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Posts posted by D521646

  1. Can we stop with the "giving the Pats BB material" crap. As if the best coach like ever needs BB material to get his team prepared, especially 10 days worth of it. If Rex Ryan thinks that his game plan for the Cards is going to work against the Pats' I'd like to have what he's been smoking. No, what Rex needs to do is get with his coaches and say we want to dictate the game on both sides of the ball, so I want prepared in game adjustments ready to go, and I want us to practice that way all week. Bill Bellicheat isn't going to attack us deep with Brissett, nor is he with Garrapolo. He's going to pass just enough to run the ball down our throats with Blount. Hey Rex, listen up, Blount IS going to get the ball 25 to 30 times this game. Your coaches job is to make sure that you get up early so that you limit this game plan. Keep the defense rested and rotating, and the offense efficient and we should come away with a win.





    Don't see us winning Sunday eh... based on previous trends of your assumptions, the Bills are guaranteed to win right?!?! Who's coming to Vegas with me?!!!



    Dude you're misplaced. I'd suck a dick for this team to win and get into the post season, I just don't see how they can beat Arizona. Sure if we had bellicheck perhaps, but not this cluster!@#$..




  3. Great post, been thinking about this and feel Gilislee is a hidden gem. I don't even think it's too much of a stretch to think he could be a better fit than Shady for our style of offense. The guy hits the hole hard and runs north/south. Shady will take a 3-4 yard loss instead of taking the 2-3 yard gain, and our offense isn't built for 2nd/3rd and long. The negative runs are drive killers. Not sure how Shady's contract is structured, but I do know the money we are paying him could be better spent elsewhere.



    Shady is gone next year, and maybe even this year depending on how we shape out. Frankly, I'm totally ok with this, he isn't living up to the contract, and most teams in the NFL are RB by committee now anyway. I say if things don't improve dramatically Sunday, we try and move him now.



  4. Please tell me, EXACTLY, what percentage of the time Rex Ryan runs his father's 46 defense. Never mind, because the answer is little bordering on never.


    People see man coverage and automatically associate that with the 46 and say that's all we run without paying attention to the fronts, which is what REALLY identifies the scheme. Man coverage is used in all schemes at one time or another. It's worth mentioning we were beaten for big pass plays while incorporating zone concepts as well last Thursday.


    Or people see us bringing a safety into the box and again automatically assume the 46 without paying attention to what side he's lined up on or if there are two LBs bracketing the strong side.


    Perhaps people should get a better idea of what they are proclaiming is being run and saying is antiquated before doing so.


    I am not offering any strawman argument, just trying to bring some clarity to the issue. The OP clearly stated it was about the 46. Closer scrutiny reveals that our defense sucked for other reasons. That's all. No need to get defensive about that.



    In the interest of moving on from this sematic argument where in reality none of us really know for sure what Rex is doing at any given time. I will say that looking at the All-22 from the Ravens game, Rex lined his guys up in the traditional 46 about 8 times. One of those times, Wallace ran past Duke and scored the death-blow, TD. That said, WHATEVER Rex Ryan is running right now, it isn't working. My guess is that Rex is having a tremendous amount of trouble getting his guys to recognize landmarks (gaps in sole responsibility) and taking extra precaution in those roles. My guess is that Williams had Wallace, knew it, and knew he had no help, but situational awareness wasn't present that Wallace had the entire middle of the field once he passed the LB's. Williams should have known that he isn't anywhere near as fast as Wallace, and played off more to compensate for that shortcoming. Duke knew he had LB's to plug up the short to intermediate zone, and should have played deeper in case Wallace took off, knowing he was the lone man. I'm not blaming Rex on that one, necessarily, but Rex does have to know what he has on defense and what they are and are not capable of. Duke Williams has no business covering Mike Wallace man on man on deep routes with no help. None!



  5. Well, the OP certainly did and it was when I refuted his position that you chimed in with the old "Model T" analogy. That's not be making crap up so much as you now deciding to move the goalposts.


    Whatever defense he uses is indeed getting beaten over and over and over. That doesn't mean it's antiquated or is every defense that gets beaten over and over and over also antiquated?


    Stick to the comedy.



