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Everything posted by D521646

  1. ROTLMAO... Oh boy this is awesome. Seriously is anything goes down here? Can a mod confirm this please? . “Intellectually shred me” - OMG I actually spit on my monitor.. Have you ever heard of a bobo? You’re my new Bobo, and believe me that is an honor for you. Welcome to the show twinkle toes. Tim- .
  2. Greggy – LOL.. Please continue.. Could have fooled me.. But then again I haven’t even heard of you until I believe yesterday. Let’s take back the liberal tag and just say that you’re a homophile. This much I know. I am new to down here mostly. Is it normally ok to call people asshats? Just asking because if it is, and name calling is permitted, then you and I are going to be best buds. Tim-
  3. yea but who are they hoping would have their awareness radar on? Maybe our own Prez? LOL, Seems the 1st lady is in the know.. Who else that is in any position to actually do anything about it are these hashtaggers hoping to reach? “Yeah hope my followers get this so we can all band together in solidarity” Point is that if the President knows about it, and is in the position to do something about it, I would say great, job well done. Now a call to action, perhaps a new hashtagger campaign #Americanmilitarymightwillsavethosegirlsbecauseweactuallycareabout theirfates-forrealz Tim-
  4. Didn't Toyota just move their operational headquarters to Texas because of these lib policies? Add them to the long list that have jumped ship in the last few years and pretty soon CA won't have anyone to tax. Detroit here we come baby! Tim-
  5. Greggy – Hehehe.. Ok so I read your huffPo and NYT and NYP links which claim to be raising awareness. The fact that you “buy” that, is not surprising. Liberals will just about buy anything when caught doing something incredibly asinine. Do you, (not rhetorical) really believe the first lady was trying to raise awareness of the issue? I mean, dude, seriously do you believe that narrative? I had you pegged the first post I saw from you in that other thread to which I am not allowed to post to anymore.. LOL Tim-
  6. "Racquet ball racquets can be used in tennis. I'm the Prez damit." Tim-
  7. typical liberal mentality. Thinking words mean anything to these thugs.. What's really sad is that conservatives with a pair laugh at the same degree at stupid liberals as the damn muslim bastards that did he abducting. Most powerful military in the world and you write hashtag messages to terrorists. So tough.. LOL Tim-
  8. Watch Fitzy take them to the playoffs. Tim-
  9. hehehe... I believe in you, man. Tim-
  10. One other note I’d like to clear you up on. Science doesn’t or is not supposed to care about prejudice. Scientific conclusions that are factual have no axe to grind. Men do just fine with that. The problem with science is that those that are conducting it need to have integrity, something that seems to be lacking from both sides of this particular issue, but I assure you, not with me. If it were shown tomorrow that homosexuals have no choice is being gay, or identifying with opposite genders then I’d be the first to put on a gay pride shirt and march right alongside them. The problem that you and many others that knee-jerk the homophobe, bigot, and hater rhetoric is that, I’m not religious in any way, and I do NOT hate gays. What I do hate is people taking a position on a matter without even an ounce of thought put into why they believe the way they do. I am open to serious discussion on the subject matter, EVEN if that subject matter doesn’t mesh with me. Information is information, and data is data. The quality lies in the one collecting it, and the one’s disseminating it. You nor anyone else can demonstrate this to be true. Again you’re lying, and I am pointing it out. Well actually there is (As I have already demonstrated to you in previous engagements) a great deal of science to suggest that what I “think” might be going on, actually is going on. However, granted, it cannot be proven, yet, but I am hopeful that as we continue to map the brains higher executive functions, we will be able to demonstrate how sexuality is manifest in humans to a great degree of certainty. You know Einstein predicted several things with his theory on relativity that we are only now discovering over 100 years later. Gravitational lensing, time dilation, and the list goes on. More lies eh? Gee don’t you get tired of that? You have about as much street cred with me as a buffoon. Here let me put this to bed right now. I am absolutely open to the idea that homosexuality or any sexuality is completely natural (in the sense you’re using the word natural) or naturally occurring. I am totally open to the idea that homosexuality is not a choice. Do I believe it to be true, no. Do I have good reason to believe it to be true, no, but if you have something that is compelling that I am unaware of, please share it. Bro, you’re incapable of arguing this topic on my level. You’ve clearly demonstrated several times that you lack the knowledge to go toe-to-toe on it with me. I don’t champion ANY viewpoint from anyone and from any side of the fence. I look at the data, calculate the reliability of the data using a myriad of variables and controls, and then I form an opinion. Well if you believe homosexuality is naturally occurring then science dictates that you should be repulsed by it. I don’t expect you to understand that salient point, but I thought I’d share anyway for those that are following along. Neither am I. How sweet of you to “tone it down” for me. I don’t dislike gay’s bro. Sheesh?? Talk about thick headed. What I do not support is gays being considered as important to societies overall long term health as heterosexual marriage. I “think” that heterosexual marriage is fundamental to society’s success for a number of valid reasons. But aside from all that. I think that because I said that two gay men having sex was/is repulsive you infer that I hate gays, opining without even a quick thought as to the reasons that might be. I’m not hiding or trying too. You’re just not very good at mind reading over the internetz, and a terrible liar to boot. Have a golden evening Jauronimo. Tim- Hey thanks. You've been very supportive thus far sparky. Tim-
