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Everything posted by D521646

  1. They make me nervous as well. Nothing to be ashamed about bro's.. Tim-
  2. Didn't read the whole thread but the Texans are a play action pass team and we're going to get our asses handed to us in two weeks. The game has passed Wanny by. I also with you guys in letting Fitz KNOW that he's now on the clock. Give TJ a lot of reps in a scaled down version of the offense during thesde two weeks and at least show the damn fans that you have a clue, or care. Tim-
  3. This^^ Plus I would add that, although it may not be advisable for all teams, in the case of Buffalo, hiring some great former players as position coaches can't be a bad thing. Tim-
  4. I cringed everytime the Cards ran outside our tackles yesterday. We seem stout in the middle but on the outside we have gapping holes that need to be fixed or Johnson is going to have a come back game against us. Hmm come to think of it, wasn't it the Bills game last year that was his "breakout" game? If Wanstache doesn't get this fixed count on a long day Sunday. Thoughts? Tim-
  5. Well, truthfully, one glimmer of hope is that the Texans could have easily lost much wrose and GB could have easily put up 50+ points on their GREAT defense today. If it can happen to them once, it could happen to us twice.. Just sayin. Not drinking kool aide, I know Fitz can't throw more than 20 yards in any direction, but we are 3 - 3 .. Tim-
  6. The guy did lose someone really close to him a few weeks ago and still played. I'm not questioning his heart. Tim-
  7. I dunno, can't get any worse, I say they blitz every single play cover Fitzgerald and watch for the screens. Sounds simple enough. Tim-
  8. Ok TJax not dressing makes sense however when we traded for him I went over to the Seahawks forums to see the usual "see ya later bum", "glad we dumped him" mantra, but no, all I saw was big thank you's for TJax service to the Seahawks and that most fans were sorry to see him go. What does that tell you? Tim-
  9. Great post, and for those calling for the Bills to pack it up, just watch Cleveland 95 and ask yourself if that is REALLY what you want? Me thinks not! Tim-
  10. Agreed, I'm ignoring the Bench Fitz talk. Our problems do not begin nor do they end with Fitzpatrick. Our problems are on defense, PERIOD! Tim-
  11. No blitz in the first half and only after we go down 24 - 3 do I see a blitz. No press to speak of, zone all the way.. It's not the players (And I rarely say that) it really IS the coaching. These kids have no idea where to be and why they are supposed to be where they should be. The defense has lost confidence in themselves and it's NOT their fault, it is Wanny's fault and Gaileys fault for not recognizing where the weakness is. I've never and I mean NEVER in my life have I been so embarrassed to be a Bills fan. Tim-
  12. Well, all I can say is wow.. I'd post this in the locker room and run it on digital signage 24/7 every day until we meet them in their house. Wonder if we'll be San Fran's bitches next week too? Tim-
  13. Nope, not going to do it. The criticism I've read is mostly warranted, however, I went to the game yesterday and LEFT the game with 10 minutes left. I've NEVER left a Bills game early, EVER, and I'm a die hard fan. That said, the game seems to have passed Wanny and Gaily by.. Ok, so now for what I wanted to post about. Did anyone noitce (On TV) that on the Brady "play under review" touchdown play, once the ref made the call the camera was on Brady sitting next to Welker and Brady uttered the words "Buffalo Bitches", and Welker starts laughing his ass off... That's right.. the Buffalo Bills are Brady's bitches.. How does that make you feel? Go ahead, ANYONE that DVR'd the game, check out the camera shot immediately after the ref calls the Brady touchdown a touchdown, and tell me what YOU think he said. If I were Gaily, I'd post this in the lockerroom and have it go virial on the internet. If that doesn't light a fire under our team, NOTHING will! Tim-
  14. To me Moorman is always a Bill.. Even if he has a brief stint as a Cowboy. Love ya Brian!! Tim-
  15. So if we win the coin toss to we kick off or receive? I say receive.. Tim-
  16. Oh look a cute fella.. Come ere you little guy... That's a good boy.. Tim-
  17. No, but I do like the idea of having our front four line up differently from time to time. This will cause matchup problems and protection issues for the Patriots. Tim-
  18. Aren't we 8 for 8 in the red zone? Best in the league, and also top 5 in 3rd down conversions. yeah, I'll take that any day.. Not like Fitz no matter how many super bowls we win will make the HoF so yards passing means little to me, just win! Tim-
  19. Well personally I'm not convinced of anything yet. We lost to the Jets, who in my opinion we should have beat. We beat two teams that are not very good, despite KC's cinvincing comeback win over the Hapless Saints, we really haven't beaten anyone good. Beating NE next week really is a must if we have any hope of going out west and contending!! Tim-
  20. I have seen ina few threads where people have mentioned it, and I went over to the Browns site and not a peep, so I ask? Why not? I thought it was a classy move by Chan and the Bills to do that when they could have easily moved in to give Choice or White a TD for their efforts? If anything, I think this is why Chan is respected in this league, NOT because of his track record in W's, but because he's a class guy. How many coaches would've taken the knee on the one yard line with just under two minutes to play? Kudo's to Chan, although as a fan I was hoping that they ran it in.. Just me I guess. Thoughts? Tim-
  21. I agree, Chan has to see that we can only pass if we can run effectively. We can only win if we play press/blitz/and stop the run. Looking ahead to the NE game I see the matchups as follows: 1. We run better than they do 2. We stop the run better than they do. 3. We put pressure on the QB better than they do 4. Our DB's are at least as good as theirs are. 5. Their receiving core is better than ours. 6. Their QB is better than ours. 7. Their LB are as good as ours or as worse. 8. Our O-Line is best in the game as far as I'm concerned. This game is going to come down to preparation and controlling the ball and clock. We absolutely MUST pressure Tom Brady every snap, and we absolutely MUST play press coverage. No Zone coverage, or keep it to a minimum. Our LB's MUST watch for screens and quick slants on blitz packages. If we can execute we can beat the Pat's again at home, and I'd be ok with that as I'm bringing my 7 year old daughter to her first Bills game live!!! Great seats, she's going to love it, or be incredibly bored.. LOL Tim-
  22. You don't define conjecture by askng questions? Now If I would have said he is becoming a diva then you'd be on to something. Now, you'd be correct to say that I am speculating that there might indeed be a problem with Stevie based on his actions and body language, but I cannot confirm it. Basically, I all was saying was tantamount to ...Just sayin dude... Tim-
  23. Dear gawd, how pathetic you all are. I was making an observation with zero conjecture, and asking if others were aware of the same things I was? So what we have is that some of you are completely oblivious to the observations I have made, two, some of you noticed it but provided your own conjecture, and three, some of you noticed it and like me, not too worried about it, but stating that he does indeed look a bit off. That about sums it up! Tim-
  24. Thank you and I concur. Nothing to be too worried about, but it is noticable, IMO. Tim-
  25. Look folks, I'm NOT here to bash Stevie, I love him and he's my favorite Bills Wr since Moulds. All I'm saying is that he seems to be in some kind of flunk and it's noticable. Which means that I noticed it, and apparently it's not just me. Could be the groin, who knows, that's why I'm asking for input on what others might suspect is going on. It's not just the "flunk" either. I've notcied that in both games he hasn't fought for the ball or the position as he normally does. Not calling it lazy but it looks that way is all. Yes granted, Fitz hasn't been accurate and late on throws, so maybe this is it; I dunno but to deny that what I'm seeing is not happening is nonesense. Tim-
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