    You didn't refute anything. The 46 defense relies heavily on isolating corners man on man, plugging up the middle of the field with safeties, and bailing linebackers. The 46 defense was inspired by stopping the run and short quick read game. Generally speaking this defense is ideal for that kind of offense. Problem is that outside of maybe a few teams in the NFL using the pure West Coast offense, most teams have deep threats, and larger, much more athletic WR's, and TE's. It's antiquated in that, in the 70's and 80's receivers were much smaller, TE's were used to block, and most teams had running first on their minds. If you're playing a team like that, then the 46 is your boy, if not, then you need to adjust. Granted, Rex doesn't always run the 46, he DOES use variations of the 34, and 43, but his base, his STANDARD model if you will, is the 46. He teaches to his players, and then makes variations on this basic principle. Stack the box, (Or show it), force the offense to kill the run, and then bail the OLB, and FS/SS in short intermediate zones. No cover 2, and rarely if ever does Rex run a cover 3, in fact, I'd like you to show me on the All-22 a single example of a true cover 3 this year.


    So, no, you did not refute anything other than your strawman argument, and we all know how easy there are to beat. ;)



  6. 2 games



    Ok, but seriously, assuming our corners, Darby and Gilmore bounce back, how are we stopping RB Johnson and Fitzgerald in the slot? You think Robey-Colemen or any of our slow LB's, or Safeties can cover Larry Fitzgerald? I don't think so. We need a pass rush, but even if we had one, I still don't see how this D can win. Our only hope is that we score more than they do, and color me pessimistic that this is even achievable with that Card's secondary.. Our strength, (the deep ball) isn't going to be there this week. TT, needs to recognize coverages AT THE LOS, and audible. He hasn't done any of that so far. I'll be the first to come back and apologize if we somehow manage to win next week, but I'm not confident at all we can.




    1 very good game and 1 completely putrid game. Big test this week.



    Which was which? ;)



  7. Ok, upon some reflection, I was wrong about Rex Ryan. I thought his 46 defense would work here, I am on record saying so, and I was wrong. No one in the NFL is running this defense anymore as it's geared to stopping the run in a run heavy climate. The NFL isn't that way anymore. Looking at the running yards on average this year, teams are not relying on it, period. This antiquated 46 defense needs to go. I was also wrong about The Eagles and Carson Wentz. Kid looks legit, and Doug Pederson along with Jim Schwartz have that team clicking with the wide-9. Interesting and frustrating at the same time watching Bradham, and Brooks steal the show last night. I thought both of them had outstanding games.


    I'm done with Rex Ryan's bravado, and excuses. Time to put up or shut the !@#$ up, Rex. I was willing to give Rex the benefit of doubt as I thought he was nullified in NJ, but it is becoming clear that, although players seems to like playing for him, they don't actually "Play" for him, or can't. I'm not sure which is more true, but his defense sucks, and our team cannot for whatever reason execute. He says he learned from past mistakes, but judging by the first two games he doesn't seem to get the fact that his defense doesn't work any longer.


    I was also wrong about Taylor. I thought he would make a huge leap this year. I thought the game would slow down for him, and he'd be more aware in the pocket, and find his open guys. The All-22 says otherwise, he's still missing wide open targets, and cannot for the life of me adjust to pre-snap reads. My God, even Wentz last night was making changes at the LOS, and he's a god damn rookie. Now, I'm not totally giving up on TT, I think, or at least my intuition is that Roman had him on lock down, and he wasn't allowed to audible. We'll see this week, but if he continues to rely on the deep ball, and fails to throw the intermediate, and over the middle balls, Roman wasn't the problem, it's him.


    I am not looking forward to Sunday, I just don't see how we win that game, but I am hopeful, as I always am that this team will finally turn the corner. I just don't think it's going to be this year, and until Rex Ryan shows me otherwise, I don't see it with him as the head coach.


    Go Bills!


  8. Only good thing I can think of is the oline held up very well in pass blocking. Game was there for the taking but, clay trips over himself on one 3rd down route and the pass falls at his feet, manual fumbles on 3rd and one and Tyrod underthrows an open watkins for an INT. Bad teams make bad plays in big moments - this isn't a good team.



