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Everything posted by BillsfaninMyrtleBeach

  1. This was one of the things I dreaded most. Rob Ryan is not a good pick. His track record doesn't look good so why hire him? Nepotism be damned, we are all freakin tired of stupid picks. We want to win football games and this is NOT going to do that. Well we don't have a choice in the pick process so here we go again, have to "wait and see". If he does well with our defence I will eat crow (I highly doubt that will happen) and be the first to say I was wrong, but man I'm getting really sick of getting my hopes up every year just to have stupid stuff like this happen.
  2. Watching Miller closely. That big man has some speed. He is the road grader we need to spring Shady to the outside. He played an excellent game looking like he's been playing NFL ball for years.
  3. It is hard to cover a wide out that is taller than you but not impossible. Darby did hang with his man but didn't get his head around. That is going to cost him. That can be taught. He has good leaping ability as a couple of times his hand was above the receivers but was a bit late looking for the ball and the receiver shielded him from making a play. He has good speed, he doesn't quit, and just has to be taught. He will struggle a bit but if he learns how to cover elite NFL receivers he will be ok. I just hope he learns before the season starts.
  4. The line up will probably be Cassel starter, Tyrod backup (who might be in at QB in certain situations) then EJ with the clip board. I wouldn't mind if Tyrod is the starter. Would make for a lot of excitement. Simms on the practice squad. Go Bills!!
  5. Grew up listening to Van call the games. He could call the game making it sound so exciting that you felt like you were right there at the stadium. I will always remember "It's Fandimonium!!" It was fitting to salute him. R.I.P. Van.
  6. I know I'm sounding overly optimistic but overall I liked what I saw on offense. The defense will be great as usual. Darby got thrown at a lot "welcome to the NFL rook". He has a great deal of learning to do but he did stay with his man in coverage. Just has to get his head around and he will learn that I'm sure. Shady is going to be awesome this year. In the little time he was in he showed that he can make people miss. TE's (other than Clay) didn't really play up to par, but nerves could have played a part in that. I think they will settle down and be ok. QB's did ok. I wouldn't want to be the deciding vote on who will be the starter, Cassel or Tyrod. That will be a tough one. Also running backs looked good. Both Brown and Williams were impressive. Another hard choice.
  7. Rex just believes in giving him a chance. He wasn't a super star but Rex must see some potential in him. Watched him in the Panthers game, Meh. Had some pressures, got blown up. Other than that Meh...But maybe he'll get better with the Bills and we need a backup to Hughes. Also I heard Geno had it coming acting like a spoiled brat. Somebody sticks a finger in my face acting like he's better than me and I would have slugged him too. I know it's wrong to hit somebody BUT...it's stupid to act like a a-hole especially to a rather large linebacker! I hope IK does well and sticks with the team. Go Bills!
  8. EJ is a great kid, has good size, good work ethic and would be a good leader but his throws are off the mark. You can't teach him to be more accurate. He will have to improve that on his own. I like him but if he can't produce on a regular basis he won't be here much longer. I know he does have flashes of brilliance on occasion but they are too far and between. In my humble opinion (which I know doesn't mean squat) Tyrod is more valuable. He keeps the defense honest because he can run. Defenses are going to have to take it in to account and have somebody on him, and that might leave somebody else open. I wish EJ well and I hope he succeeds, just not against us!
  9. Used to go to Bills games quite often. The last game I attended was a horrible experience. Had a row of drunken idiots in front of us and a row of talkers in back of us. The row of talkers were talking about their personal lives WAYYYYYY too much. Learned things about their lives that I definitely should not have heard (women talking about their times of the month, and their love lives) they couldn't have cared less about the game. The drunk guys in front of us were shoving each other, falling down, spilling beer all over the place and didn't pay any attention to the game. They were drunk when they came in to the game and got drunker as the game went on. Security ignored them. I was so disgusted we left before the end of the game vowing to not go to another game. I gave it one more shot and took my wife (who had never been to an NFL game) and lo and behold got treated to another round of cursing drunken idiots and a guy who decided to smoke a cigar in front of us. He was a scary looking dude so I didn't want to start a ruckus but looked to security to stop him. They did nothing. Until security clamps down on these jerk offs I won't be going to another game at the Ralph.
  10. How about ALL of the J-E-T-S jets jets jets, Qb's?
  11. Used to live in Oklahoma, no NFL there. If you wanted to see a NFL game you took a road trip to Dallas or KC. Got to like OU and OSU football. Was fun, and after the game we would party till the wee small hours. We could sleep in the next day and wake up in time to watch NFL game on tv.
  12. Cassel has had an up and down career so it's a crap shoot on what kind of season he has," IF" he is the starter. I personally think that Tyrod is going to start. He is more the type of QB that Greg and Rexy want, mobile, fast, cannon for an arm. Having Tyrod in the mix along with Shady will give defenses fits.
  13. Yeah, it was in the air.....I wasn't tokin'.............I was at Woodstock and didn't get buzzed..........riiiiiiiiiiiigt!
  14. He was a beast in college, was looking for him to be very successful in the NFL. It's a damn shame about that injury, probably will slow him down a step. I'm just thankful the Bills don't have to face him healthy.....BAD THINGS MAN BAD THINGS!
  15. #1 "Let me shove this up yer butt and see if you deflate!" #2 "No Tom this is NOT yours, it belongs to the WHOLE team"
  16. I think a fitting punishment would be to give him a football and let him try to run through the D line into the endzone.....blind folded.
  17. I heard it tastes like chicken. With the addition of some stud hosses on ST they are becoming a nightmare for other teams. Crossman was just a piece of the puzzle. Easley, Dixon, etc. Would love to see them be #1 this year!! GO BILLS!!
  18. The "kid" was 6ft tall and about 300lbs. and there was 3 of them and Kromer was alone. They probably got lippy and acting tough. I would have punched the jackass too!!!
  19. I'm living in Steeler country. Most of the Steeler fans are nice but they kind of talk to us like we are inferior. They'll say "Hey the Bills lost again, sorry", then puff out their chests and start to crow about how wonderful the Steelers are. I take it in stride and just nod.........then when they leave I bang my head on the table!
  20. It's not like it was a young kid he smacked, the "kid" was like 6ft. 300lbs.!!!
  21. I remember Van calling those games like it was yesterday. A great voice silenced, sad day for the Bills fans. R.I.P. Van.
  22. Clogging is the new dance of the Buffalo Bills.
  23. I can't wait to watch people lose their friggin' MINDS around here when Percy Harvin leaves Spikes in the dust and catches a TD pass in the middle of the field this year...
  24. I believe that Rex's "Run heavy offense" is a smoke screen. I believe that it will be a balanced offense. Maybe a tad heavy on the running game but make no mistakes about it, with the receiving corp the Bills have there will be some passes thrown around also. When you trumpet that the Bills are going to ground and pound, to pass will be a surprise to the defense.....NOT. Nobody is buying it.
  25. If Dareus sits on Tom, then Tom will have flat balls too!
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