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Everything posted by taglientep

  1. Go RED WINGS!
  2. Summoning all my powers for the power ball numbers
  3. He's been the best part about Jets week for a long time.
  4. I did too! Wont let me post the pic for some reason
  5. The same guy that knows the system and can walk in the door and provide depth if needed. yeah that guy oh no he gave up a touchdown... so did the bills D, it happens
  6. Can we trade for Marlowe?
  7. Same. Hope they theb pan to Rogers face as his former team mate gets a score
  8. Thank you
  9. Yup. Other guys get paid too
  10. Gale Gilbert non contact jersey?
  11. He’s wondering how many balls Gino has thrown into a hospitality tent at training camp
  12. Got to admit Gino does look good
  13. Was all just examples due to the saints and Philly trade. Nothing happening
  14. I second, third and 4th this. spent the JP, Trent and others years and this place was the best. Great group of people, easy to get to. BLUE ON DRAFT!
  15. Just waited an hour+ to be next in libe then i get a website error... BWahahahhahaha Sucks to be me
  16. Yeah kinda stinks, Really liked Parham but, BBB is smarter than me
  17. Super excited for tonight/ this weekend. It always happens that I also have fun family events that happen to pop up. No worries they are all bills fans too so I wont miss anything.
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