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Everything posted by D521646

  1. Although I agree I want this to be over with already, the merits of the NFL's decision to uphold and indeed place a suspension on Brady is not what is being appealed, nor what Brewer based his decision on. In, fact, most media I read about this have no freaking clue as to what this is even about. The NFL is appealing Brewers basis for dismissal, and to that, they have a strong case both in procedure, AND precedent. In my opinion, the NFL will win this appeal. As far as briefs are concerned, not too many are required past the initial appeal brief; after that the Appeals court will ask for oral arguments, ask questions, and then decide. All of which can take place in a one or two day cycle. The decision however can take a while, but not 6 - 12 months as you are suggesting. that would actually be out of the norm, IMO. Either way, he deflated some balls.. I'm not that upset about that, but lawyers and the legal system get up in arms when judges start making phantom rulings based on their own agendas, and in essence that is what this case is really about. Tim-
  2. I liked this guy a lot too, in fact I remember a lot of us did. It what happens when you're deep at a few positions. Glad to see him making a career in the NFL. Tim-
  3. Yep that is exactly what rex is doing, Shhh.. tim-
  4. It's simple, Brady lest maybe Manning uses motion on almost every single play, and not just a single motion, he'll use multiple players in that hurry up offense of theirs. Rex didn't coach the defense IMO to adjust to this and try to confuse Brady, instead what I saw was confusion in the secondary, and outright tipping off the defense other times. Brady knew when he had mismatches with LB's (al la Bradam on Dobson), and where Safety help was coming from. Some of these All 22 writes ups I'm seeing the last two days are long on what happened in the play but short on details as to just how the play even became a play in Brady's mind pre snap. Tim-
  5. Oh it's officially let go, it's amazing what a couple of nights with deep introspection can accomplish.. But seriously as bad as our (Rex's) defensive game plan was, our Offense played well enough to win the game. We'll get better and TT can only mature. Good things are in store for the Bills this season and perhaps the next few. Tim-
  6. Yep, I know TT said it was Sammy's, but I think he's just being PC about it, not throwing SW under the bus. If SW lets that go, Robert Woods walks into the end zone untouched. Tim-
  7. I've looked at this every which way, and I am convinced that the pass to Sammy with 1:15 left in the game that was too high was actually meant for Robert Woods. Anyone else catch this? Tim-
  8. He didn't do anything without Farmers blessing I can assure you. Tim-
  9. I don't know if this has been mentioned already but one thing they really need to do is keep Darby on the side of the ball where our sidelines are so we can yell out "BALL" when it's thrown at him.. I half joking but there is some logic to it. Tim-
  10. I'm so sad for EJ right now, kid earned that #2 spot, and in my eyes it was THAT close to starting caliber play. Boy if I'm EJ I want out of here toot sweet! Tim-
  11. Our D last year didn't give up more than 20 pts until week 12 I think. I doubt we do worse this year under Rex.. Tim-
  12. No, and I never claimed too, like you did. I was just pointing out how, given the evidence of what we've seen, you couldn't possibly be correct. That's all, and you're welcome to your opinion, but lets not confuse opinion as fact.. Tim-
  13. True, that poster has no idea, and frankly, what we've seen in how TC and OTA's has been handled, it does not resemble a coach that already has his mind made yup, how incredibly foolish an observation?? Tim-
  14. I agree with this.. EJ and Taylor look the most hungry though. Cassel is acting like he owns the job, and sorry but he doesn't get my blood moving, he's just ho hum.. Tim-
  15. With a blue streak that follows it everywhere it goes. Tim-
  16. I think that if the Hawks pay him that kind of cush, they will suffer elsewhere, and that will expose Wilson, IMO. I've never seen a game where Wilson took the team on his back and won it, like Brady, Rodgers, Manning et al.. Even Flacco has done this, but I could be wrong if someone could point me to a specific game where Wilson, and clearly Wilson alone won the Hawks a game! Tim-
  17. Leafs Bills Tiger Cats Blue Jays No Basketball team, basketball sucks moose junk Canadian Women's soccer team I'm a sucker for crappy teams. Tim-
  18. So excited, we were driving East on 490 yesterday and as you know there's a point where you get an awesome view of the field at SJF, and we saw how pristine it looked, and my wife goes to me, what are you looking at, keep your eyes on the road, I said, yeah but babe, that's where the Bills will be having training camp, she said, keep your eyes on the road dumbass.. Couple more days! Tim-
  19. They're not, food is like music, what some consider great, others will not. The sound of your stereo may sound pitch perfect to you, but to others, it will not. To this day the best steak I ever had was at a place called Basell's on Victoria Ave, in Niagara Falls Canada. Thing cost $9 and I got fries and coleslaw (Canadian cole slaw not the creamy crap you get in the US) with it, and the gravy was amazing. Place is a hole-in-the-wall type place, but man they know how to select meat and how to cook it. Other people might say, ah, it's ok, nothing special, but for me, it was awesome. Tim-
  20. Well, you're entitled to your opinion, and frankly I don't lose sleep over the networks talking endlessly about the Boys, Patriots, Denver, or Seattle; paying lip-service to the Bills, and many other team, by the way, just seems all to do about nothing. What I care about is winning, and your comments about EJ, seems you're paying more attention to the medias opinion of him, and jumping on board, but the facts suggest an entirely different picture. Kid is ok in the 14 games he's played, average, or above average in many categories for similar rookies and second year players, and had probably one of the most talent defunct head coaches one could imagine his first two years! With good coaching, which I suspect he's now getting in Roman, I expect to see an major improvement, and if not, well there you have it. I don't care who wins the starting job, I just want the best guy to win, and perform. The media will follow once we start showing something, until then, expect to turn on the networks and hear all day about Brady, Manning, and Romo.. Tim-
  21. Meh, I live in Rochester and sorry but the Dinosaur BBQ is way over-rated, IMO. Best BBQ I ever had was in KC a few years back, and yes, it was falling off the bone which is exactly how I like it. other than that, Ribs cooked all day in your everyday crockpot can produce amazing results if the rub is correct. Tim-
  22. Well, he better damn well video everything, even in the bedroom because he will need to prove consent.. Tim-
  23. I think he's in Alex Smith range, moneywise.. Tim-
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