Correct, lol.
While his Dad has sung many National Anthems, including opening day for Wyoming this year, Josh stated on an interview with Kyle Brandt a couple of weeks ago that he doesn't have a musical bone in his body.
Would certainly be sad if he has a short career for this - Dolphins screwed up twice.
At some point Tua's thoughts will need to start to shift towards his post-NFL life.
Wish him well!
Often out of position.
Made some good plays but doesn't have anywhere near the instincts our great starting safeties had which puts him behind on diagnosing the play and recognizing where he should be.
I'm not all concerned with the loss.
My wife actually commended me on handling it so well.
Miami barely beat us (and we really beat ourselves) with 50% of starters and even had backup's backups needing to play significant time.
We are still the top dog.
Just need to get healthy.
No joke, as the resident Aggies fan - I do not like this movie.
Jalen has what it takes, no doubt.
It's really hard to break into this offense with how in sync the unit is and the pre-established relationships that were there going into this season.
Wydermyer was largely considered the best TE in the draft in November and a fringe 1st round pick.