    Wrong, well sort of. The O Line was worked tonight. The Jets played contain, and it was obvious that was the plan, same as last week. It'll be this way until we can beat it.


    Tyrod played better, sure, but he still looks scared to me. Sammy's reaction to that underthrow was all I needed. Tyrod is off for some reason.


    All in all, we're on to the Cards.. ;)



  9. (Jets fan here so feel free to ignore me) Q is a pretty talented player but he seems way too laid back. Rex had a hard time getting him motivated and Bowles couldn't get him to perform in a contract year. His production does not match his talent and that will frustrate you to no end. Good depth pickup if you need it.



    That was the knock on him coming out of college as well if memory serves.. Super talented and athletic but lacks motivation at times.



  10. Meh free country, he can do whatever he pleases, and people that object will protest him much the same way. What I find troubling, is that he, along with a great many others, are buying into this whole "government" oppresses the blacks routine. It's complete BS spurred on by a largely salivating MSM, all too eager to highlight any and all instances of racial tensions. Government isn't oppressing anyone approaching anywhere near the degree he espouses. Sure, it is true that under democrat governments such as Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta etc.. blacks have done especially poorly and continue to, but government as a whole is not systematically oppressing anyone. In those cases, it's just poor policies, and an all too willing culture that seems to be inclined to allow it to continue.


    I doubt very much that ole Kap has given much deeper thought than your average drive-by social media junkie..


    Just like corporations that take political stands, they will and are facing backlashes, and this too will, as demonstrated in this thread, lead to a mixed bag, and some who feel strongly enough to take their stands..


    That's what makes this country great!



  11. I think the Ravens are suffering in the secondary, and that is our strength. It might not be easy to run on them but we can run "enough" to balance the attack, I think we win this one but it'll be close.


    Jets on the other hand are one year better under Bowls system, and will be much better prepared for TT and Co. Another close one, coaching and clock management will determine the outcome.


    The Cards are better, and healthier on paper, I see us dropping this one at home, but we'll be competitive.


    The Pats will have 3 games with Jimmy G, and he should improve with each game. I think we can run on them all day long and I expect this to be the game plan. Their D-line and LB core is depleted. Another balanced approach and we come away with a comfortable win on the road.


    3 - 1 for the first quarter.


    truthfully though, let's just win week one.. :)



  12. I know Corey White is getting some deserved love today, but I thought our best CB last night was Butler. He basically shut down his side of the field, and I know when they look at the tape they'll see why Cousins and Co didn't go his way too often. Other standouts, Worthy, Washington, and Alexander. Beirman was ok, but you can see why Atlanta released him, he's lost a step or two. I also want to shout out for Colt Anderson, who I thought outplayed Duke by far. Duke is a good backup, but he suffers from inconsistency at times. I think he might be cut in two weeks. Meeks looked ok as well..


    Thoughts on who you thought stood out?



  13. I like the list, mostly and agree. Wilder Jr. was simply awful. There was one run where he completely missed the hole and ran into the wall, and what got me was that the hole was right in front of him in the direction he was already running.. LOL


    As for EJ, I said it last year during camp and I'll say it again. EJ Manuel will be a starting QB in this league next year.



  14. I get it, I'm just saying that if they offer him at the end of this year 100 million for 5 years, it might not be enough, but if they offer it to him now, it's a deal for us.. Yes risky, but Tyrod showed he can progress, and every analyst out there seems to think he has more room to grow and very capable of doing it, barring some injury. If it's injuries they're worried about, then cut him now, as this will always be a concern if he's your starting QB, period.



  15. Wow, listening to all the talk radio right now, the feelings are mixed, and the announcers are short on facts.. This decision had nothing, well almost nothing to do with the facts that led to the suspension. It had everything to do with the procedure of determining gathering of said facts, and the power to rule on a punishment. I said this wayyyy way back, and I'm glad I was vindicated. Like it or not, the NFLPA gave all this power to a single individual named Roger God.. :)



  16. Just insane, insane I tell you. I watched hours of tape on both these guys, and IMO, none of them are modern-day 1st round picks. They are who you got back in the old days when QB's like Rogers and Brady sat to learn the job.. These guys will not start, but of course they will.. LOL



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