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Posts posted by D521646

  1. The Bills are going to wait until draft day, and see how things play out.  if their guy is where they think they can get him, they will, if not, they won't, simple as that.  We need ALL of our picks this year as we have glaring holes to fill.  We can't buy the farm without knowing how many cows are in the barn.. ;)



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  2. 1 minute ago, thebandit27 said:


    Let's play "fun with numbers"...pop quiz: what did Allen's numbers look like against the top 3 FBS pass defenses he faced this year?





    I dunno, I'm with the rest here.  Just haven't seen enough from him.  That said, if evaluators see his high up-side as being 1st round material, then sure grab him at 12 if available.  Has he shown progression on errors year over year?  I simply do not know the answers to these questions, but I'm quite sure that the Bills scouting staff knows full-well what they get with Allen.




  3. 4 hours ago, Buddo said:

    A guy who not only has prototypical size for an NFL QB, but who also has an arm that is better than that size. Other measurables are pretty good also.


    Iirc, he hasn't really been playing football/QB all that long, relativ to other guys. This means his bad habits could be easier coached out. I'd also say that his 'coachability', would be very high.


    Tbh, I've only seen a highlight reel and one game with all of his throws, but he seems to have some basic football intelligence, especially where he does realize you get rid of the football, rather than take a sack. He hasn't got so much of an arm, as a missile. I have seen him throw it without using ll the heat though.


    Undoubtedly accuracy is an issue, but much of it might be down to simple footwork, rather than 'couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo' type of erratic.


    I'm not an advocate as such, merely playing 'devil's advocate' in respect of why some might see him as a 1st round pick. Undoubtedly has the highest ceililng of any of this group of QBs, due to size and arm.


    Me, I'd rather pick him in the 2nd round, and sit him for two years, as I think that would be the best scenario for him. I wouldn't rule him out of being a bust even then, but if he came through, boy would you have some serious talent to utilize.



    I see Geno Smith, when I look at Allen..



  4. 1 hour ago, CajunBillsBacker said:

    Christ, I must be watching the wrong Sam Darnold highlights. I just don’t see it.



    The biggest things these draft type guys use to measure QB's is progression, year over year.  They want to see them correct mistakes, see a defense and make the correct throw that one expects from a pre snap read.  Accuracy, speed, are all tangible assets, but QB scouts look to answer one big huge question after the familiar measurable check off; can this kid learn, has he proven that he can.  This, is, IMO, the biggest thing teams and scouts look for in college QB prospects.  When all else is equal, it's the intangibles; things like what do they do on their free time, any history of this and that.. etc..


    Guys, that haven't done well, Lynch, as an example, may check all the boxes, even the learning part, but simply got drafted by the wrong team into the wrong system.


    It's not a science, but it is science-light.



  5. I "think" that they have a gentleman's agreement in place with the Bills.  I "think" that if the QB the Bills covet is still there at 4, we have an agreement with them for their 4th, our 12th, 22nd, 65th, and late rounder this or next year for that pick.  The Browns add draft capital, and cans till get a decent QB at 12 or even 22nd if they so desired.


    I think this is how it's going to go down.  The Bills exposed themselves, IMO, with this trade to the Browns.  Adding AJM was hedging, but I believe the Bills are looking to add that franchise QB, even if he sits a year or two.  Who?  I dunno, my wish is Mayfield, but I don't know who they covet, but it will be someone at 4 for the Bills.




  6. Here me out. JD, when he took over the Chiefs brought in Alex Smith, and then built around him.  They did not take a QB in that draft, instead they added weapons with5 picks in the first 3 rounds (if memory serves).  I think it is entirely possible, if not likely that JD follows the same approach to winning now, rather than building.  Let's face it, Browns are NOT going to Brown this upcoming season.  They have a good team now, solid vets with talented young players, and are about to get even better.  I think Dorsey honestly believes that Tyrod is his guys (for now), I think both he and Hue believe in him, and will have Haley tailor (no pun intended) an offense around him.


    My BOLD predication is that Cleveland takes Barkley at 1, and then Fitz or Chub at 4, or trade back out with the Bills, or some other team willing to jump ahead.


