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Everything posted by D521646

  1. So I watched the Panthers game, and if Hacketts mentality is to run to open the pass he's in for a rude awakening. The Panthers front 7 is stout, and very, very fast, anchored by Kueckly (sp?). Weakness is in the secondary, IMO, so passing to open up the run is a better strategy. On defense, we (meaning the Bills coaching staff) needs to watch the Seattle approach to containing Newton. Hall is always a threat for breaking one so lane assignments is key and unlike the NE game we need to teach these guys not to over pursue. Seems like more and more RB's these days are cutting it back across the line. Hit Cam Newton with every chance you get. Watch over-pursuit on the defensive side of the ball Double Smith, and put your best corner on Ginn. Safeties and LB need to account for Olsen up the seams. Blitz early and often. On the offensive side of things: Ball safety is a must No turnovers, well duh! Pass to open the running game. Their secondary is vulnerable deep. Screens to CJ and Freddie are as good as running plays, Hackett you need to understand this. Spread the defense out as much as you can. And for the love of God slow things down at the end of the half or the game if necessary, clock management is key. My take is that Panthers are treating this as a MUST WIN game, we should be too. It’s a winnable game, so let’s go win it. Tim-
  2. I was saying this last night and I like Boomer, but those two are terrible play by play and color guys.. really bad, IMO.
  3. Leonhard is better than Wilson, and if byrd is playing those two would be my pick. if not, Williams and Duke..
  4. Took you that long to come up with that? You're slipping eball..
  5. There needs to be a *like* feature on this forum.
  6. Well the Broncos deferred last night and it worked out well, but, but, well they do have this QB named Manning, so perhaps not a good gauge for the Bills.
  7. I paused my DVR and slow motioned the whole scene.. No you're not the only dirty little man.. I wear it proud though.
  8. Interesting, I would have thought that most would choose to take the ball in the first half? Of course this is all predicated on the principle that we actually score with our first possession.
  9. 12:01 Am Sunday morning.. I'm going under..
  10. My guess is that BB will make EJ beat them in the air by loading the box, and until he can do that, that's what we can expect from the Patriots come Sunday.
  11. Don't know about anyone else, but it seemed to me that deferring on the kickoff was ill conceived last year and the years under Gailey. It almost always put us in the hole early, and IMO having the ball in the second half was not enough to justify the strategy. Take the damn ball if we win the toss, attempt to put pressure on the opposing team with a 7 point lead. What say you?
  12. I'll be there rockin it as loud as me and my 7 year old daughter can be! Go Bills!
  13. We're gunna do what the lions did.. Bills 40 Pats 9.. We win and the AFC East is now ours for the next ten years baby!
  14. Watching the Giants game and Lord knows I like to stir the pot but there's a chance that Nassib gets cut, IMO. He's done absolutely nothing this pre-season. Oh and as far as the Bills V Detroit goes, I'm the optimist usually, but we have big trouble in some very key areas. NE is going to destroy us in game one.
  15. Can I ask a serious question here? Is it me or is the lack of any CT on these girls alarming? Do they wear something that prevents it because all that leg lifting and body shaking should produce at least a glimmer of awesome camel toe.. Just sayin..
  16. Shopping at Wal Mart is noble all in itself.
  17. If we did that Geno would be our starting Qb this year.. Not sure I like the sound of that scenario.
  18. LOL, dude that made me spit coffee..
  19. Damn, just DAMN! This sucks monkey balls!
  20. Easley easily makes this team this year. Count on him in the 53!
  21. Insane in the membrane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. From what I can tell, and this is pure speculation, but I've been to two practices, and read the reports from pretty much every source there is, including here, and Rogers is an exceptional talent, but he's exceptional in a limited regard. From what I've seen, he excels at the deep possession ball. Throw it up deep and Rogers will come down with it, more often than not, if it's remotely catchable. Notice no one, not a single Bill has gone deep enough to receive a ball, nor has anyone gone deep in any of the games thus far. The deepest anyone has run before the ball has been thrown was Woods in the first game, and even then it was only 40 yards from the LOS. Pettine is showing basic blitz packages, one's he's already known for, nothing really exotic so far. This is by design to appear, IMO, that the Bills are leaving nothing off the table. On offense, nothing deep, and sure Marrone says he called for a few, but that was the first game, and we still haven't seen one in the second game, and if my theory is correct, no one has even run any really deep go routes so far so it seems to be off the table. So, tin foil hat on here - My guess is that they know what Rogers can do, and where his "raw" talent is ATM, and they're simply not willing to let anyone else see it; at least not in any PS games. Rogers has done anything in practice that warrants this kind of criticism, IMO, but it is true that he han't shown much at all in actual games so far, so it is anyone's guess what the plan is for Rogers, and I offer mine above. I think they think of him as a Moss type player, throw it up deep and you get a good chance of him coming down with it. Other than that, I suppose it's also true that he really isn't all that and a bag of chips as some seem to be suggesting, but like I said, I have not seen any evidence of that..
  23. Here's hoping Ej shuts them all up...
  24. Didn't we draft Eric Wood with that pick? Hardly peanuts I would think?
  25. Too early for that scenario, IMO
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