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Everything posted by CBD

  1. This seems to be changing with Stevie Johnson & Drayton Florence now being weekly guests. Wasn't a large portion of the issue due to Chuck Dickerson back in the day?
  2. They are in the middle of locking up one of their best players who is also only 21 years old for a reported 7 years and you expect them not to talk about it? I'm sure they talked about the Merriman signing in the midst of hockey season also.
  3. The franchise tag for a QB is over $16M, I don't think you can justify giving that to Fitz. Franchise tag for a WR is around $9.5M, I'm curious if Stevie is asking for more than that right now. Edit, nevermind must have been looking at 2010 numbers.
  4. Yes, he was. because they played the 2010 season without a CBA the restricted free agency rules were different.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQhbf_I4GDU&feature=related
  6. I don't think the Pats game is sold out, but if they're 2-0 going into it it's definately selling out.
  7. I posted this in the other thread, but if it's a torn ACL Stevie didn't cause the injury. Berry came back into the game and played after Stevie's "dirty" block and went down again later in the game. He doesn't do that with a torn ACL.
  8. Dirty block or no, it isn't the hit that put him out. He came back and played before going down in the next quarter.
  9. any relation to Jay Clocker?
  10. Or get a life
  11. He was off the field for the rest of that drive, but played the remainder of the game. Doubt he would have been back out there if it was something serious.
  12. Nice pressure by Kelsay forcing Cassell to have to step up into the rest of the D
  13. George wilson trying to hold hands?
  14. already eclipsed last years output
  15. Ralph ordered them from China
  16. punch this in!
  17. Isn't this the same guy who said they were wasting Dareus playing him at end in a 34? Yup: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/132193-bills-will-misuse-dareus/page__p__2198393__hl__sapp__fromsearch__1#entry2198393
  18. 1 K Williams 2 Merriman 3 Dareus 4 S Johnson 5 Barnett 6 F Jackson 7 Wood
  19. Not that it does anything to the article, but Nix didn't sign Fitz, Marv did.
  20. Tampa Bay blacked out as well, I think they did the buy back a bunch of times last season, could be wrong though.
  21. Gloves are tricky, not sure about the NFL but in college there are rules pertaining to the colors allowed for gloves so referees are better able to see hand placement, holding, etc. If a team is wearing a blue glove and playing a team with blue jerseys I could see it being an issue. another story on it: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/NFL-players-may-be-fined-for-wearing-unauthorize?urn=nfl-wp6799
  22. Back at practice today per Paul Hamilton
  23. Are you listening? They talked about it and all 5 said they didn't believe the team was being setup for a sale.
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