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Everything posted by HuSeYiN1978

  1. Yea, I'm sticking to my guns on this whole Florence thing. I don't like him at all. He gets beat and then tries to hold. When he gets a pass caught on him he looks around at the ref and says the receiver pushed off. I don't like him and I never said I wanted McKelvin AT ALL. I'm also done with McKelvin. Let's call him a bust and move on. Of course I would love to be proven wrong cuz I highly doubt Gailey and staff will get rid of either of them being that we're short in that position so, let's see what the future holds.
  2. Well it's definitely an opinionated subject but Idk how we're talking about Ralph when the subject is about confidence building from coaches and being passed down to players. I agree with most of you guys when you bring up the whole Ralph is cheap thing but check out Bob Bicknell's interview on BB.com and give me an opinion on HIM and tell me if you saw what I saw as far confidence goes.
  3. Ummm ok? Also started 5-2...
  4. I'm going to keep this simple. I freaking like this guy. He sold himself to me as soon as he said "I personally think the best guy you could've got for this job is me". It's that type of confidence we need to have coming from our coaching staff before we expect our players to have any.
  5. If the Panthers are going with a more aggressive logo based on their recent season should the Bills go from a charging buffalo to one that's eating grass?
  6. I just love how you talked just defense... Even though what I replied has a bit of sarcasm to it, I agree with almost everything you said... The only disagreement I have is Drayton Florence being on the team. The guy causes so many PI calls it's getting ridiculous. I say we pick up a CB in Free Agency or the draft and push him to get a starting role or at least backup Rogers... I like rogers and Williams as our CB combo... Get rid of Florence... Write another 3 paragraphs and fix the offense now...
  7. Well I was at the last monday night game against the.browns and from what I remember it was a full stadium and not 1 person sat down the whole game and I drove all the way from queens, n.y. so not that I'm disagreeing with you completely, if the Bills played a night game, Bill fans will watch. Don't worry...
  8. Advantage - Beerball
  9. Your words sound like they're coming out the wrong hole.
  10. Switch him... I got him at LE in Madden n I get a sack guaranteed every game... Madden never lies...
  11. WOW... I didn't understand one word you said... You lost me at ( i )
  12. Well everyone's schedule is different... Me? I love the night games cuz I have to go pick my daughter up from her mother's house around 6pm so after I pick her up and come home it would be perfect to sit down and have dinner watching the Bills play the night game...
  13. Lol... Yea sure... My shorties fuego... But I'm not about to talk about the women I could get and have had with a fat couch potato like u so, you're right bro I wouldn't know what 2 do wit that...
  14. I don't know much about how a "real" NFL organization organizes the budget spent on players but if the real world is anything like the franchise mode in Madden, then instead of reconstructing his current deal while he's still under contract, why don't we give him roster bonuses which comes straight from the owners pocket which wouldn't affect the cap at all? I'm already pretty damn sure someone will respond " Cuz Ralph is cheap " to this Beerball and Just Jack warned me also lol... So I know how you REALLY wanted to answer that dude haha...
  15. Wow. Great research. That makes a bit more sense as to why the Bills don't host a game but still doesn't explain why we don't have any prime-time games on the road...
  16. Whatever the case, she's still hot... She could definitely get it... 2 times... In the morning... Even on Tuesdays...
  17. You guys say it shouldn't be a rule to have every team have a prime time game every year yet the lions as much as they've sucked plays EVERY thanksgiving. Is there a contract for that? Huh? Or is it cuz it became a "custom" to have them play? Get outta here with that stuff man. First off Idk about the Broncos game being televised and even if it was I don't consider a 1 o'clock game being considered "prime time" while there's 5 other games being played at the same time...
  18. You guys say that we don't have any sexy name players for lack of a better word, but don't u guys also think that the rest of the NFL world doesn't know our guys much BECAUSE we're not televised? Which also may be the reason WHY Stevie does what he does after scoring and David Nelson gives the ball to his girlfriend even though we were getting our butts kicked just to finally be on national television?
  19. The statement in bold is a contradiction. You're saying the Bills won't attract ratings but then you're saying Dallas and Buffalo would get ratings. Either way there's at least one game a year and one team that we face that can attract at least one prime time game. It's the NFL. Every game is watchable in the first couple of weeks in the season.
  20. OK I trust you. Don't fail me now ok? I put my trust in you.
  21. Damn... I'm definitely disappointed... Definitely thought we'd see eye to eye on this one but I guess you guys don't get it... If I was asking for 2 or 3 prime time games I understand. I showed you guys that all NFL teams can easily all have 2 televised games each a year. All I'm asking for is 1. Then if they feel we don't deserve a 2nd one then give our other game to the Green Bays of the world pr a Saint or a Patriot and so on and that way THEY'LL have not 2 but 3 prime time games. So in that sense if I'm asking for too much? Then either I'm a hopeless fan and have a 2nd grader's math level, or just plain old retarded. By asking for 1 game a year I guess I'm a fool.
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