  11. Jauronimo – Yeah except that it wasn’t dirt. It was an opinion consistent with the one I shared on this forum. Dirt, I suppose from your standpoint, but you’re not very adept at making appropriate distinctions between differing opinions. Freerepublic has it characters and of course haters, granted, but let’s be honest, you can pretty much find that everywhere on the internet. The place also has a good amount of well educated, and informed individuals. Funny? Wasn’t it you that pointed out that I was correcting the hate filled bigots on FR in that “expose” you ran on me.. Didn’t I already beat you down with this before, the last time you attempted to mock or shame me? I showed you to be a liar. Don’t you remember Jauronimo? I can look that old thread back up to refresh your memory? You’re not very good at lying, and you’re especially not very good at reading people’s minds. No they’re not. They’re well researched and backed by logic and to some degree the scientific method – in as much as science applies to the discipline of psychology, and psychological research. Well isn’t that actually conducting science? That is what science is. The “coz you don’t like gays” theory is you adding color in only the way that you can. Mind reading again. First off though I’d like to correct you a bit so you’re armed with at least a modicum of understanding of where I’m coming from. Anything could be considered “naturally occurring” Assuming you mean homosexuality is a product of one’s biology without choice, similar to being right handed or left handed, or eye color, or skin color, then yes, my goal is to disprove that theory. Not sure what you mean here. This sentence doesn’t seem to flow off of your previous one? Can you be more specific? I see. So you “think” that my opinion or hypothesis that gays are gay because they mostly choose to be gay, is, impulsive on my part? You “think” that it is impossible to arrive at that working conclusion based on serious careful thought? Really? Peddling? Well I guess that’s all I must be doing then? I mean of course, that is the only thing I talk about on this forum. Hardly peddling, but heck sure why not. If it makes your argument sound more credible to the people who share the same opinion you do, then I’m fine with it. Remember, I have no ego brother.. Ironic though that those whom seem to share your opinion “choose to associate” with like-minded individuals such as yourself. Strange twist in the syntax there, eh jauronimo? Part Duex next!
  12. Thing is though that NFL clubs really have to sit down and think about this for a minute. Does paying RS all that jazz really better than paying someone a quarter of that and maybe giving up two or three TD's more a year? I just don't get how they value players in this league? Tim-
  13. Juron-imo – Specious.. LOL Would you care to demonstrate falsity of my hypothesis? Oh and do you expect me to believe that you really think I’m boring? Yeah ok. I’m anything but boring to you. Repugnant maybe, and I’m ok with that, but boring? Naw, if I were boring you wouldn’t have spent hours scanning the internet looking for my posting history on the subject. In spite of your arduous efforts to discredit my ideas on the subject matter, you have yet to demonstrate just how wrong I am. Still waiting on that.. But if you want to cower behind your internet terminal, I’m ok with it. Just don’t feign superiority. I have no ego to bruise; distilling your position on gay religion as somehow containing a mere ounce of validity, isn’t going to wash. Have a great and glorious day Juron-imo. Tim- Greggy-T Thanks.. Tim-
  14. Juronimo - To be fair, it only required a semicolon. Tm-
  15. Mickey – Oh I am well aware that gay’s folks get beat up because they are gay. When I say it simply does not happen is really a play on words. What I meant was that it is simply so rare as to be insignificant, statistically. Furthermore, Michael Sam is not going to be beaten up by anyone. What was his fear of coming out? Was he afraid of being beaten up? Nice try, Mick. The narrative requires context to be validated, and YOU DON’T have context, let alone the facts. I notice you’re using the new politically correct buzz word for tranny, or shemale. Well played.. But forgive me if I continue to call them tranny’s and shedogs.. You don’t get to redefine deviance for me or anyone else. Enjoy the rest of your 21st century day. Tim- NoSaint - Yes, please do, and if there's anything you wish to debate then I'm all ears. Coward! Do you take any specific objection to anything I've stated here or anywhere else? Whatcha got, saint? Tim-
