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Everything posted by D521646

  1. Awesome cannot complain at all about this move!
  2. I always go to the :out going" teams message boards to see how the fans feel about player movement and I gotta say that, almost to a tee, they are pissed. (ok, so there were only two message boards that even had activity but just sayin.. LOL") Opposing fans are conversely glad to see him go, I'm sure. The CFL sports writers had nothing but good things to say about him, in fact, I couldn't find a single negative things at all. This could be the pickup of the offseason so far. Tim-
  3. I totally disagree, not sure what you're seeing, bud. Makes mundane plays of oh I dunno 20 yards down field more regular than any of the other rookies, and on a rope! Wow plays, check! Key plays at the end of the game.. Well, notwithstanding Clays drop, we really didn't have a chance to see any of that this year, but I bet dollars to donuts we see it all next year! I have Mayfield as the best more productive rookie this year, well deserved, he earned it, and I have Darnold and Allen with about the same weapons and equal in terms of showing. I think next year we see separation from the top three and I suspect it will be Allen taking the lead! Tim-
  4. Wait, reading this it seems to suggest that Quinn is out to as HC.. DC is now his official role, am I reading that correctly? Tim-
  5. I dunno, I love what I'm seeing from this kid, and been around long enough to know we've never had a QB quite like him, except maybe Flutie, but he was an accomplished vet when we got him. He passes the eye test, something NP did not do, EJ, Orton, heck everyone sans Barkley (Barkley looked good and I hope we retain him, seems like he fits here). He's like a sponge right now, absorbing every nuance the NFL has to offer in his rookie year. Next year the "newness" of it all will have faded and he will be even more laser focused on learning the trade. I would also like to point out that of the 5 QB's taken, I think an average media assessment of them have Baker first, then Allen/Jackson, Darnold, Rosen. However, outside of Baker, who actually does have talent around him, does Baker raise their play level? Serious question. I KNOW that Allen has raised the play level of the players he's worked with, that is a fact, so, part of a quality QB, rook or vet is whether they can raise the overall level of play. I think, the answer is, yes! Tim-
  6. Scapegoat for sure. Zimmer reminds me of Hue Jackson, in some ways, particularly with his ego, and I'm the boss mentality. Whenever we see things like this, we always get the excuse train, oh, well he needs a better Oline, they need to run the ball more.. blah blah.. Of course any NFL QB will look like world beaters if only they had this going for them. Look at the RAMS.. Stop their run game, and you can beat them.. Same with Vikings, in fact this applies to most NFL teams, bar maybe the Pats, and the Packers, where the QB can will their teams to victory all by themselves.. I dunno how to evaluate coaching anymore than I am credible in evaluating NFL talent, but, it seems to me that if you're good enough to have one of these jobs, I dare say that, outside of gross negligence, I rarely put the blame on the OC, or even Head coach. The players gotta play, and scheme can sometimes play a part (Rex anyone) trying to fit a square into a circle, but I don't think this was the case with the Vikings. Tim-
  7. Ok, first off, I don't like the guy, he always rubbed me the wrong way with his red face on the sidelines, but, I see people blaming him for wasting 10 years of Rodgers career.. and I say, WTF are you talking about. I also see that McCarthy's offense is horrible, and again I say, WTF are you talking about? I don't see the Packers offense as anymore or less terrible or better than any other offence in the league, and if someone cares to point something out, I'll gladly rethink my position on this. The guy, with the help of Rodgers, of course when to 8 playoffs, and won a super bowl.. I think anyone one of us would take that all day around here. Has anyone even considered that maybe Rodgers is losing his mojo, maybe acting a little spoiled, petulant perhaps? Now that said, I wouldn't want him as my coach, I don't like his style if you will, but I'm not so easily willing to place all the blame for the Packers woes on him alone, and if anyone can make a decent case for why I'm wrong, then please do. Tim-
  8. From what I saw he hit her first and then she hit back and then ..well, he pushed both of them to the ground and then he did kick her.. His career is over, if the Rice thing taught us anything, it is that although the NFL can try its best to protect its stars, the MeToo movement will be all over this, and the NFL doesn't need anything like that.. He's done!~ Too bad, great talent as well. Tim-
  9. It was so funny watching the game, I was saying ti myself the whole time, Dallas was playing Brees the exact same way teams are supposed to play Brady, but rarely get it done. Brady, like Brees, likes stepping up into the pocket, and throwing over the middle more than any other location. If you take this away, it really screws with them, and they are forced to do things that they are less comfortable with. Not that you'll always beat them this way, but when teams do beat them , this is how they do it. Tim-
  10. Anyone mention that LVE also has the benefit of Sean Lee on the sidelines which is invaluable, IMO. Who does TE have? Also, I see Zay taking a bit longer to develop for sure, but he has shown flashes of what could be. Tim-
