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GMB 8888

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  1. Probably the same thing everyone does on a message board lol. We’re all losers for posting on a political page for a football message board ha.
  2. that Fridays closed awhile ago ha. I’d mention going on Allen but if unhoused scare you, I can’t imagine what type of reaction the scary gays would illicit. just enjoy the Southtowns, keep the scary city out of your thoughts.
  3. It’s almost like different areas are for different people? The city is not a place to raise kids, and I prefer it that way…get your picket fence and have fun in the Southtowns, truly great spots to raise a family. leave the city to the younger crowd, empty nesters, and people who prefer a grimy vibe over a strip mall vibe. Don’t white wash my city, white wash Hamburg. Considering you don’t live there anymore then why care? Let everyone who lives there enjoy the vibe, you can pop down from East Amherst for a Sabres game then scurry back to the suburbs before a big scary unhoused person asks you for change.
  4. you do realize drugs aren’t a urban problem right? Also, if you’re overly concerned with unhoused people and the issues related to their situations, the City Mission has a fantastic volunteer program.
  5. yep, keep pushing people and don’t be shocked when they respond…violently. I know it’s ok, because you’re a stranger on a NFL team message board and none of this matters lol.
  6. we’re never going to agree on that, and arguing with strangers infected with tribalism on the internet is weird. They better hope they take out all the Gaza kids bc they will have hellllllll to pay when these kids grow up and organize a strike back. And it isn’t theirs.
  7. well they shouldn’t have been given land THAT IS NOT THEIRS. they deserve everything bad in the world, hopefully one day we have a govt that doesn’t feel the need to bootlick those scum.
  8. Zionists are scum and deserve the absolute worst. Hopefully someone strikes back in a big way soon.
  9. Do you live in the city? I was on the East Side at Canisius for 6yrs, in South Buffalo for 5yrs and now own a condo on Main St near Chippewa. Sorry the city is too scary for you. Try Elma or East Aurora, both are wonder bread, devoid of diversity and fantastic places to raise a white family.
  10. Israel is a terrorist state, can’t wait till they get what’s coming to them.
  11. this is such a dumb thing to say, but why didn’t anyone tell Donald to stop running up the defecit when he was in office? We know that Democrats do it, just like all politicians do. stop boot licking.
  12. https://pagesix.com/2024/01/05/celebrity-news/server-slams-unpleasant-brittany-mahomes-claims-she-didnt-tip-any-staff-during-hollywood-hotel-stay/ enjoy.
  13. Anyone who uses the terms Alpha and Beta as ways to describe masculinity is cooked. get a life.
  14. this is truly wild for two reasons… 1) some of you are still shocked when he doesn’t comprehend simple concepts, like asylum…this is the norm, no need to share every example 2) supporters don’t care if he doesn’t understand simple concept bc brown people = bad its like watching your two dumbest friends argue.
  15. Weird thread… Her music is extremely bland BUT that’s ok because it’s not for me! She’s got tons of fans and is literally one of the only good role models in pop music. Seeing people call her a skank and talentless is mind blowing. Shes annoying at the games but that’s on the NFL for trying to showing her as much as possible. She was INCREDIBLY nice to the staff at Highmark in January, they gave their suite server a 4-figure tip! Either party using musicians as props feel so weird and gross (Taylor, Kid Rock, John Legend, Ted Nugent, etc). Much prefer the acts that call allllllll the bull#### like Rage Against The Machine, Chappel Roan, Idles, etc
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