  16. Hey Mick, judging by your sigline you appear to be a flaming liberal so I’ll give you only some limited time, as mine is very valuable being a capitalist and all. Oh, and aren’t you a fan of football and I assume sports in general? Strange that you would scoff at the owners of professional sports teams as an after-thought. Heck, maybe we should let Joe down the street own the team. It’s not fair that he only makes $10 an hour.. Everyone should own a team.. LOL obvious silliness aside.. As to Sam, my comments are a real perception of just how things went down. Not the media or Sam version but how I envisioned it actually happened. You can disagree all you like, heck I encourage it. Whether or not a gay person wants to hide in the closest is his or her own choice. No one is forcing it on them, no one is beating them in the streets despite media reports that get attention it simply does not happen; and if they want to do this or that but can’t come out in fear of not being able to do this or that, then it speaks volumes to their real character. The polarization of views on a number of political matters is a glaring elephant in the room right now in this nation. Being led, (which the word “led” is almost oxymoronic in this syntax) by the President, emboldened by a totally complicit media is amusing. Alarming that some here cannot see it, it begs several questions as to the true health of our nation, but I digress… Gays have made significant progress in just the last ten years, but I warn you that this bullying tactic, screaming homophobe, and bigot at the very hint of distaste of gay issues, is a façade. It only serves to prop up a phony sense of tolerance. People generally tolerate a lot of things, but do they ever really accept them? Not usually. People also don’t like being told what to think or what to say. This is America bro.. Michael Sam sticks his penis into another man’s anal canal for gratification, and the fact that this visual would be grotesque to MOST men seems like a foreign almost unimaginable response when speaking to the left rhetorical machine. It’s laughable to an extreme level of ignorance. Why do straight men tolerate lesbian sex---à gee I have no idea.. None at all, do you? I see no evolutionary advantage to homosexual behavior, NONE zero zilch. I see NO evidence credible or otherwise invented, to suggest that homosexuality is a condition of one’s genetic disposition, yet, like a religion in the twilight zone we are all supposed to just shut up and not point it out. Long term societal ramifications be damned. As to those ramifications of an accepting and completely tolerant society of sexual behavior.. I can think of a few, and I can point to evidence already available to suggest the correlations are real, but perhaps another discussion. This is a sports forum mostly and I very rarely delve into the PPP forums. I do that on other forums. I come here to talk sports.. A sport I love.. Cheers to you, and have a wonderful, glorious day! Tim-
  17. Sam is a.... Linky: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20063233 That being said. Unlike some, I actually don’t care much that he’s slow and or undersized as a situational DE. I see many players that have succeeded at his weight and at his position in the NFL. All those guys had tremendous heart though. Does Michael Sam? Not sure, I think his handling of this whole thing is somewhat suspect as I have stated in previous threads, but that just might be the cynical in me. I personally think that he and his handlers made a calculated decision to come out, and then relax that narrative and suggest that this was really about football. I don’t buy that, and history shows that for most gay men, and a lot of gay women, their sexuality is precisely what defines their motivations. Sam knew in his heart of hearts that he had a very small chance of getting drafted. He knew that there was a very eager liberal media that would embrace his coming out in a sport that is personified by masculinity, and he knew that one way or the other, being drafted not being drafted, the cause of the LGBT movement would progress by virtue of the exposure it would demand. What I care about is the implicit bullying of NFL owners, and executives into submission. Does Sam get drafted if he does not come out? I dunno, no way of knowing, but probably not. He’s not very strong (for his size), he’s not very fast, and he’s not a prototypical DE in this league. There are many that went undrafted that were more in line with what NFL clubs expect from that position, albeit, less productive in college. Did the RAMS draft him out of pity? Did they draft him as a PR stunt? Are they ready to cut him, will they cut him? All very interesting story lines as we move to mini-camps. I for one am pulling for him, but I think we would all serve ourselves a teeny bit better if we at least look at possibility that this was all manufactured specifically because of the all-out left’s push for tolerance of LGBT issues. It was win-win for them, and a calculated move for Sam. Was it the right call? Well he did get drafted and has his shot. Did the RAMS really think this through? I guessing they didn’t because like it or not, all eyes are on the RAMS this pre-season, and they along with their players are going to be bombarded with all eyes on Sam. I think that this will bother a lot of what would otherwise be a normal NFL off season for the RAMS players and executives. Me? I would have drafted him if I thought we could really use him. His measurables do not add up to being selected, so I personally wouldn’t have drafted him. Coupled with the off-field circus would simply have made the decision that much easier. Teams need to focus on football at this time of year. Players don’t need distractions, and Sam is a big one, even though Sam himself will say all the right things and that this is about football, I (the cynic) believe it’s much more than that to Sam. Tim-
  18. This sucks mighty buffalo balls... I HATE THIS! Tim-
  19. I think the Bills will target BPA here. I think they think that a quality OT will be there in the 3rd, honestly hope they are targeting Tardiff, so DE, OG are their targets in the 2nd. Tim-
  20. Yeah heard that on Tools show yesterday. Too far away for the wifey and me. Have fun though bro. Tim-
  21. I'll be here in Greece wearing my special edition Manuel rookie jersey.. See you there. Tim-
  22. TheBandit - Sorry never saw that.. Good call, and I think it happens. Tim-
  23. Ah.. Sorry what just happened? MODS please delete other threads.
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