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Everything posted by taglientep

  1. I think he has done an amazing job. He is getting all the right pieces in place and has no reservations about doing it. last guy to do that was Pollian. He was kinda successful with us... right?
  2. Cyrus Kouandjio, Cyril Richardson and Seantrel Henderson “Just look at those names, that is like a 1000 pounds of meat. . thats awesome
  3. I ve only noticed it when he is happy and excited i get the same way.. I feel like he is so pumped some time he wants to either say everything on his mind or basically say we are going to kick ass this year and F the rest of them, the rest of the time i feel he speaks very eloquently. again only when he is jacked up
  4. because It has the room to put a stadium with plenty of parking. has its own small airport that can ;and a big plane. I think it should go downtown near the hockey arena
  5. Such a great idea. i will do whatever i can...
  6. Man can we remember what the draft was like before social media? lol
  7. Keep our defense improving make the line sound and let the "play makers" do what they do
  8. Just drives me nuts. If it was Kraft of the Rooneys saying NO, it would be all over the air about how great and smart they are. Ralph was one of the greatest owners of all time in all sports. You cannot judge the man for the fact that not all of his teams weren't successful. He is not the one out there playing, he gave power to the people he trusted to get the job done. He put out a product that his fans wanted to see and kept that product where he wanted it, where his fan base was.
  9. He mentions Wilson as out of touch, this guy has no freaking idea. As one of two people who were against signing the CBA that ultimately backfired and put the NFL in a lockout. Even at his "old out of touch age" knew what was and is good for the league. Id love to sit down with this guy, F&%KING Jerk
  10. I hope the bills can give him something to look down upon this year and be proud of.
  11. RIP to a great man who single hand-idly helped build the NFL
  12. If Gronk was the #5 or #6 overall pick in the draft would that be too high? Or Jimmy Grahm? I dont ever want to think that the bills shouldnt pick the best player at a position or the guy they want "too high" if he is your guy go and get him before someone else does. The fron office just better be damm sure he is the second coming of Metzalars
  13. GOD DAMME* IT!!!! WE NEED TO START THINKING WE WILL MAKE THE PLAYOFFS. why cant this team win out? forget the records forget the stats forget it all. why cant a ypung hungry talented team make a run. I am a classic example of go get em next year, but this is next year this team, and its fans should have playoffs on their mind. If the CHIEFS can be 9-0 right now why the HELL cant this team win out the rest of the season????? We have talent, who can argue that? We have leadership, who can argue that? We have a gutsy coach that fires up this team along with play makers. New slogan for the rest of the year, just like ROCKY, "WIN, BUFFALO, WIN"
  14. Hey man good job. for everyone that hates it give the guy a break. Its not easy. HEY REMEMBER HES A BILLS FAN! isnt that whats important. lets rip to shreds the dolphins pats and jets fans, not our own. Great effort man its got a cool sound, its different and some people dont like different
  15. Dont know if you guys saw this, but really Warren. The guy argues numbers but then wont support them when its a bill.. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap2000000206054/No-love-for-safeties shouldnt he be sucking up to JB for when he signs for all this money so he can be pulled up from bankruptcy?
  16. Man you people have no idea what he is going through. give the guy a break. it was the woman he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. of course it affected his play, something like that takes control over your entire life. superstar or not hes a human being just like you and I that has a job, like you and I. Its not easy. the guy devotes how many hours to his job a week then comes home and devotes how many hours to his fiance? Its not an emotionless life decision. I understand he is probably still angry and its not about the money its about the principle.
  17. I hope we run the wild cat in the first quart against the jets and score on a deep throw from Brad smith to a WR
  18. Juron yes, Chan, not so much maybe we can get Sasha Cohen (borat) to play chan....or even better Will Ferro as Rickey Bobby
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