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Posts posted by D521646

  1. Stick around.. It gets better!





    Greggy –

    I was, in hopes that we could steer this towards a more constructive conversation rather than bore everyone else with this one sided ass kicking your getting.




    Oops, you did it again.. Most people learn from their mistakes, you.. Not so much, eh? But let me see, you think me telling you why I think your children need help from the Lord is “steering” the conversation in a constructive manner. Really?




    So tell me, please, when my partner and I have children, why do you think the Lord needs to help them?



    I don’t believe in God, or the Lord. However, if I’m wrong about that, then the good Lord will forgive me, I hope. :)




    Help them with what? I have a job, it pays well. My partner has a better job that pays more. We have a residence, food, access to healthcare and education for our kids -- what more do we need?



    A password to your computer, and perhaps a good encryption program to start. Self-encrypting hard drives are all the rage these days, and not too expensive either.




  2. Insult? I was asking an honest question? You are NOT gay? No freaking way dude?? Why do you have a pic of two dudes kissing, on your PC? Why would you want a known straight male to suck your wanker if not homosexually inclined? That’s just creepy bobo..



    If you’re not a queer fella, then you might have other things going on inside that bobo head of yours worth investigating. By the way, one more thing. Do you honestly think that posting continuous threads asking people to “caption this” is entertaining? I think YOU think you’re the life of the party, eh? Do people generally tell you this when meeting you because, I have no other idea how you might cum to that conclusion.



    Please note the play on words.. I know, it’s a gift. ;)





  3. Greggy

    Again, you miss the joke made at your own expense. You're too dumb to even make fun of without feeling like I'm kicking a puppy. You're a bigot and an idiot -- a common pairing -- but you're also boring. That's a lethal sin.


    You're failing at this

    Oh no.. Greggy calling me names again ma.

    At least you’ve corrected your sentence structure, and punctuation. Oh, what kind of pillows do you prefer to bite? Soft, fluffy one’s, or perhaps harder, more memory foam types? Just askin.. ;)


  4. Greggy

    YOUR awful at this. Really, truly, awful at this. You're an asshat of the worst kind, someone who thinks they're an intellectual when you couldn't hold Corky's jockstrap when it comes to using your noggin.

    There are degrees of asshatery? Perhaps limitless degrees.. J

    By the way as DC pointed out, I believe it is YOU’RE awful, not your awful.


  5. Me likes this..


    17-year-old student tops sitting W.Va. lawmaker


    CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A week before her high school graduation, Saira Blair was barely old enough to vote when she unseated a West Virginia lawmaker almost four times her age.

    After Tuesday's GOP primary, the 17-year-old is one election away from becoming the youngest state lawmaker in West Virginia history. Larry Swan, sworn in as a 20-year-old delegate in 1972, set the current record.

    Blair's birthday is in July, so she would just meet the 18-year-old minimum age for West Virginia House of Delegates members. Seventeen-year-olds who will turn 18 by the November election can vote in West Virginia's primary.

    Soft-spoken and on-message, Blair is a churchgoer who says she is pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun rights and pro-business. She can rattle off a laundry list of businesses taxes she wants abolished or lowered


    Linky: http://news.yahoo.com/17-old-student-tops-sitting-w-va-lawmaker-215416397.html



    We need more fresh faces.



  6. OC -



    Hear you on the Reid comment.. :)







    By the way I already like you based solely on your thrashing of our mutual best bud Jauronimo that stupid gay thread upstairs. Oh, and I assure you that this isn’t my first rodeo on internet political message boards. This one is a little unique though. Seems they allow a lot more than what I’m used too. Not sure I’m going to be able to contain myself.



    Thanks for the welcome!




  7. They might not admit it, but a new app designed to give constituents easier access to their elected officials might just give your congressional member nightmares. Countable is a new social media app that gives voters a simple, concise and fast way to interact with their representatives. Countable “seeks to give citizens a greater voice in national politics,” Wired reported. “The company’s online service, which launches to the public today, gives you a simple and concise overview of the bills your national representatives are debating, and it lets you instantly send emails to these representatives, telling them how you would...




    Hehehe. I like it!



  8. Greggy –

    Are you having a stroke mid posting? Gosh, after all that flirting with me, wanting to follow me around from thread to thread and that's the best zinger you have?


    You're worthless. Less than worthless.

    I hear you work in Hollyweird? Take out your Webster’s and check for the definition of worthless. You there yet? What do you see? LOL That’s right, a picture of hills with some large white letters, what does it say, bobo? ;)

    Keep em coming sweetpea.. I got all day tiger.


  9. Well I read the TOS and it appears you’re attempting to bait me.. I’m not going to fall into that trap, so hopefully you’ll be moderated and not I. I prefer to keep things civil in all honesty, so have at er. Call me anything you like. I’ll just love you back, but you’re still going to be my bobo and that is going to be a riot. I have to go pick up my kids and have some things to attend to but oh boy I’ll be back to see what my little bobo will say next. LOL


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