. def a few for sure…I know you’re prob used to that red lobster dumpster between your wife’s legs, but it’s all good, get the cheddar biscuits out baby! Mrs Doubtfire 2: The Original Kiddie Diddler please, don’t ever change.
  14. You do realize drag queens and trans people are not the same, right? anyone else got any more vids of girls getting their kunts kicked in by trannyboys on the field? we need the entertainment.
  15. Straight men obsessed with female-presenting folk with *****…a tale as old as time…
  16. look at him!!!! girls sports suck, we need more Ladybugs situations!
  17. The wildest part is they’re still saying this is in an attempt to stop fentanyl from coming into our country. Judging the data from the CDC (not sure if that’s a reputable source, couldn’t find anything on Breitbart, sorry) for fentanyl overdoses by state and its Appalachia leading by a lot. Why not y’know try to address the drug addiction problem? Fentanyl can be, and is, produced anywhere (including the U.S.) so it’s not like we’re shutting off the supply. I say let the rednecks enjoy their hillbilly meth. But nah, let’s put a tariff on electronics to stop the problem. Ummmm, ok.
  18. Are we getting the UAP (not sure if that term is considered too woke , but UFO) or JFK files next?
  19. I mean, that girl had terrible position. This is actually way more entertaining then it would be without a trans athlete. so sad lol. did her coach not properly prepare her for how to defend a spike? please say there’s videos of this ha?
  20. hahahahahhahaa, she got brain damage from a volleyball? This is incredible, truly hope Donald helps her eat her dinner through a straw if necessary. women’s sports suck.
  21. Cisco, Juniper, HPE, and Fortinet all announcing 15-25% price hikes effective immediately. This will be a major problem as all of these will be passed through to the consumer. Trump better already have shovels in dirt if he’s expecting any of these companies to move production to the U.S., it would take at minimum 18mos for a facility to be up and running, let along the hiring process.
  22. This was incredible to see Trump not have his bully act work on someone. JD hasn’t been that animated on a couch since well…
  23. When the JFK and UFO files coming? The mental gymnastics in here are incredible.
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