  11. The K-Gun was unique in that, up until that point, the "shotgun" was a gimmicky play, similar to the RPO today, or the Wildcat in some respects. Kelly, Levy and the Bills made it a "thing", with competent consistency, and as such was copied ad infinitum by the league, so much so that the Bills offense of the late 80's and early 90's is pretty much a must have in todays NFL. Back then it wasn't, and the shotgun, as it were wasn't even used in most teams offensive game plans, not to mention the actual K-Gun which was QB in SG, two backs in the backfield. Just a little note to add to your spat.. Tim-
  12. Curious what you and Cuddy would call the K-Gun in respect to either of the 3 systems? And yes, there are 3 systems currently employed in the NFL, that is not to say that some elements of college football, most notably the spread and RPO are not sprinkled in here and there, but generally speaking, each system utilizes distinct "language" in teaching it. Also, I'd add that in reality there are really only two types on running offenses used in the NFL right now, and I think it's important that running offenses and passing offenses, although intertwined, are completely different, both conceptually, and pragmatically within the context of your little dispute. Tim-
  13. This is the worst Bills offense I've seen, and I'm 50.. With even remotely average offensive production we're 500 right now. The "process" is an excuse.. Even casual fans can see progress, or some evidence that the "process" is working, but nope, not a single thing on the field has shown me anything that would cause me to believe that things are moving in the right direction. I don't blame Dabol, I don't blame assistant coaches, this is all on McD and Beane. The only legitimate claim to evidence of any process is shedding the dead cap for next year, but does anyone have any confidence that there is a plan? Hell, outside of maybe some interior OLine help in FA, the prospects for next year look dismal? Did the "process" include looking ahead to potential FA targets? I mean, one would think so, right? We're stuck with this clown show for at least one more year, so I am optimistic that maybe I'm just not seeing it, I'm certainly not believing it right now. It's one thing to lose, but it's quite another to lose so bad that the entire league, media and Vegas is laughing at you every Sunday. So badly that you're beginning to show signs of losing the team, the fans, and the confidence of ownership, not to mention that ay FA worth their salt will pass on Buffalo next year, and if we should manage to sign any we'll overpay. Was this all part of the "process" as well? Me thinks, not so much! Tim-
  14. I dunno, I could see Jax poking the stick on him? Tim-
  15. Dabol, cannot, I repeat cannot even think to call ANY play outside the numbers for Peterman.. How is it that we ALL know this but he doesn't? Tim-
  16. Judging by the way this fan base reacts, week to week, I'd hazard a guess and say, that these "predications" will ebb and flow as the season progresses.. Let's win Sunday and revisit this, shall we? Tim-
  17. Exactly, zero screens today, zero wheel routes I think, all safe easy throws to get your QB into the game.. I don't understand the offensive concept of the Bills.. Being able to run the balls obviously helps a lot as we saw today, but we can't count on that every week! teams are going to, if not already start to force Josh to win the game, and right now he simply doesn't have the weapons to do that.. Tim-
  18. While I'm certainly happy we won, let's not kid ourselves, shall we? The defense isn't going to play lights out every week, no way. We need to get this offense figured out, and figured out goodo.. Can we get Allen some !@#$ing weapons please?? If that's not the plan, what is it; winning 6, maybe 7 games and mid-round pick? If coach thinks that Allen can be better with quality players around him, then Bean go out and do it. Ditch Benjamin, sign Dez, do something because the offensive product isn't cutting it. I dunno, just pissed because with even a remotely average offense, we put up 30 today.. This team needs a ton of work if they plan to move forward! Go Bills! Tim-
  19. Or we kidnap McVay and call it a night.. Tim-
  20. I should clarify that when I say pulls, what I mean is that he pulls them towards him, not away from him, which is holding, IMO. Tim-
  21. Ok, I know he's a great player, BUT, on every pressure he got the other night he essentially held the O-Lineman and pulled him forward, away from the direction he was attacking when he was engaged. I never noticed this before, but he did it several times. It's what amounts to defensive holding, and is called on OL every single time. So, unlike Mack, lets say, Donald, pulls on the jersey in the opposite direction of where he's going to rush, leaving the OL off-balance and an easy pressure. Why isn't this called more when DL do it, like OL? Serious question. Tim-
  22. That's baloney, No Jets love here but they looked well coached, prepared, and disciplined. They're not going to be an easy win for ANYONE this year, and might very well be the 2nd best team in the AFCE.. Tim-
  23. I put Ross on a few of my DK lineups; true, boom or bust kind of play. I wouldn't and didn't play him in any of my cash games, as boom or bust isn't the strategy to use there. Tim-
  24. I actually think Peterman will struggle early, but figures it out by half, and we come back and win 24 - 20 late.. Tim-
  25. The problem with the OLine as I see it, becomes obvious when looking at what's missing, and it comes down to leadership and accountability. Say what you want about Woods, and Cogs, but they held each other accountable last year. They were the clear cut leaders and we lost them both. I see no one on the line that is visibly leading this unit, no one! Tim-
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