I think we have great BACK UPS. We have no starting talent to show these guys and to lead these guys. That all we have is second string players. WE NEED STARTERS!
The fairy tales are nice where the rag tag team comes in and wins one for the gipper. But lets get real. we have plenty of #2s and #3s for depth. We need some starters now, and I mean NOW. they need to get their ass off the chair i want a front office who is working on free agency at 11:59 and making calls at 12:00 on the dot to get guys to buffalo. I think we are owed that as fans. who constantly fund sub-par performance.
If i hear it again this year for the 3rd straight year that nix was "sleeping and that the free agents will be there in the morning" the day of free agency I think i will take a dump on his doorstep.
Get up and off your ass and get to work.