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Everything posted by D521646

  1. I thought Romo's performance last night was very good. That Cowboy team is dessimated right now with injuries and what not, and to steal a win from a good Skins team was simply amazing if you ask me? Not a Romo Fanboi by the way, just calling it as I see it. Tim-
  2. Ok, justa quick note, I edited my post to substitute "after" with "before".. LOL Not sure what I was thinking there. I see your point, but Gailey saying he expects to win every game, you and I both know is just gamesmanship. I'm sure Gailey knows that we won't actually win every game, but saying it in the general way he did, he doesn't have to answer the question from the media every time and before every game. Reporter: So coach are the Bills going to win this week against the Jets? Coach: I said before the season started that we "expect" to win every game. See my point? Apparently, Marvin Lewis isn't as savvy with the press as our coach is? Is all I'm sayin.. Tim-
  3. Amen brother! Tim-
  4. I dunno.. I never heard Gailey say that the Bills were going to be 3 - 0 before the NE game, did you? I never heard Gailey say we were going to be 2 - 0 before the Raiders games, did you? I never heard him say we were going to be 1 - 0 before the KC game, did you? See my point? Coaches don't, as a general rule (Unless you're Ryan) call thier games. It's the NFL for crying out loud, dude. Any given Sunday perhaps you've heard the term? Anyway, what you call "normal" appears to be abnormal for NFL coaches, especially losing coaches. Tim-
  5. Whether it was right not to attempt the tackle or not means nothing to your team mates, IMO. Although the robot Patriots would never come out in public and criticise Brady, I'll bet a few of them are thinking it. Tim-
  6. Thought I'd bring this back.. These guys ARE special.. Keep it going boys! Tim-
  7. More than recent memory, I really feel as though this team is playing for us. Little things like SJ's comment about stats, and they all they want to do is win, and believe they can. I don't about anyone else, but this game means something for me. It's really important that if we don't win, that we show up, and I think this team will on Sunday. It's great being a Bill fan right now. Here in Rochester, you hear people talking all over the place about the Bills this year. It feels a lot different than when we started 5 - 1 a few years back. I wasn't a "believer" back then, even with the great start. I am now. I see something in this team, the respect for one another, the grit, and gears in each of them. They know they are the underdogs, but they carry themselves like they missed the memo. I wonder what Russert would say? Go Bills! Tim-
  8. I'll be DVDR'ing it this Sunday... AAARRGGHHH Family comes first, and I didn't even bother to tell the warden how imprtant this game was to me.. It'll be a trick to NOT listen to the radio, or others on their cell phones shouting out the game score.. Gawd I hate that!!! I do have 4 tickets section 113 for the Eagles game though.. Looking forward to that test! Tim-
  9. The thing I get from Brady, especially the young gun Brady was that he was exceptionally coachable; a sponge. He has a medium intellect, but a good football understanding of defenses, and protections. Manning is the same, of course, and all the great QB's in history had this going for them. Brady, along with these skillz, also happens to have a strong arm, and above average accuracy. All together it makes for a potent weapon in the most important spot on the football team. I'll give him that, as much as I dislike him, I'm not egocentric enough to not admit that if he were our QB, I'd be all gooey eye'd.. That said, Fitz also has some of these traits, but needs work on his accuracy, and strength. He has shown me that he can read defenses, assign the correct protections, and he has relationship rapport with his receivers. Took Fitzy 6 years in the league to get here, but he's arrived, and showing his colors. I'm happy with our general going into Sunday's game. Tim-
  10. hehe.. It comes from gaming online.. Tim-
  11. I was browsing the Patriots fan forums just now, and I have to say, I'm impressed: http://www.patriotsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=61657&page=12 The level of knowledge and level headedness was surprising to me. Yes, yes, you had your mandatory nitwit 12 year olds, but all of the high post count posters were geenrally worried about this game, and readily acknowledged the Pat's weaknesses, vs our strengths, and weaknesses. The football knowlegde was as good as this site, which i happen to think is about as good as it gets, especially when you ignore our asshats.. I read the whole thread, and although most Pat's fans are picking their team to win, no one that I saw was predicting a blow out, and a lot were even worried that they could lose on Sunday. So why am I bothering to tell you all this? Well, as all of you know, people who are not on top of their own team, generally make obvious errors, (Can you say most MSM media outlets and analysts), so if you really want the real scoop on a team, go to the fan sites, and filter out the stupid, and pay attention to the knowledgeable fans. That said, if we filter out the stupid from here, and there, I see a pretty damn close game, Sunday. Pat's are hurting in some key areas, and they just happen to be areas that our boys are good at exploiting. I'm feeling better about this game after visiting the Patriots fan site. Thoughts? Tim-