    THAT is how this draft is going to play out for them, IMO.



  7. Hey Ice, nice to see you..  The question is, how the heck are you guys feeling about all this FA action coming from your Front Office, this year?  You're not used to seeing that, so I'm curious what you think about your losses and pickups, thus far?



  8. I too was surprised AJ was drafted so late.  I even said so on this very forum.  After he landed in Cincy I sort of lost track of him, and when the brouhaha started last year with the Browns he came back on my radar.  I said, there's a guy the Bills should grab, should be fairly cheap, and checks all the boxes, for me at least, in what this fan base would rally around.  I truly believe that Buffalo won the veteran QB FA this year, and when the dust settles, it won't even be close.


    I see AJ winning the starting job over NP, and the rook,, but all in all, I really don't care who starts, all I care about is making it back to the dance, and then on to the show!  Or is it the other way around?  ;)



    Go Bills!



  9. 16 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:


    He certainly will look for someone who will convince him of that. The Vikings were happy to have him, and roll with him in 2016 and the start of 2017. Maybe the Jets or Broncos are willing to back up the Brinks truck.


    Personally, I think he shops around and finds what you say: that I personally can't think of anyone who would roll with him as the undisputed starter. Likely, he gets at best a "compete for the job" role.



    I agree, I'm not with the conventional wisdom here.  I think at this point in his career, and his history, Bradford gets offers for higher end back up money.  The Jets, may, or may not pay a bit more for him, but if he signs anything more than a 2 - 3 year 10Mil a year, maybe 14million guaranteed, deal I'd be shocked, frankly.


    Totally rolling the dice with a guy like Bradford, but I will say that if he can somehow stay healthy, he is by far (even better than Cousins) the best FA QB available this year.



  10. I think. generally speaking, that, if we were to tally the success and failures of all the analysts prognostications over the last decade we'd not even be able to give a statistical significant correlation to any one variable or trait for what makes a good, bad, or great analyst.  Period!


    I see the clowns on ESPN, NFLN, CBS, FOX, NBC, and none of them impress me in terms of confidence in their analysis, they just don't.  I'm NOT saying they aren't right every once in a while, or that the consensus on this or that isn't correct, all I'm saying is that often times their basis for making any predication about any game, or player is, well, usually wrong, statistically.


    In short, they are no better than any of us, when it comes to making statements about players, or predictions.  Sad as that is. :)



  11. 6 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

    And the fact that Collinsworth and Michaels were saying it was going to be overturned...yowza.


    I'd just change it to: if you get both feet down with control: catch. That way, 'survive the ground' just becomes a fumble. Simple.


    I've been saying this all along, two feet down in the field of play = catch.  if you get hit and the ball comes out, it's a fumble, whether inbounds or out of bounds  It's not complicated.



  12. 1 hour ago, mannc said:

    No, he's not.  That's what you're doing.  He's talking about core football analytics, which involves game-time decisions such as when to punt, kick a FG or go for it on fourth down. 


    And exactly how does "analytics" assist you with this?


    Analytics and the fad is simply crazy.  Any statistician worth his or her salt will tell you that with increased variables, comes increased complexity.  You try to control for variables as much as you can, but all to often some things simply cannot be controlled for, and sports, especially in real-time, are one of them.  And to add to that, as soon as your "call" goes wrong, what then?  People say, well it's percentages, it's the percentages dudes.. I call BS..  Analytics works for a lot of things where the human variable is limited or non-existent, but add in the human variable and all hell breaks loose.


    It's exactly why psychology is a fake science.. Or science-light.  too much humans to control for.. ;)




  13. If Brady retires unexpectedly (which I think is a possibility) after winning the SB, then all bets are off, we go all in to win the East this year, if however Brady, Bellicheat stick it out for one more year, then I am NOT in favor of backing up a truck for any of the FA QB's.  My hope is that all these QB needy teams fall over each other signing Bradford, Keenum, Bridgewater, Cousins and whomever else, and we stay put, and use our Draft stock wisely.  We ain't wining the East until brady and or Bellicheat move into the dusk..



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