  12. I dunno, I think a lot of it has to do with which 2 - 0 team we're playing this week as well. If we're playing Detroit, or someone else, I don't the coverage is anywhere near what it is playing the NE Patriots, the darlings of the media consortium.. Tim-
  13. Don't get me wrong, I respect Bilichick, but in this 2 part series I didn't see anything particularly brilliant. His use of Sun Tzu was awkward at best.. He made several comments about he couldn't get this team to play the way he needed them too? Just little things like that. I'm sure a lot of the strategy sessions were left out of the piece, and rightly so, but for me, the series didn't do a lot to convince me that Bill had any great insight into the game of football than any other coach? Tim-
  14. Ok, anyone notice that seemingly every commentator is calling Bilichick a brilliant football mind? Well, I watched the whole 2 part series, and can someone point out to me where exactly wew were witnessing this mind? I'm no hater, and I give Bilichick all the props for having signed Tom Brady, (Heck even his brilliant mind didn't know what he had when he had him), but seriously, without the competitior that Brady is/was having that massive 300 pound chip on his shoulder, the NE Patriots of the milenium are an average team at best. So my question, and I mean this in all honesty is, Is Bill Belichick really that brilliant, or is he more lucky than good? Tim-
  15. Ya know I was talking to a friend the other day and we were asking ourselves how a coach like Gailey could be fired 3 times? As for Dallas his record I'm not sure, but I can totally picture him not bending on his coaching philosophy, and take it or leave it attitude with managment and executives? He seems to have a great deal of integrity, and I think our guys are feeding off of it right now. They're playing proud! Tim-
  16. Gailey's game plan is to instill dicipline in our team, coach them on protecting the football, and knocking it out of the Pats hands, and swarming the ball. Coach knows the patriots will roll down the field, but will ask our defense to battle in the red zone! We win the turnover battle, give up no costly penalties, and we win a shootout 38 - 34 Bills! Tim-
  17. I thought the article was fair to both teams. I don't agree with the predictions as I have the Bills winning this one 38 - 34. I think we stay diciplined, not a lot of costly penalties, and we run mistake free on tirnovers we win this game in a close offensive struggle. Tim-
  18. That was last year.. Tim-
  19. Nonesense. CJ will gain a thousand yards this year between the ground and the air.. Take it to the bank! Tim-
  20. I like all that, but to be honest, I think we MUST pressure Brady early and often. It will force BB to run the ball a bit more as to take some of the pressure off Brady. Woodhouse is no slouch, but he's a 20/30 yard runner at best. I can live with giving up a few yards on the ground if we can take away the passing attack of the Patriots. When they run the ball, they're an average team, but when they're passing it, they are elite, perhaps the ebst in the NFL. Gailey surely knows this, and his goal should be to minimize their passing advantage, IMO. Tim-
  21. Whoa down there big fella.. Look, I like SJ, RF, and FJ, heck I love our team, but football is a business, and players are comodoties. Not saying these guys haven't earned pay-days, but a 2 - 0 start is hardly a time to rush into anything. We have plenty of time here, and yes we run the risk of having to pay more, but so what. If the guys perform beyond expectations, then yeah, they deserve big-time money. If we go from a 4 - 12 team to a 10 - 6 team, does that really translate into 3 mill more a season for a player? Nope.. If we win a super bowl, does that translate? Yeah probably, but so what, so we pay em. So we offer 6m to SJ, but he wants 8m. I say, ok, let's wait and see if you're truly worht 8 big one's a year. It's called negotiating.. You always want to negotiate from a position of strength. The position of the Bills FO is stronger than the position that SJ, and or RF have ATM. In my opinion of course. Tim-
  22. I'm with the poster that said we either win like men, or we lose like men. This isn't soccer, it's American Football! If we stay mistake free against the Pats, we will be close, or even ahead. I would feel much better about that kind of performance than one that has an asterisk beside it. The way I see it, even if we don't beat the Pats, the season is not over. BUT, I do think it is important that we give them one helluva game. If we can continue to not make mistakes, keep penalities low, protect Fitzbeard, and run the ball effectively, the Bills have a legitimate shot at winning the game. Tim-
  23. Well, thanks all, but for those that are saying 8 - 8, 7 - 9, 10 - 6, I'm not seeing how you all break it down? Also, notice no one is saying 5 - 11, 6 - 10 etc? Tim-
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